When Xiaolan saw Mori Kogoro, a bright smile immediately appeared on her face, and she said, "Dad, I want to go to the hot spring too."

Xiaolan walked over slowly, Mouri Kogoro's pupils kept shrinking, his hands under the water quickly changed positions, covered his two little ears, and then said: "Stop, Xiaolan."

Upon hearing this, Xiaolan immediately stood still, and looked at Kogoro Mori with a puzzled expression.

Kogoro Mouri quickly said, "Little face, we can't soak in the hot spring together."

"Why? Dad, I still want to give you a bath. Today is New Year's Day, but I want to get rid of the bad luck on my body. Let me help you. Treat it as a New Year's gift!"

A look of panic appeared on Maoli Kogoro's face: "No, Xiaolan, you can't soak here, the hot spring water in this pool is not clean."

"Be obedient, go out and put on your bathrobe now, and go to the front desk lady to ask for another pool!"

When Xiaolan heard what Mori Kogoro said, a hint of disappointment flashed across her face, but she turned around and walked outside.

Mori Kogoro heaved a sigh of relief when he heard the sound fade away, and quickly picked up the distant mountains and leaves from the bottom of the water.

As soon as Yuan Shan and Ye came out of the water, they immediately panted, coughed uncontrollably, and spit out something.

After He Ye regained some strength, she said weakly: "Mr. Mao Li, I really almost died? Why did you keep me from coming up for so long?"

For this, Mori Kogoro could only pat Toyama and Ye Guangliang's beautiful backs apologetically. It was really thrilling just now. Fortunately, He Ye's lung capacity is strong, otherwise he would have been exposed.

There was no way to continue soaking in this hot spring. Kogoro Mori picked up Motoyama Kazuha, who had already lost his fighting power, and walked outside, leaving only a pool of turbid hot spring water.


Hattori Heiji's voice came up from under the table: "Mr. Sei, can you explain that this photo with 'sky' was taken before [-]:[-], why is Mr. Sei in the photo Your wrist is completely black, and the other photos have a white mark from wearing a watch?"

As soon as Shijing Xuan saw the obvious flaws in the photo, he hurriedly covered his wrist and was speechless.

"I'm afraid this is the photo you took, Mr. Sejing, when you participated in the first festival in the world last year. After that, you kept the disposable camera, and at [-] o'clock today, you disguised yourself as a robber and entered the house to take The room was messed up, and then another shot killed Imatake Zhi who was brushing his teeth, took the money in the wallet, and made an appearance of robbery and murder."

"Then you hurried to the best square to watch the first festival in the world. You were sweating all over and didn't want to take off your suit, for fear that it would be different from what you wore last year, and people would see through your tricks."

Sei Nobuichi sighed, stopped covering his wrist, looked at Hattori Heiji lying on the table, and finally said: "I confessed, I killed Tomo Imatake, I didn't expect this The photo has been in my hands for more than a year, and I haven't even discovered this flaw, yes, I have wanted to kill him since a year ago."

"A year ago, the Literature and Art Times had already decided to use my manuscript, but the editorial department suddenly changed its opinion and instead adopted the manuscript of Tomo Imatake, which was inserted in the middle, just because he was more famous than me."

"For me, I have almost bet everything on myself for that opportunity, but this guy, this guy, took my opportunity abruptly, it is simply unforgivable."


Mori Kogoro sent the weak Toyama Kazuha back to the room. Just now beside the closet, the bathrobe on Toyama and Ye was helped by Mori Kogoro. The battle in the hot spring pool had already made her completely I have no energy.

Because this is not the first time that a wound will be caused, it is just exhausted, so Mori Kogoro can't use the healing technique, so he can only let Toyama and Ye let her rest well.

Yuan Shan and Ye who were carried to the bed quickly fell asleep.

Mori Kogoro turned back to his room, only to find that there was a little loli sitting on the bed in the room, it was Haibara.

Haibara was wearing a newly bought scarlet cherry kimono, looking extremely cute and cute.

