Following his fingering, streams of cool grass spirits were poured into the little Lolita's body. The feeling was very weird and wonderful, and the little Lolita couldn't bear it at all.

Mary's little face was as red as a rose, and she stared at Kogoro Mori with blue eyes, and couldn't help cursing softly: "Asshole, this is not treatment at all."

Mori Kogoro smirked, Mary had such a high affection for him.

He didn't pretend to be weak this time, but chuckled lightly: "Mary, this is just a special massage technique to help the internal energy circulate in your body. You need to carefully perceive the process of your body being healed."

Mary's breathing became very short, her tears were on the verge of falling, and she couldn't speak.

"You are shameless, shameless, quickly... let me go."

Mori Kogoro leaned his head over, and said softly, "No, the treatment has just begun, Mary, you must listen to the doctor."

After finishing speaking, Mori Kogoro kissed Mary's lips in one breath, displaying his supernatural kissing skills.

Mary's pupils couldn't help but stare round, and her body couldn't help trembling. It was as if fireworks were blooming in her heart, and it was extremely colorful and gorgeous.

In this way, Mori Kogoro healed the little loli in his arms while greedily grabbing all the sweetness he could get.

On the sofa in the living room outside, Yuanzi just turned off the TV and felt a little bored.

Xiaolan couldn't help frowning and said, "Why did Dad take so long to treat? It didn't take so long before?"

Sera Masumi thought it was her mother who was dragging Mori Kogoro to ask about the dark organization, so she opened her mouth and said: "It may be because my sister is old and injured, so I need to spend more time."

"This hotel also has an indoor swimming pool, why don't we go to the swimming pool to play for a while and pass the time."

Hearing this suggestion, Yuanzi nodded: "That's ok, just let uncle come to the swimming pool to find us later."

And Xiaolan frowned: "We didn't bring swimsuits, it's too troublesome, why don't we forget it?"

Sera Masumi then said, "It's okay, there are many swimsuits for sale in the swimming pool. Although Xiaolan's figure is rare, there are also matching swimsuits."

But Conan the little ghost didn't listen to what the three girls said at all, he just wanted to wait for Kogoro Mouri to come out and ask about the gin.

But Shiliang was afraid that he would disturb his mother if he broke into the inner bedroom later, so he dragged him along.

The four of them left the room and soon came to the indoor swimming pool on the thirty-sixth floor.

This swimming pool occupies a large area, about the size of six basketball courts, and the water depth is only [-] meters. There are many adults and children playing in it, and it is quite lively.

Yuanzi nodded slightly: "Although it's a bit smaller than the swimming pool in my villa, it's still passable."

And Shiliang took the two girls to the next booth selling swimsuits, and the three of them began to choose swimsuits.

Xiaolan immediately fell in love with a one-piece swimsuit, with white suspenders and sky blue color, very similar to the type of swimsuit that often appears in anime.

If you wear this swimsuit, Dad will like it very much!

Just as Xiaolan was asking the salesperson, a man greeted him from behind.

"Is it Miss Yuanzi? Long time no see."

Yuanzi turned around and saw a man with thick eyebrows and curly hair, he was quite puzzled: "Who are you?"

"I'm President Daji's secretary, Zuo Juan Laidou."

Yuanzi recognized him as soon as he heard the name: "Oh, we met a few times at the banquet."

Zuo Juan Lai Dou respectfully bowed: "Miss Yuanzi still knows me, what an honor."

At this time, on the reclining chair at the side, a woman with a bare back and heavy makeup said loudly: "Zuo Juan, can you come here?"

The president's secretary, Zuo Juan Laidou, immediately trotted over.

Shiliang Zhenchun couldn't help but asked, "Who is this woman?"

Yuanzi curled her lips: "She is President Daji's daughter, Daji Yongmei. I heard that she is the fiancée of the left-handed man. I remember this hotel is the property of President Daji." Xiaolan couldn't bear it either. Can't wait to ask: "President Daji, are you talking about the one from Daji Finance?"

Sonoko nodded: "That's right, but at best it's a subsidiary company of the Suzuki family."

Shiliang Zhenchun continued to ask: "Who is that woman next to me who keeps apologizing?"

Yuanzi introduced: "Well, Daji Yongmei's younger sister, Daji Binxiang, was born by a mistress, and she joined Daji's family after her mother died. She has a very low status in the family."

"As for the gray-haired old man next to him, he should be the manager of this hotel, Toyoshima Yence, and he is the confidant of President Daji."

Zuo Juan Lai Dou stretched out his hand and wiped the sunscreen vigorously.

Daji Yongmei, who was lying on the recliner, showed a helpful expression, and said arrogantly: "Lai Dou, you wiped well, you are much more comfortable than the clumsy manager and this guy who can scratch me with his nails." .”

Oji Hamaka next to him and manager Toyoshima Ensaku quickly apologized.

"I'm sorry, sister."

"Sorry, miss, I'm not good at doing these things."

Daji Yongmei had a sneer on her heavily made-up face: "But Lai Dou, it's normal for you to know how to apply sunscreen. I think you've helped my sister apply eight hundred times if not a thousand."

Zuo Juan Laidou's face changed drastically immediately: "What nonsense are you talking about, Yongmei."

Daji Yongmei sneered and said, "Actually, I've been aware of what's going on between the two of you for a long time. You two have sex together, and you're trying to take half of my family's property."

"how can that be?"

The manager at the side couldn't help but said: "Miss, I think you are worrying too much."

"Don't talk too much. Don't think I don't know. It's you, the old bastard, who quietly provided a hotel room for the two of them to have a tryst. I wrote it down."

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