Coupled with the bonus of professional aura, a lawyer and a prosecutor are all powerful figures in the courtroom.

Seeing the two girls sitting upright on the sofa, and Yukiko standing beside her with puffy faces and staring eyes, Mori Kogoro suddenly felt like there were three trials.

Queen Eri and Reiko have strong auras, but the real queen Mira next to her can't figure out what's going on.

She looked sleepy and just woke up, wearing a white dress, she looked so pure and beautiful, she looked silly, white and sweet, holding Xiaolan's arm and whispering with her head down, just like a little girl.

The two women are squeezed on a single sofa, they look like twins.

And the little loli Huiyuan sat firmly on the Diaoyutai, looking like she was holding a wisdom pearl.

She flipped through the latest Prada report on another single sofa, glanced at Kogoro Mori from time to time with her big eyes, and there seemed to be a sense of self-satisfaction in her eyes like a master behind the scenes, turning clouds and rain with one hand.

[Tsk tsk tsk!Drive away tigers and wolves!Combine vertically and horizontally!So smart for me! 】

Just as the little loli Haibara fell into self-indulgence, imagining that Eri was crawling under her little feet, a figure appeared in front of her.

Eri said with a cold expression, "Kogoro, I have something to do..."

"Wait a minute, Xiao Ai and I have something to say first!"

Mori Kogoro laughed lightly, and directly reached out to hold Little Loli under her armpit, and hugged her up.

Little Lolita Haibara keenly sensed the danger.

She stayed with Mori Kogoro for too long, and Haibara could guess exactly what his expression meant.

The little Lolita struggled immediately, kicking her short legs wildly, and waving her little hands: "No, daba, I have to eat first, I'm hungry."

But this struggle was obviously useless, Mori Kogoro covered Haibara's mouth, carried her into his bedroom, and the door was closed heavily.

And Mira on the side couldn't help but said: "It seems that Mori-kun and Haibara have a very good relationship."

Xiaolan chuckled lightly: "Yes, I can't stand the two of them being tired all day long."

Chapter 0129

Looking at Mira who looks exactly like her daughter on the sofa, Eri's expression is also very complicated.

If she hadn't remembered that she had given birth to a child back then, she might have thought this girl was her twin daughter.

Eri's eyes turned to look at Yukiko, rather complaining that she made a fuss over a molehill.

Queen Mira's appearance is exactly the same as her daughter Xiaolan's, so there must be no problem!

But You Xizi felt very wronged, obviously all of this was said by that black-bellied little loli.

It's so serious, it's exotic, it's the queen of a country, it's noble, dignified and elegant, and has a graceful figure, all kinds of adjectives are used, which makes Yukiko think that there is a big enemy invading, so she quickly pulls Eri to defend of.

Unexpectedly, upon seeing this, it was a girl who looked exactly like Xiaolan, Yuxiko was also very disappointed.

But the little loli Haibara who was making waves behind the scenes is currently bearing Kogoro Mori's family law.

Little Loli lay on Mouri Kogoro's lap with a face of shame and indignation. She felt the big hands behind her keep falling, and her big blue eyes were foggy, but she still stared stubbornly at Mouri Kogoro.


The crisp beating sound continued to be heard.

Mori Kogoro said: "Xiao Ai is not good again, she even recruited reinforcements and made such a big battle."

Little Lolita remained stubborn: "Hmph, I didn't call them here."

"And it's you who are obviously wrong, big pervert. You let someone come here without consulting me. You look exactly like Xiaolan. I know what you're up to."

Mori Kogoro blushed, but recovered quickly.

He stretched out his hand to rub the little loli, and said in a coaxing voice, "Uncle is wrong, we should discuss it with Xiao Ai first, but Mira is also very pitiful."

"Although she is a queen, she doesn't even have a close person in the Kingdom of Visbania. Both her parents have died, and she has just undergone a coup d'état."

"She came to Japan with great difficulty to join me. She traveled across the ocean and was lonely. How could I have the heart to let her live in a strange hotel as a girl?"

"Xiao Ai is so kind, she must be considerate!"

Mori Kogoro gently rubbed the little loli in his arms with both hands, and Huiyuan's little face turned red.

But she didn't give in so easily, and continued to say, "Hmph, well, let's let Mira's matter go."

"However, I heard Sonoko say that in addition to letting Mira live here, you also plan to let Shiliang Zhenchun and her sister live here too."

"Sonoko said that Shiliang Zhenchun's younger sister is a little girl with a childlike face and big breasts. She is only three or four years older than me, and she has big breasts comparable to Xiaolan, eh???"

After saying this, little loli immediately shot a cold light in her eyes.

Mori Kogoro couldn't help but burst out laughing: It turned out that the little loli from home reacted so violently when she heard that another little loli with childlike face and big breasts was going to live in, and felt a sense of crisis, and was afraid of falling out of favor.

That's right, the flat little loli knows what Kogoro Mori is interested in.

Mori Kogoro let out a hearty laugh, scratched Hui Yuan's cheek with his index finger, hugged him, and then kissed his small mouth.

"mua! Xiao Ai, you are so cute, it turns out that you are eating vinegar from a little loli whom you haven't met yet."

"Don't worry, Xiao Ai, you are unique and irreplaceable in Uncle's heart. Because, Xiao Ai is the only one who gave herself to Uncle from the age of seven to seventeen. Our bond has already been established by fate. They are intertwined in the long river, and they will be inseparable for eternity."

"So Xiao Ai, you don't have to think about those inexplicable things at all."

The little loli blushed immediately after being told something off her mind, but after hearing such words, her heart instantly settled down.

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