After saying that, Mori Kogoro turned around and went downstairs, while Yukiko sat by the window, peeking at Fushae.

Wakasa Rumi immediately reached out her hand and walked Xiao Lincheng out of the classroom, and said in a low voice: "Mr. Xiao Lin, I don't know if I should say something."

Chengzi couldn't help being a little puzzled: "What are you talking about, Mr. Wakasa, don't be a fool."

Rumi Wakasa frowned slightly, this involved other people's emotional life, it was already a shallow conversation.

But Rumi Wakasa had a very good impression of Chengzi Kobayashi, and couldn't bear to be deceived by the innocent, she thought about it again and again, and decided to speak up.

"Mr. Xiaolin, uh, Detective Maori is probably on two boats. I have very good ears. I just heard some sounds in the corridor. The two of them were just... beep beep beep!"

Chengzi's beautiful eyes immediately widened, and she looked at the youthful and beautiful Youxizi in disbelief, her gaze was extremely complicated.

Soon, Chengzi stepped into the classroom, closed the door, and walked towards Yuxizi.

Rumi Wakasa, who was looking at the small window outside the classroom door, was ready.

Once the two of them are fighting or fighting, she will definitely go in and help Teacher Xiaolin.But Rumi Wakasa was stunned by the next scene, her three views were shattered and she couldn't understand it at all.

The two of them laughed as they talked.

How is this going?

Are they not rivals?

Shouldn't it be a quarrel, and then the hair will be turned upside down?

Why are you still joking?This is completely unreasonable!

Rumi Wakasa couldn't help but blinked her left eye, took off her glasses, wiped them, and put them on again.

Seeing the situation was exactly the same as before, she had a hellish expression again.

In fact, there is a reason for this, who made Kobayashi Chengko look at the young and beautiful Yukiko, and still mistake her for a female high school student.

The first thing Chengzi said when he came forward to say hello was: "Little sister, which school do you go to?"

When You Xizi, who was actually older than Chengzi by one round, heard this, she felt extremely refreshed, and naturally had a very good impression of Xiaolin Chengzi.

But Chengzi felt that when she kissed Kogoro just now, Yuxiko didn't destroy her, and she didn't do anything, so Chengzi also had a crush on Yuxiko.

In addition, both women have the gentleness and submissiveness of Japanese women in their bones, and they also have a deep understanding of Mori Kogoro's habits, and they have always been very tolerant of him.

Especially Yukiko, she can be called doting on Kogoro.

When these two gentle-tempered women get together, naturally there will be no conflict.

Later, when Youxizi told Chengzi her real age of 37 years old, seeing Chengzi's stunned expression, she couldn't help laughing.

Then Chengzi discussed the secret of maintenance with Yuxizi.

Then Yukiko put down her ball head.

Only then did Chengzi recognize her as the big star Fujimine Yukiko, and she instantly turned into a fan girl, and the picture was very harmonious.

Mori Kogoro, who had just dug out the iron fence of Teidan Elementary School, couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when he saw the situation developing like this.

He was a little displeased with Rumi Wakasa who provoked him, but fortunately, the two women acted as Kogoro Mori expected, so they lived in peace.

Sensing the ginkgo leaves under his feet, Mori Kogoro straightened his clothes and walked in the direction of Fusha.

The closer he got, the more Kogoro Mori was sure that this woman was very young.

If a woman is old, the back of her hands and neck cannot be concealed at all, especially for Caucasians, the aging is even more obvious.

Fushahui is of mixed race, but with blonde hair and white skin, more foreign blood is revealed.

But the backs of her hands are extremely smooth, and there are no wrinkles on her neck, just like a swan.

For such a woman, if it is said that she is over half a hundred years old, it would be extremely absurd.

In that case, I'm afraid she also used the potion that Belmode took.

From this point alone, Mori Kogoro is almost certain that she is a member of the organization.

Chapter 0146 foreign women are open

A silver-yellow ginkgo leaf floated by, and Fushahui's eyes followed the ginkgo leaf, and finally landed on a pair of black leather shoes.

Lifting his eyes slightly, he saw a handsome man standing in front of him, tall and straight like a pine.

Unfortunately, it was not the person she was waiting for, and a look of disappointment flashed in Fushahui's eyes.

Looking at the quiet and soft temperament in front of him, with a hint of vicissitudes in his eyes, and an intellectual woman who seems to be full of stories, Mori Kogoro chuckled softly.

"Miss, I see you have been standing under this tree for a long time, are you waiting for someone?"

"Well, I'm waiting for a friend. I made an appointment with him before, and I don't know if he will show up!"

Perhaps Mori Kogoro's image is also very good, and Fushae who was accosted was not too defensive.

She put her hands on the tree trunk behind her waist, crossed her legs, and picked up her little leather boots, which looked a bit girlish.

Immediately afterwards, Fushahui seemed to recognize Kogoro Mori, her face couldn't help changing, and then she said, "You look familiar, aren't you the Kogoro Mori who often appears on TV?"

Seeing Kogoro Mori nodding his head, Fushae immediately stood up straight.

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