Soon, starting with Reiko, a stirring and vigorous movement was played.

(More than [-] words are omitted here!)

And in Haibara's bedroom at Mori's house, Yukiko was lying on the bed in a white dress, with her slender legs crossed and shaking gently, playful and cute.

She held dried chips in her hand, and slowly gnawed on the snacks with her small mouth, not treating herself as an outsider at all.Little Lolita Gray Principle sat on a chair, pretending to be reading a biological journal.

"Hey, can you stop eating in my bed?"

"Why is Xiao Ai so stingy, it's not cute at all." You Xizi stuffed the dried potato fries into her mouth, then clapped her hands, put the snacks aside, and started asking.

"Ai-chan, what is the origin of that Mira? Is she really the queen? I remember Kogoro told me that he went abroad to the Vishaba kingdom before."

"Kingdom of Visbania."

"Yes, yes, that's the one. I remember Xiao Ai, you also followed."

Huiyuan closed the biological journal in his hand, and began to explain: "I followed. At that time, Xiaolan was taken away as Princess Mira, and my uncle and I went to rescue it with Mira. Xiaolan..."

"...That's probably how it happened. Later, Mira successfully succeeded to the throne and became the queen of the Kingdom of Visbania."

You Xizi couldn't help but wondered: "Since she is really a queen, shouldn't she just be a queen? Why are you coming to Japan now? Are you doing some private visits?"

Hui Principle chuckled: "No, she abandoned her country for love and came to Japan alone to join her lover."

Hearing this, You Xizi couldn't help but be surprised: "What, you mean that Mira also likes Kogoro? How is it possible? Doesn't she look exactly like Xiaolan? How could Kogoro accept it."

The little loli Huiyuan smiled and remained silent.

You Xizi instantly made up many pictures in her brain, and couldn't help frowning: "No way, if Kogoro really accepts Mira, then when he does it with Mira, it's the same as doing it with Xiaolan. His daughter looks exactly the same, which is too beastly."

"But that's right, Xiao Wulang is already good enough for livestock. Doesn't Qingzi look very similar to Xiaolan, and the big-colored embryo also attacked Qingzi."

"So if you put it this way, even if Mira's face is exactly the same as Xiaolan's, it doesn't seem to be an obstacle."

"Tsk tsk tsk, Kogoro is really good, even the queen has returned home."

Yukiko, who was talking to herself, didn't see the corners of the little loli's mouth twitching constantly on the chair.

Soon, the little loli Huiyuan rushed over directly, pressing on Yuxizi's body, and couldn't help asking: "Quickly, what does uncle have to do with Aoko Nakamori?"

Yukiko, who accidentally slipped the tongue, smiled awkwardly, and could only explain to Haibara.

On the other side, there was Kiko and Haibara's subject of discussion, Mira was taking a leisurely bath with Xiaolan at the moment.

The two women were sitting side by side, with their fair and beautiful legs sticking out of the water, hanging on the edge of the bathtub, complementing each other, really alluring.

Mira looked sideways at Xiaolan, and couldn't help but ask, "Xiaolan, what did you eat, why are your breasts bigger than last time?"

Xiao Lan stood up proudly, and chuckled lightly: "Hee hee, this is a secret, I won't tell you."

"Hey, Sister Mira, don't touch your hands randomly. I said I only ask you to help scrub your back. I can wash it myself."

Playing sounds kept ringing in the bathroom.

Mira also laughed lightly: "Xiaolan, don't be so stingy, we are so similar, I just compare it!"

"Ah!!! Mira, you are dead..."

Chapter 0135 Reiko and Eri

Xiaolan's pretty face was full of shame and indignation: "...You still pinch, it's too disgusting! You see how I will deal with you."

Mira smiled lightly and explained: "I'm just testing the texture, Xiaolan is very similar to me!"

"Ya, daba, Xiaolan, don't mess around!"

Immediately afterwards, Mira's exclamation continued to sound, her hands and feet kept flailing, and the bathtub immediately splashed, hot water was continuously splashed out, and the bathroom floor was wet.

This pair of twin girls is playing, the picture is very seductive.

Soon, Mira, who was desperately fleeing, was caught by Xiaolan. Her head was directly pressed into the water, and the raised corners of her hair disappeared in an instant, and they were all stuck to her head, wet.

Mira also choked on several saliva, and Mira who resurfaced was naturally overwhelmed with anger, and couldn't help but strike again.

This time Xiaolan was angered again, and the strange power was exerted.

Although the two girls looked exactly the same, Mira was not Xiaolan's opponent at all, and was quickly suppressed.

Then Xiaolan suppressed Mira's body with one hand, and imitated her father to use the Maori family's family law with the other hand.

The sound of blows kept ringing, and along with Mira's begging for mercy, the sound gradually spread far away.

And in the bedroom of little loli Huiyuan, Huiyuan wrinkled Xiaomeng's face, looking unhappy.

She had just heard about Aoko from Yukiko, and was sulking when she found out that Kogoro Mori had another woman.

And You Xizi still smiled very brightly, and she still had time to gnaw dried mangoes, shaking her calves, looking at ease, without any sense of guilt for betraying Kogoro.

Then You Xizi spoke up: "Ai-chan, you and Kogoro have been together for so long, and you are inseparable on weekdays. You must know a lot of things. Otherwise, let's exchange information today."

"You share the people you know, and I share the people I know. You say one, and I say one, so that we won't be fooled by that bad guy Kogoro."

"Yes...!" Little loli Huiyuan nodded, and she took the lead in saying: "Fuji Mine!"

Yuxiko couldn't help coughing at the first name.

"What, Kogoro, the international female snitch, also attacked? How is this possible?"

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