Yue Yexue naturally agreed, she and Yoko had always had a good relationship, as close as sisters.

However, Yoko's drinking capacity is very poor, and she passed out after drinking a few cups. The national female idol began to cry to Yue Yexue.

"He doesn't like me at all. I've obviously shown my heart and taken the initiative, but I can't wait for his call."

"Obviously he is so smart, why did he start to pretend to be stupid at this time?"

(PS: Mori Kogoro is not pretending to be stupid, he is just very busy, busy dealing with a mother and daughter!)

"Sister Xue, tell me, why is it so hard to love someone?"

Yue Yexue couldn't help but said: "Yoko, are you talking about your confession at the concert? Maybe your sweetheart didn't see the concert at all?"

"Nonsense, he is so powerful, and he is also a detective. He pays attention to the news every day. How could he not have seen it? I think he just likes women with big breasts."

"What's so good about big breasts? My breasts are not small either. I've been drinking milk and eating papaya for a while now, and I've changed from a B cup to a C cup. How can he still ignore me like this!"

While talking, the drunken Yoko picked up the lily next to her, and tore off the petals: "He loves me!" up.

Yue Yexue figured out her sweetheart from her drunken words by constantly asking Yoko, and it turned out to be Kogoro Mori.

As soon as she knew that the person Yoko liked was Mori Kogoro, Yue Yexue was immediately entangled.

This man is also her beloved man, two sisters fall in love with the same man, what is this called!

Yue Yexue didn't know how to deal with it, so she spent most of the night with the drunken Yoko, and the two fell asleep at three or four in the morning.

It was noon today that Yue Yexue woke up, and Okino Yoko had already left.Later, when Yue Yexue was holding the phone, he saw the pop-up news on the phone, and someone broke the scandal between Okino Yoko and Higo Takasuke on the Internet.

The fact that the two went together to choose a watch was photographed, combined with Yoko's bold confession on the live broadcast of the concert last night, it instantly fermented into a super scandal.

Countless fans were heartbroken, venting their inner unwillingness and cursing their love affair in the online world.

On the other hand, Yue Yexue thought that Yoko was a broken pot, and after she failed in her confession, she randomly picked one of the many suitors and agreed to it.

In this way, Yue Yexue felt very guilty, after all, it was Yoko who first met Mori Kogoro.

Moreover, Yoko sold the house to support her when her father was seriously ill. How could she win her love as a sister?

How is this behavior different from Kaoru Kusano back then!

Yue Yexue, who had thought clearly and was willing to accept all the consequences, immediately called Kogoro Mori. She remembered that when Yoko was drunk, she said that she would come to this Italian restaurant in Kubado today, so she asked Kogoro Mori to come to this restaurant as well.

And when Yue Yexue came to this restaurant, he saw that Okino Yoko and Higo Ryusuke were indeed here. The two had been dining in this Italian restaurant for a while.

The two of them are still unaware of the scandal that broke out on the Internet, because Yoko's cell phone has been out of battery since last night.

On the other hand, Higo Takasuke is not used to looking at his mobile phone, and often leaves his mobile phone in some inexplicable places! 】

The door of this Italian restaurant was quietly pushed open, Mori Kogoro stepped in, glanced slightly, and saw Xiaoyuki, Yoko, and Higo in the restaurant.

Seeing Yoko and Bihu sitting at the same table, Mori Kogoro frowned slightly, but he didn't disturb them, and came to Yue Yexue's side.

Yue Yexue's call was so serious before, Kogoro Mori thought that something bad happened to Yoko, but looking at it now, it seems a bit exaggerated!

And the plot is kind of familiar.

Mori Kogoro quietly sat next to Xiaoxue. This girl has been abroad for more than two months since she came back from the Chanel show last time.

Now she is more and more beautiful through time travel, and she is completely leg-savvy.

The big hand patted his long legs, they were soft and tender, and Xiaoxue was shocked immediately.

Seeing that it was Kogoro Moori, Yue Yexue quickly reached out and pulled him to sit down, covered their heads with a newspaper, and said in a low voice: "Xiao Goro, look, Yoko is about to be snatched by that football player Ryusuke Higo gone."

Mori Kogoro raised his eyebrows speechlessly. Women are easy to misunderstand, and they especially like to exaggerate.

Does he remember the plot, Yoko and Bihu are alumni, and they bought a watch together as a gift for the teacher's birthday.

Now I'm here to get the manager of this restaurant, Mr. Asuka, who is also an alumnus, to help me sign. What's a date!

You said it so seriously on the phone, and you made yourself hurry over here, just for this matter? ?

Mori Kogoro frowned slightly, and he had already decided to punish Xiaoxue well.

Soon, Yue Yexue's little face turned red, and she couldn't help whispering: "Xiao Wulang, let go, there are many people here, they will be seen."

She looked down, and saw a big hand on her snow-white thigh making trouble.

Chapter 0121 Top Beauty

The big hand covered it, the snow-white skin was in excellent condition, extremely tender and smooth, as if it was so smooth that it couldn't be grasped, with a little force, the five fingers sank into it, and it felt great.

Yue Yexue couldn't help but patted Kogoro Moori on the back of his hand in embarrassment, Kogoro Moori let go of his hand and didn't make any more trouble.

It has to be said that Yue Yexue, who has supermodel long legs, is comparable to only Koizumi Hongzi among her women.

Both of these two women have top-notch supermodel legs and top-notch cannonballs.

Especially when the two legs were torn apart, the sense of accomplishment at that moment was unparalleled.

Mori Kogoro couldn't help but said: "Let you go first, and see how I teach you when it's over."

Hearing this, Yue Yexue's little ears turned red immediately.

She snorted coquettishly, glanced around, and was relieved to see that no one in the restaurant noticed her.

Then Yue Yexue looked at Yoko's table: "Xiao Wulang, do you know that Yoko also likes you very much? She hugged me last night, treated me as you, and poured out a lot of her thoughts!"

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