And in the restaurant on the first floor of the hotel, when Mary heard this, she couldn't help but focus on Kogoro Mori's eyes, which were like stars, and he smiled really nicely.

For a moment, Mary was in a daze, and her cheeks flushed slightly.

But after all, Mary is very mature, and she calmed down quickly. She moved her shoulders, sideways Kogoro Moori's big hand, took off her sunglasses and said, "Detective Maori, how frivolously touching a girl's body when we first met?" Body, but very disrespectful behavior."

Mori Kogoro pretended to shake his head helplessly: "You really are an uncute little girl."

Hearing this, Mary frowned, little girl, how long has it been since someone called herself that.

Then Mori Kogoro ignored her, raised his hand to let the waiter come over, and he started ordering.

"One beef curry, another pork bone soup, little guy, what do you want, since you are my little fan, then I will treat you to this meal!"

Hearing this, Mary didn't refuse, and said to the waiter, "I want the same portion."

The waiter quickly backed away.

Looking at Mary's delicate face, Mori Kogoro asked again: "Little guy, I've known you for so long, what's your name?"

With a thought, Mary said, "You can call me 'sister outside the domain!'"

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro put on a smirk and said, "Your family gave you such a weird Japanese name. It's really funny. It's the first time I've heard someone call you such a name."

Seeing Kogoro Mori making fun of the name she had thought of so hard, the corners of Mary's mouth twitched: Damn, you're still a great detective, there's a code here.

But Mori Kogoro then said: "'Sister outside the domain' domain, territory, sister, sister, outside the domain, hehe, little guy, I want to tell your parents? You can't play too many spy games!"

Saying this, Mori Kogoro rubbed Mary's short pale blonde hair with his big hands. The hair was extremely fluffy and felt very good to the touch, similar to the feeling of rubbing Xiao Ai in normal times.

But Mary was stunned, her pupils constricted for a while, and she stared blankly at Kogoro Mori.

Hey enough!Why is he so powerful that he cracked it all at once.

Sera Masumi who heard this in the hotel suite stood up suddenly, her eyes brightened: Uncle Mori did not disappoint me.

But even though he cracked it, Detective Maori thought it was an irrelevant code, so that's not okay.

At this time, the waiter came to serve the food, and Mori Kogoro invited her to have lunch together.After lunch, Mori Kogoro said: "Little guy, although you don't want to tell me your name, but you are so beautiful, I still have to send you back to the room, and I can't let others abduct you. "

"You must know that there are many particularly bad clubs and companies nearby. If you are really kidnapped, you will go to make a movie."

"Really, where have your parents gone? How could they have the heart to leave you here."

Mary was speechless for a while, her parents had already gone to heaven.

But this time it's difficult, Mori Kogoro wants to take her back to the room, but she is from a black household and has never checked in.

Room 3009 above was opened by Sera Masumi, so there are no other rooms.

Mary then turned and said, "I'm not going back, they said they want to live in a world of two."

"Detective Maori, please accompany me to the hotel. I heard that there is a concert hall on the 10th floor, an amusement park on the 18th floor, and an indoor swimming pool on the 36th floor. I haven't been there yet!"

Mori Kogoro pretended to be entangled: "But..."

Just now, Kogoro Mori casually deciphered the code 'sister outside the domain', which has aroused Mary's curiosity.

She still wanted to get in touch with Mori Kogoro more, so naturally she didn't want to leave, so she acted like a baby: "Detective Mori, just promise me!"

Mary herself couldn't stand the coquettish words, her little face turned red again: It's been many years since she acted coquettishly, and she's really unskilled in business.

As for Sera Masumi, who was upstairs in the hotel suite, she was sweating on her forehead.

Such a mother is really terrible.

Kogoro Mori pretended to be embarrassed and sighed: "Oh, well, I still have some time in the afternoon, so I will accompany you for a while."

After finishing speaking, he got up directly, held Mary's soft little hand, and walked out of the restaurant.

Mary instinctively wanted to break free, but she realized in an instant that she was a fan of Kogoro Mori, so she could only let him lead her.

But within two steps, Mary couldn't help coughing. The coughing sound was so hoarse that it sounded uncomfortable.

Mori Kogoro frowned, and the detection function of the healing technique was activated, and Mary's state appeared in his mind.

Minor injury status: body abnormality (untreatable) old lung injury (treatable)

The body mutation that cannot be cured is rejuvenation like Huiyuan, which cannot be cured by healing techniques, but this cough is simple.

Mori Kogoro said, "Little guy, have you ever hurt your lungs?"

He immediately made a handprint with his right hand, the rejuvenation technique was cast, and the spirit of vegetation lingered on his fingertips.

He focused heavily on the Feishu acupoint on Mary's back, and the spirit of vegetation poured into it, which immediately relieved it a lot, and Mary stopped coughing.

Mary's eyes were full of surprise, and her emerald green eyes looked at Kogoro Mori.

It's a pity that she has dragged on this old injury for several years, and it is not so easy to heal, at least she has to use the rejuvenation technique several times.

If it is directly treated with healing techniques, it can be eradicated immediately, but this cannot be exposed casually.

Chapter 0055

Mary's emerald green eyes were full of surprise. This old wound has been around for four or five years.

She didn't know how many doctors she had seen, and the world's first-class doctors couldn't do anything about this injury.

A cough is almost fatal, especially at night.

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