Hearing this, You Xizi looked over immediately, with a look of surprise on her face.

"Nonsense, how is it possible, she, she, she and Dr. A Li all went to primary school [-] years ago, and they should be [-] now, how can they be so young?"

"No, I have to ask her how to maintain it."

Mori Kogoro quickly put his arms around Yukiko's abdomen, and quickly said, "Youkiko, you are younger than her now, why are you asking?"

"Besides, there is nothing better than the skin care products I give you, so don't go."

"If you scare her away, you will have to wait another ten years. Maybe Dr. A Li won't be able to survive that time."

But women's obsession with beauty is extremely strong, and Yukiko was picked up by Mori Kogoro, and kept kicking her long legs, trying to go in the direction of Fushae.

Seeing the noisy Yukiko, Mori Kogoro immediately put him on his shoulders and headed towards the teaching building.

This girl is too disobedient, it seems that it is impossible not to teach her a lesson.

Fusa-e under the ginkgo tree outside is not simple. According to Mori Kogoro's eyesight, her skin condition is probably at the age of twenty-eight or nineteen.

This kind of situation can resist the long river of time without getting old.

Mori Kogoro has only seen it in Belmode.

That is to say, Fushae is by no means simple, so of course Yukiko cannot be easily approached.

Chapter 0144 Damn, the pill!

In the quiet Didan Primary School, a piece of music is played quietly, accompanied by the falling ginkgo leaves.

In class B of the first grade on the second floor, which is the class where Conan and Haibara are, Yukiko leaned over and put her hands on the window sill.

Her starry eyes looked at Fu Shahui on the street outside, with a hint of resentment in her eyes.

Really, Kogoro was too bad, he didn't even let me ask that woman about her maintenance tips.

There must be a secret to maintaining such a youthful posture at the age of fifty.

Yukiko couldn't help turning around and glaring at Mori Kogoro, but only saw a narrow and smirk on his face.

Kogoro Moori understood the meaning in Yukiko's eyes, and said softly, "Youkiko is still young, but she is very tender!"

Hearing this, You Xizi's face turned red immediately, and her earlobes turned red.

She couldn't help but spit softly, but the corners of her mouth curled up, and she forgave Kogoro Mori in her heart.

Just as Mori Kogoro launched a sweet-talking offensive against Yukiko, footsteps came from the corridor of the teaching building.

Kobayashi Chengko is introducing the whole school to the new deputy head teacher.

The new deputy head teacher was a middle-aged woman named Rumi Wakasa, wearing a green shirt, dark red lipstick, glasses, and long hair parted in the middle.

She looks very respectful to Kobayashi Chengko, who is much younger than her.

"Mr. Xiaolin, I'm really sorry for your trouble. I asked you to accompany me to school during your break."

Xiao Lin Chengzi chuckled: "It's nothing, you will be the deputy head teacher of our class in the future, and we will work together, these are what I should do."

Rumi Wakasa glanced at Sumiko Kobayashi, who was wearing a pink hip-wrapping dress. Her waist outlined a graceful curve, which was very delicate and charming.

She couldn't help but said: "Miss Xiaolin's clothes today are different from yesterday's class. I remember yesterday was sportswear, and now it's really sexy."

Hearing this, Xiao Lin Chengzi couldn't help but blush a little, and hastily stretched out her hand to pull down the hem of the skirt.

"It happened to be meeting my boyfriend in the afternoon, so I dressed like this."

"On weekdays, I face children at school, so I naturally have to pay attention to the influence, so I will dress more plainly."

"Wakasa-sensei is good to wear like this, but if you wear long sleeves in summer, won't it be too hot?"

Rumi Wakasa shook her head: "It's okay, I'm more afraid of the cold."

But at this moment, Rumi Wakasa's ears moved slightly, as if she heard something, her face changed slightly.

Mori Kogoro and Yukiko who were in the classroom were flustered and flustered.

Kobayashi Chengko pointed to the potted plants on the fence of the corridor and introduced: "This time, the children transplanted the plants themselves during the group camping last time. You can also water these flowers and plants when you are free."

"By the way, I haven't taken you to our classroom yet, and you will have classes there in the future."

"There is a fish tank in the classroom, and there are four goldfish in it. The children named the goldfish from Dalang to Shiro. They look very cute."

"However, changing the water and feeding the feed cannot be done to children. They are easy to kill the goldfish carelessly."

Saying this, Kobayashi Chengko pushed open the door of the first-year Class B classroom, and saw Mori Kogoro and Yukiko sitting on a stool dressed as a female high school student inside.

Chengzi couldn't help being surprised, his small mouth became O-shaped, and he couldn't help asking: "Xiao Wulang, why are you here? Who is this?"

Seeing the flushed, flowery, young and beautiful Yukiko, Chengzi immediately thought she was really a high school girl, and couldn't help frowning slightly.

When did Kogoro hook up with a high school girl?Rumi Wakasa at the side seemed to recognize Kogoro Mori, and a flash of light flashed in his eyes.

Mori Kogoro opened his mouth and explained: "Chengzi, I came to Didan Elementary School because of an entrustment."

"Look, the woman below is my surveillance object."

Chengzi followed to the window and was relieved when he saw the woman under the ginkgo tree.

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