When she saw Kogoro Mouri coming in, she got up quickly, turned around to Kogoro Mouri, and said nothing, her face was full of expectation, quietly waiting for Kogoro Mouri's response.

Hui Yuan, who looked like a porcelain doll in front of her, was so adorable.

A look of surprise flashed in Mori Kogoro's eyes, and he couldn't help but stepped forward and hugged him up: "Wow, Haibara, you look like you came out of a fairy tale in this kimono, how could you be so It looks good!"

Moori Kogoro sat on the bed with Haibara in his arms, couldn't help pinching Haibara's little cheek, Haibara didn't stop Moori Kogoro's big hand, but blinked his big light blue eyes, staring at Mouri Kogoro, There was still a look of expectation on the small face.

Chapter 0127

Kogoro Mori couldn't help but feel happy when he saw Haibara's little expression. This little loli is just like an ordinary woman at this moment. On the critical day of New Year's Day, she just wants to be with the person she likes.

Seeing the look of anticipation on Huiyuan's small face, Kogoro Mori stretched out his big hand, and brushed his brown hair behind his ears, revealing two delicate little ears. He couldn't help pinching his hands, and the little ears felt Cool, like jelly.

A blush immediately appeared on Haibara's small face, and his small body in kimono slowly collapsed into Kogoro Mori's arms.As soon as she leaned against the hard muscles of Mori Kogoro's chest, she seemed to think of something, and her big eyes kept rolling.

Kogoro Mouri looked at Huiyuan's squinted eyes, a smile appeared on his face, he stretched his head over, kissed Huiyuan's forehead, and said while kissing back, "Xiao Ai, why are you so cute! Mua... ..."


The kiss went from Hui Yuan's forehead to his white cheeks, to his small nose, and then to his small ears.

Huiyuan felt the slight stubble on her small face, and the strong masculine aura kept lingering around her. Her eyes began to mist, and the blush on her face continued to spread. It spread all the way to her ears and neck, and her body trembled slightly.

At this moment, the little loli Haibara was wearing a scarlet kimono, lying in the arms of Mori Kogoro with her face flushed, her body shaking uncontrollably.

Seeing this, Kogoro Maoli couldn't help but smile badly, and said, "Xiao Ai, are you cold? Really, with so little clothes on, let uncle touch it, have you been frozen?"

While talking, Kogoro Mori's big hand poked in from the neckline of Haibara's kimono, and touched Haibara's thin and thin body, flat and smooth, but extremely smooth. This loli hasn't gained weight after raising her for so long, and her body is still the same thin. You can even feel your ribs.

Haibara sensed Moori Kogoro's fiery big hands covering his body, and couldn't help gnashing his white teeth lightly, for fear of making any noise.

"Well, I don't seem to have a fever. Fortunately, I don't have a cold." Mori Kogoro pretended to be measuring his body temperature, moving his hand around, and finally pulled out the big hand.

Looking at Huiyuan, who had no strength in his arms, Mori Kogoro didn't dare to tease him anymore, if he really stirred up his anger, it would be difficult to end.

He picked up Hui Yuan, put her on the bed, covered her with a quilt, and sat beside her.

Haibara realized that he had escaped from the warm embrace, and couldn't help feeling a little disappointed. He opened his big eyes, and saw the gentle smile on Moori Kogoro's face beside the bed, and immediately responded with a sweet smile.

"Xiao Ai, it's getting late, I'm going to sleep, let's sleep at Uncle's side tonight." Mao Li Kogoro's big hand gently stroked Hui Yuan's hair, "Uncle sings for you."

The big hand patted Huiyuan's body lightly, her singing skills were displayed, and the melodious tune came out of her mouth. Huiyuan only felt extremely at ease at this moment. Looking at Mori Kogoro beside the bed, she raised her hand, and her little hand tightly Holding Kogoro Mori's little finger is like holding the whole world.

Hearing the moving tune, Huiyuan gradually closed his eyes and slowly entered the dreamland.

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