At this moment, Officer Takagi came out from behind and whispered a report to Officer Megure.

Officer Mumu nodded, and then asked Hopu Jingwu: "Then, where were you between [-]:[-] and [-]?"

Huo Pu Jingwu looked reminiscent, and said: "Because the deadlines for the manuscripts of the three publishing houses collided today, I have been working hard all day to catch up with the manuscript, but at noon I was really a little irritable, so I just I ordered a large table of food, and invited these three editors to come in and enjoy the food."

The Mediterranean editor nodded: "Teacher Huopu also said that whoever eats the most will submit the manuscript to the publishing house first, so the three of us went in and didn't come out until half past one after eating."

Police officer Mu Mu continued to ask: "Then did you eat with me?"

Huopu Jingwu shook his head: "I was so annoyed at that time, I had no inspiration, so I went directly into the bathroom to take a bath, and I didn't come out of the bathroom until they were almost finished eating, and then I came out of the bathroom to be a judge and weigh them. Eat the most."

Hearing this, Officer Meguro frowned: In this way, these four people can prove their alibi to each other.

While police officer Megure was trying his best to solve the case, Shiliang Zhenchun sneaked into the bathroom.

And Xiaolan took the mobile phone to take pictures of Room 2910 and Room 3010 above.

The police officers stopped her, so she directly mentioned the name of Kogoro Mori, and she was no longer blocked.

While this group of people was trying to solve the case, in the corridor of the hotel, Kogoro Mouri, who was rubbing his stomach, was walking with a little loli.

Mary was far away from Mori Kogoro, and she was still muttering: "Pervert, you must have done it on purpose!"

Mary is not stupid, her IQ dropped a lot when she was distracted and infatuated.However, she was skeptical about Mori Kogoro's massage theory, and she was intimidated by the serious Mori Kogoro at that time.

But then Mori Kogoro started sucking directly, and Mary realized that he was taking advantage of her.

Fortunately, Sera Zhenchun's phone call came, and Mary was dragged back from the brink of being lost.

Afterwards, the violent loli kicked the careless Mouri Kogoro onto the wardrobe, and then broke free.

Then the two came out of the business suite and walked towards the murder scene.

Mori Kogoro rubbed his stomach and pretended to be pitiful, but he was still cheeky: "Mary, uncle is really treating you, saliva also has the effect of sterilization."

Believe me, you little beard, you are very bad!

Of course Mary wouldn't believe it, she immediately rolled her eyes, she was so charming, it was really against the sky.

This rejuvenated little loli is a combination of high coldness, sister Yu, loli, cuteness, mature woman, big breasts, and little Yangma. The charm is not inferior to that of Huiyuan.

It's no wonder that Mori Kogoro couldn't help it just now, and when he mentioned this, he complained about Sera Zhenchun's phone call again. If it wasn't for that same phone call, he might have hit the base directly, and the battle would have sealed the world.

Mori Kogoro shook his head, seeing that pretending to be pitiful was of no use to Mary, he stepped forward and grabbed Mary's soft hand.

Mary rolled her eyes again, but the strange thing was that she didn't want to break away.

Kogoro Mori, who was so inexhaustible, intertwined with Mary.

At this moment, his mobile phone rang, and it was Xiaolan's call.

Kogoro Mouri connected the phone: "Lan, what's wrong?"

"Father, those novelists and editors are arguing to leave. Shiliang asked me to ask if you know who the murderer is?"

Mori Kogoro laughed softly: "This case is very simple, Lan, you turn on the external ringer of your mobile phone so that everyone can hear it."

Hearing this, the little loli beside her looked at Kogoro Mori with a look of surprise: How could he know, this guy has been doing bad things just now, and he just glanced at his phone, how could he know the truth.

And Xiao Lan at the scene of the crime obediently obeyed: "Well, Officer Mu Mu, my father said he knows who the murderer is."

Hearing this, Shiliang Zhenchun's eyes lit up, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

And Police Officer Mumu had a happy expression on his face: "That's great, brother Maori, hurry up and talk!"

Huopu Jingwu frowned and said, "Officer, don't waste my time. Who is this little girl's father? You should catch the murderer who faxed threats."

Yuanzi on the side couldn't help shouting violently: "Xiaolan's father is the best detective in the world, Kogoro Mouri, you bald head, just listen to me honestly."

After finishing speaking, Yuanzi moved to the side of the phone and said in his most gentle voice: "Uncle, just reason!"

Mouri Kogoro's chuckle came from the other end of the phone: "Sonoko, thank you, let's start with the bald head!"

Chapter 0059 She has such big breasts, how could she be your sister

Huopu Jingwu didn't expect this incident to attract the attention of a famous detective. His face became extremely ugly, and he couldn't help but mess around: "Although you are a famous detective, what is this personal attack?"

Mori Kogoro's disdainful laughter came from the phone: "I just don't think it's too much to call that ungrateful murderer a bald head. I'm right, Mr. Hiura, you killed the Chiaki Mizuki who fell on the ground." Let's do it!"

Huo Pu Jingwu immediately quibbled: "How is it possible, you are talking nonsense, hang up the phone quickly, this guy didn't show up at the scene, what does he know?"

Hearing this, the three women all looked angry.

And Yuanzi yelled again: "You bald uncle, just listen to me honestly, and just obediently follow the police officer to jail later, and then shut up for me the whole time!"

The roar of the Hedong lion instantly intimidated the audience, and Kogoro Mouri on the other end of the phone couldn't help but take the earphones away, a drop of cold sweat dripped from his forehead.

After a while, Mori Kogoro continued: "Actually, the order of things is like this. Mr. Houra had planned to kill Chiaki Minazuki at noon, so he took the trouble to invite the three editors in for dinner. , wanting to use them as an alibi.”

"Otherwise, no matter how eccentric a person is, it would be too strange to hold a big stomach king game just when someone else is dying, and it is simply unreasonable."

Police officer Mu Mu asked: "But brother Maoli, he is in the bathroom of the room above, how did he kill someone?"

"It's simple, you only need to do it in the bathroom. Mr. Huopu only needs to tell his assistant to let her wear the clothes of the hotel staff, and let her come in disguised as a food delivery person, and then sneak into the bathroom and stay in it. Come out, can't you?"

"I think you used this excuse, 'the outside world is full of mistresses, if you let the editors see the assistant enter your room, maybe there will be some news', so Ms. Minazuki agreed to pretend."

"Because there were several food delivery people coming in and out at that time, it's normal for the editors who were feasting on food not to notice."

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