He flipped his left hand upwards, a stream of water was created out of nothing, and then gradually condensed into ice sculptures.

Not long after, a lifelike ice rose appeared in his hand.

Then this ice rose gently fell into Mizuruna's hand.

Touching this real thing, it was icy and cold, and Mizuruna's eyes were full of surprise.

"So what if it is, so what if it's not, Liannai, you just need to know that you are my woman and that I am your man is enough."

After saying that, Mori Kogoro leaned over and kissed Murena's slobbering face.

"But in fact I'm not a god, I just know a little bit of witchcraft, and most of the content is to fool them."

"Remember when I told you to listen to a girl's voice? In fact, that is not the artificial intelligence you thought, but a shikigami I entrusted to help, Fuso."

"Fusang, come out and say hello to Reina!"

Mori Kogoro turned around, and Reina turned her little head afterward, and her little face showed a shocked expression again.

The girl shikigami in the back seat came out of nowhere, condensed into a human form from a cloud of mist, and sat pretty in the back seat, like a porcelain doll.

As soon as she appeared, she turned her head arrogantly: "Hmph, she's a pervert again, and she also has his breath on her body."

"Fantasy and big carrot, unexpectedly provoked so many girls."

Seeing this supernatural phenomenon, it took Lianna a long time to recover.

After all, she is an agent, well-informed and receptive.

Hearing that the voice was the same as the voice in her ear before, plus what Kogoro Mori said, Reina also believed it.

Mori Kogoro explained everything that happened this afternoon to Reina.

In the end, Lianna looked suddenly enlightened.

Hearing that her lover has mastered such a mysterious power, Lianna felt joy in her heart.

Like the dawn, hope emerges.

This was the first time she felt that eradicating the Karasuma Group was not impossible.

She couldn't help holding Kogoro Mori's cheek in her hands, and kissed it in one breath.

Fusang in the back seat immediately turned his head around, narrowing his crimson eyes, staring at the two viciously, trying to force them to separate with his gaze.

But the two people in the front seat kissed so forgetfully that they simply ignored Fusang's gaze.

The angry little Shikigami couldn't help pinching Fayin secretly.

Touch of spiritual power!In an instant, an invisible force pulled the two of them apart.

Fusang turned his head, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Xiao Shikigami's voice pretended to be old-fashioned: "The way of witches is broad and profound. If you don't practice hard, polish your spiritual power, and indulge in female sex all day long, how can you succeed in practicing and become a real witch?"

Mori Kogoro twitched his veins, and said frantically, "How many times have I said it, I'm a man, a wizard, a wizard!"

It made Mori Kogoro angry, and a smug smile appeared on the corner of Fusang's mouth.

However, Lianai believed Fusang's words, stopped him from opening his mouth and said: "Xiao Wulang, just listen to Fusang's words, and practice hard, I will not affect you in the future."

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro vomited blood even more.

Lianai's face returned to normal, and she said, "The organization asked me to continue pretending to be a female anchor, waiting for the next opportunity to assassinate Tumen Kanghui."

"Also, the boss asked everyone to look for the V you played, Kogoro, you have to be careful, don't reveal your identity!"

Seeing the worried look on Reina's face, Mori Kogoro smiled lightly: "Don't worry about me, even if my identity is known, no one can hurt me."

"However, the mission of your Tumen Kanghui is likely to be cancelled, because soon, his competitor Tokiwa Rongce will disappear."

Lianai suddenly looked surprised: "Xiao Wulang, you want to do it?"

Mori Kogoro nodded: "I have already found out that the professor at Teito University is also a member of your organization. He happened to be involved in another case. I will solve him."

"Tokipan Rongce is gone. There is no benefit in organizing the assassination of Tumen Kanghui. I believe this mission will be cancelled soon."

Lianai nodded, that's fine, she doesn't have to go against her own heart to assassinate others.

Then Mori Kogoro flipped out a butterfly-shaped jade pendant in his hand.

Fusang in the back seat couldn't help but stare at Fei Tong in surprise: Xiao Wulang has learned the method of refining witchcraft so quickly, it's incredible!

Mori Kogoro put the jade pendant on Shui Wurena with his own hands.

"This is the jade pendant I refined for you. When you are in danger, it will open a spiritual barrier, and I will know it immediately. You must wear it with you, and you are not allowed to take it off."

"Because you are pretending to be a public figure, I am worried that Gin will attack you, so you must be careful."

"Originally, I wanted to refine a natal puppet for you, but I haven't been able to find a suitable earth-binding spirit, so I have no choice."

"When you have a natal puppet, you don't have to worry about your own safety anymore."

Lianai was confused when she heard it, but she just nodded along in a daze, while the little Shikigami Fusang was full of shock.

Hearing what Mori Kogoro said, he has already mastered the skill of making natal puppets.

The natal puppet is an advanced spell for refining witchcraft, how could he learn it so quickly?

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