"Hmph, I'm going to use lubricating oil later, and then beep...beep...beep...oh, you can't escape."

Hearing this, Yumi was so ashamed that even her earlobes turned red.She couldn't bear to talk about these things with Kogoro Mori in front of her ex-boyfriend in public.

But she nodded obediently, and promised to give Kogoro a compensation program later.

Haneda Hideyoshi's eyes almost burst into flames, but he still didn't dare to act rashly.

In the two confrontations with Mori Kogoro just now, he lost miserably. As a chess player, he likes to plan and move, and wants to find a way to win with one blow.

The investigation is still going on, when the doorbell rang from the direction of the gate.

Everyone turned to the entrance and opened the door.

A young man came in. He was wearing gray clothes, dyed non-mainstream yellow hair, and a hat. He was the son of the Yasushi Itami family.

"Hey, why are there so many guests at home, even the police are here?"

Itami Yongxin stepped forward: "The Jing family, why did you come back suddenly?"

The young man with yellow hair picked up the car catalog: "Dad, didn't I tell you all about it on the phone, I'm going home to show you the car models."

Itami Naganobu immediately yelled: "Didn't everyone tell you that it's impossible? You don't even have a job now, and you still want us to buy a car."

"I think you have to find a job first. What's the future with your hair dyed like a pudding?"

Itan Yasuke's complexion changed slightly, and he started to talk back: "Dad, what are you talking about, didn't you support my driver's license test before? Did something happen at home?"

Chiba next to him stood up and recounted the case.

After hearing this, Itami Yasuke couldn't believe it, and tears welled up in his eyes.

"What, you said my mother hanged herself, that's impossible!"

After saying this, he rushed into the bedroom, saw his mother Chiyoko's body, broke down and cried bitterly.

When Yasushi Itami's mood calmed down a little, Chiba began to ask.

"Just before twelve o'clock, the security guard on the first floor said that you have been back, can you tell me more about it?"

The yellow-haired man said, "Today I wanted to show my mother the car model."

"I arrived after eleven o'clock, but when I rang the doorbell, no one at home answered."

"I just thought everyone was out, walking in a nearby park, killing time, and coming back now."

"If I had known that my mother would hang herself, I would definitely have been waiting at the door, woo woo woo, mom!"

While everyone was comforting the yellow-haired Yasushi Itami, Mori Kogoro quietly led the little maid Yonehara Sakura into the side room.

He wanted to ask the little maid something.

Yonehara Sakurako saw that she was alone in the room with Mori Kogoro, she was a little nervous immediately, she didn't know where to put her two little hands, she was holding on to the worn-out apron and dared not let go.

Looking at this cute little maid, Mori Kogoro chuckled: "Sakura, don't be nervous, I don't eat people, but I just want to ask you some questions."

Sakurako nodded, raised her head, her big eyes met her, seeing Mouri Kogoro's eyes that seemed to be emitting electricity, her cheeks flushed again.

Chapter 0154 Baby sounds of young teeth

Seeing the shy look of the little maid, Mori Kogoro smiled lightly, but didn't tease her, and went straight to the point.

"Miss Yingzi, you just said that when you opened the door, you heard the sound of the bedroom door closing."

"There are so many doors here, and the bedroom can't be seen from the door at all. How can you be sure that it's the sound of the bedroom door closing?"

Yingzi recalled with her small face on her face: "Arnold, because when I came in, I saw that all the other doors were open, and only the bedroom door was closed, so I thought it was the sound from the bedroom door where my wife was."

Listening to Sakurako's voice at close range, Mori Kogoro discovered that Sakurako's voice is very young, like a little girl, a bit like a baby's voice.

This sound sounds particularly comfortable and can arouse people's desire to conquer.

He couldn't help leaning forward, and immediately pressed his big hand on the wall next to Yingzi, and unconsciously slapped her.

The little maid was startled, her back pressed against the wall, and her heart beat faster.

Smelling the masculine breath, Yingzi felt a little charming.

But soon she remembered the scene of Mori Kogoro and Miyamoto Yumi throwing dog food, and immediately calmed down.

"Was the window in the bedroom open when the body was found?"

Yingzi looked surprised: "Hey, how did you know, Detective Maori?"

"Because the open window was facing the dead lady's body, Mr. Itami said that it was too pitiful for the cold wind to blow on the lady, so he asked me to close the window."

Mori Kogoro nodded: "So that's the case, Sakurako, thank you for cooperating with the investigation."

"In return, don't you want my autograph?"

Saying this, Mori Kogoro picked up the notebook and pen on the table next to him, wrote his name in a fluttering motion, and handed the notebook to Sakurako.

"Although I hope you can keep my signature, if you want to sell it and exchange it for rent, I don't have any objections."

Hearing this, Ying Zi suddenly felt embarrassed.

And Mori Kogoro couldn't help but touch Sakurako's tied bun head, this action instantly made Sakura's body freeze.

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