Holding his hand up a bit sorely, Mori Kogoro sat down and said, "Xiao Lan, you can lie on my lap."

Xiaolan nodded obediently, her hands were covered with wet hair, and she lay her head on Kogoro Mori's lap. She didn't know when her face turned slightly red, maybe it was because of the hot air from the hair dryer.

As soon as he lay down like this, there was a hole in the collar of the bathrobe. Mouri Kogoro rolled his eyes and saw a touch of greasy whiteness. He turned his head quickly and focused on the hair on the back.

Xiaolan raised her eyes and looked at Mori Kogoro's face, the stubble on her chin, and the mustache. She suddenly remembered the scene at the beach in Hawaii, and couldn't help but twitch her thighs.

The experience of almost dying made Xiaolan know how much her father loved her. When her consciousness was almost completely lost, she suddenly heard her father's desperate cry, which pulled Xiaolan back from the brink of death .

Xiaolan saw the big hand of Mori Kogoro shaking the hair dryer again, and remembered Moon Shadow Island again. It was this hand that held the gun and killed the drug dealers who threatened her. Dad killed himself to save herself!Fortunately, Officer Sato said it was self-defense, otherwise it would have been bad.

and also……

As long as Xiaolan thinks of these things, she feels a sense of security in her heart. She feels that as long as Kogoro Mouri is by her side, she will not be afraid of anything.

Kogoro Mori couldn't help laughing when he saw this scene, and his daughter was very proud of being so attached to him as a father.


In the hotel lobby on the first floor, Hattori Heiji and Conan walked in.

Hattori Heiji said: "So, that organization is very mysterious, and you don't have many clues."

"You just have to be willing to help me pay attention to the mysterious figure in a black windbreaker and sunglasses. Okay, let's not talk about it." Conan pretended to be a child again when he saw someone appearing in the hotel.

The two walked to the lobby of the front desk and asked the lady at the front desk.

"Excuse me, have the girls who traveled with us come back?"

Because the group of Maoli who went out at night is very eye-catching. There are two children, a handsome uncle, two very young and beautiful girls, and a piece of black charcoal hair, so the front desk lady is very impressed with this group. , quickly replied: "Well, they are all back, I have the impression that the two girls came over to ask me just now, and then went to the hot spring..."

Hattori Heiji said: "They're all back, so there's nothing unusual about it. I was worried about who Kazuha would go to see. It turns out that this time I really just spent the New Year here with Xiaolan. That's great." !"

The front desk lady at the side seemed hesitant to speak, and she looked at Hattori Heiji with a little more sympathy. The two girls both asked the uncle about the hot spring pool and took the key to go, and they also There was a girl who was taken out by the uncle and sent back to the room. Later, the spring water in the pool was changed again, so one can imagine what happened.

However, as a well-trained front desk lady, she would not casually disclose such matters involving the privacy of guests.

Hattori Heiji looked happy, glanced at Conan, and then said to the receptionist: "Excuse me, is there any spare hot spring pool, I want to soak in hot spring with this little guy."

Conan couldn't help resisting when he heard this: "Who wants to soak with you big black charcoal, I'm going back to the room."

Conan was about to walk away but was picked up by Hattori Heiji, Hattori Heiji said with a smile on his face, "It's a pity not to take a hot spring in such a luxurious hot spring hotel, and if you dare to refuse, believe it or not, I will tell Xiaolan right now You are Kudo's business!"

Conan gritted his teeth and gave in.

The lady at the front desk said, "There is no free private pool, so I can only choose the public hot spring pool, is that okay?"

Hattori Heiji nodded, and the two of them went to the side to get the toiletries and then entered the hot spring.


Mori Kogoro inserted his hand into Xiaolan's fluffy hair, which was already very dry, and said, "Xiaolan, the hair has been blown."

Xiaolan reluctantly got up from Maoli Xiaogoro's big legs, brushed her hair, and showed a bright smile on her face. She looked at the clock on the wall and said, "Dad, let's go, otherwise we will hurry up." Can't make it."

Xiaolan got up in a hurry, then took Mouri Kogoro's big hand and pulled him up from the bed, put foot bags on her little feet, put on clogs, and walked out of the room, hugging Mouri Kogoro's arms, two soft balls Wrapping Maori's arms for an instant, the two walked along the corridor to the outside of the hotel.

"Xiao Lan, where are you taking me?" Mori Kogoro couldn't help but look puzzled.

"You'll know later." A look of expectation appeared on Xiaolan's face.

Chapter 0129 and Xiaolan watching fireworks

At night, the hustle and bustle outside has not diminished at all. There are bright lights and crowds everywhere.

Mori Kogoro and Xiaolan were both wearing yukatas, sitting in a taxi, watching the lively scene outside.

Neon requires everyone to take a bath on New Year's Day to drive away bad luck, so many people travel in bathrobes on this day, so there is no problem for two people to wear this way.

Xiaolan said, "Mr. Driver, please drive to the foot of Zhongyue Mountain."

The old driver looked at the two of them and laughed: "So you also heard the rumor, so I have to hurry up!"

Mori Kogoro couldn't help asking in doubt: "What rumor?"

Xiaolan's face immediately turned red, and she hurriedly stopped the driver from continuing to speak, and said: "We haven't heard any rumors, we are going to the mountains to watch the New Year's Day fireworks show tonight, Mr. Driver, please concentrate on driving Enough."

The old driver nodded and drove to the foot of Zhongyue Mountain, where the word 'Tian' was burned before.

Xiaolan hugged Kogoro Mouri's arm, and smiled with her eyes wide open, Kogoro Moori didn't ask any more questions. There was really nothing she could do about this daughter.

The car soon stopped at the foot of Zhongyue Mountain, which is a small active volcano more than [-] meters high, but the lava ejected is not much, not high, and it is very stable, so it is not dangerous.

The beautiful sparks that appear when the volcano erupts make it a rather impressive sight.

From the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain, there are orange lanterns hanging on the left and right sides of the hiking trail. The lights are brightly lit. It is so late, and there are many people gathered in this place. Most of them are in pairs, and there are also families who come together. It is very lively. very.

After getting out of the car, Xiaolan put her arms around Mouri Kogoro's arm, and the two walked up the climbing path.

The people who climbed Zhongyue Mountain left and right were young men and women, or couples, mostly in pairs.

Xiaolan's arms around Mori Kogoro are not conspicuous at all here.

The night mountain wind blew over, and the coldness of January invaded, and everyone on the climbing path couldn't help shivering.

Xiaolan couldn't help shaking her body, and Kogoro Mouri couldn't help but said, "What are you doing climbing the mountain at such a late night? Wear so little, don't catch a cold when you go back."

While speaking, Kogoro Moori moved a bit, stood outside Xiaolan, blocking the night wind, he put his arms around Xiaolan's shoulders, let her close to him, and blocked her under him.

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