Ireland waved his hand, shrugged his shoulders and said exaggeratedly: "How is that possible? I just want to make a little suggestion. If I were to snipe instead, I would definitely be killed by one shot. Do you want to think about it?"

Qin Jiu said coldly: "No, the target distance is within two or three hundred yards, and there will be Taoster to snipe together."

"Now we are ready to go, we should reconcile with Toust and Westland."

After saying that, Gin was the first to walk out of the passage.

Chianti, who was carrying a sniper rifle, followed closely behind, and sneered twice: "I thought it was so powerful, like a dog whose father died, cut it!"

Ireland, who was left alone, looked extremely gloomy, and landed a fist heavily on the wall, making a fist mark.

"Bitch, Gin, I will definitely kill you!"

More than three hours have passed, the guntian family's villa has long since returned to calm, the war has long since subsided, and there is no sound from Nuoda's villa.

Yumei, who was resting on Kogoro Mori's arm, looked like a begonia sleeping in spring, with a tired look on her face.

This is Yu Mei who has already used the treatment once, and the fighting spirit has completely disappeared, and the white flag is raised.

Before Mori Kogoro used his triple success power, she became like this.

Saying this, Mori Kogoro picked up Yumi and walked towards the bathroom.

Seeing Yu Mei's posture, she fears that she can't do anything today.

Mori Kogoro could only help her bathe and change clothes, and then send her to the room to rest.

The bathtub in the bathroom was huge, and Mori Kogoro put a tub of hot water in it, and he slowly put Yumei in it, and the two of them had a couple bath.

Among them, the beauty is not enough for outsiders to understand.

Taking a bath relieved Yumei's tiredness, and Moori Kogoro carried her out of the bathroom.

In the corridor, Ikumi, who was wearing a yukata and was hugged by the princess, was coquettishly coquettish to Mori Kogoro, with an extremely coquettish voice.

"Xiao Wulang, you are necrotic. It was obviously not the day before yesterday, and you still lie to me."

Mori Kogoro said softly: "Life is like this to have surprises."

"It's obviously frightening, hum!"

Mori Kogoro kissed Yumi's cheek affectionately, and carried her into the bedroom.

He put the girl on the bed and covered her with a quilt.

As soon as she got on the bed, she felt tired and sleepy, and Yu Mei felt that her eyelids were getting heavier and heavier.

Coaxed by Mori Kogoro's gentle voice, the beauty slowly fell asleep with a smile on her lips, which seemed to be a sweet dream.

Mori Kogoro leaned over and kissed Yumi's forehead, and left the room softly.

He can't stay with Yu Mei, and he has not been relaxed these two days, after all, there are still a lot of things to deal with.

Chapter 0074 Lan and Ai's Love and Killing

On the streets of Tokyo, a girl who had just finished school took a little loli, and the two went home together.

The setting sun stretched the figures of the two extremely long, and this scene looked extremely beautiful.

It looks warm and harmonious, but if you listen closely, it will definitely surprise you.

"Xiao Ai, according to the latest foreign research, girls should not do H things too early, it will have a serious impact on their development!"

"Because the body is not fully developed, once you do something H, it will easily damage the uterus, and it will also cause hormone imbalance in the body, which will have adverse effects and even affect the development of the brain."

"Look at you, Dad said that you are a biological scientist, but now I have to help you answer some questions. This is the consequence of affecting the brain. If you continue like this, Xiao Ai, you will become more and more stupid."

"So Xiao Ai, you are still young, no, your body is still young."

"Do less about H's affairs, and be a healthy and pure little girl, just like the classmates in the class."

Hearing this, the little loli Huiyuan's eyelids twitched wildly, and she turned to speak: "Unfortunately, I don't need to develop at all, I just need to wait for me to fully develop the antidote and restore my original body. Just skip the developmental stage, so it's useless for you to tell me this."

"On the contrary, according to the biological knowledge I have learned, close relatives are absolutely not allowed."

"This will not only create a strong burden on family members and people I know, but if one accidentally becomes pregnant, the chance of giving birth to a child with deformities is as high as 85%, which will be miserable."

"So I suggest someone to be a pure girl, don't be a pervert controlled by the father, don't even think about creampie, just let me do it for you."

Hearing this, Xiao Lan's face darkened instantly, and her little hand immediately rubbed Hui Yuan's head violently: "Xiao Ai, you are so good!"

"But my sister's luck has been super good since childhood. Isn't there a chance that I will give birth to a super talented child? With my good luck, there is no need to worry at all. The future children will definitely be super talented." Speaking of this, Xiaolan's eyes are full of little stars.

"On the contrary, a shrinking monster who was suddenly small and big, I don't know if it will be because of taking too much medicine, and after the body recovers, it will not even be able to give birth to a child."

Little Lolita immediately broke away from Xiaolan's hand, straightened her hair and said back: "You don't have to worry about this, sister, the medicine materials I use are completely non-toxic and side effects, and I will definitely be a mature and healthy body when I recover. "

"However, with someone's violent factor, the child born may be a muscle monster!"

"Hmph, perverted loli!"

"Lustful daughter!"

"Big and small monsters!"

"Father controls big pervert!"

The two women scolded each other all the way and walked towards home.

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