Amuro Toru from behind naturally chased him out.

Chapter 0177 I don't care, you are bad


Behind the bookshelf of the Suzuki Library, Xiaolan, who was standing on a chair, let out an exclamation, her legs went limp, and she fell directly from the chair into Kogoro Mouri's arms, and was hugged tightly by Kogoro Mouri.

Xiaolan turned around, her face was flushed, and there seemed to be water flowing in her big bright eyes. She couldn't help but reached out and patted Kogoro Mouri's chest: "Dad is really dead."

Maori Kogoro smirked, and stroked Xiaolan's soft back with his big hands: "How can Xiaolan say that, Dad is always giving up on himself and helping others, it's so sad for you to say that. "

"I don't care, you are bad!"

After saying this, Xiaolan's body became limp again and fell into the arms of Kogoro Mouri.

Mori Kogoro chuckled twice, took Xiaolan's small face in his hands and kissed her, ignoring that Conan the Devil was right in front of the two bookshelves.

At this time, Conan felt very uncomfortable again. He looked around but couldn't find anything suspicious.

Xiaolan's small hands tightly hugged Mori Kogoro's waist, her soft body clinging to him, not wanting to let go.

Five minutes later, the two finally came out from behind the bookshelves, and walked towards the rest area arm in arm.

At the same time, Yuanzi ran out of the women's toilet in a panic, and she couldn't figure out what she had just seen.

Dr. Ali was supported by the bodyguards of Suzuki's family and walked out of the men's toilet.

Wrapped in a bodyguard's black suit, he kept yawning, looking sluggish.

Just now, Dr. A Li was stripped naked by Kidd, and the old fat man was thrown on the floor of the toilet cubicle and slept for several hours. He seemed to have caught a cold.

Huiyuan said beside him: "Doctor, you are too careless, you were attacked by Kidd."

Dr. A Li sneezed twice, and then said: "I'm sorry, Xiao Ai, I seem to have caught a cold. It seems that I won't be able to accompany you to the Dongdu Aquarium tomorrow."

Hui Yuan didn't care at all: "It's okay, uncle agreed to accompany us tomorrow, it's fine if you don't go."

Conan, who had been searching for a long time but failed, also ran over, and everyone gathered in the rest area again.

As soon as Kogoro Mori came back, Mira and Aoko, who were bickering, stopped.

Both girls showed a gentle and pleasant appearance in Kogoro Mori, which made Kogoro Mori heave a sigh of relief.

Conan couldn't help asking: "Uncle Maori, do you know where Kidd is hiding? Didn't you try to catch him every time before? Why don't you ignore him this time."

Kidd, who was lying on top of the iron cage, immediately trembled.

Mori Kogoro chuckled and said, "Because it doesn't make any sense anymore. I don't consider that guy an opponent since he moved a bunch of rescuers last time."

"If it wasn't for Yuanzi's invitation this time, I wouldn't even come here."

"Where he hides, leave it to Mr. Jiroji and Officer Nakamori. We should go back."

Hearing that Mori Kogoro didn't take him seriously, Kidd instantly exploded in anger, but he still didn't dare to make a sound.

Conan naturally couldn't understand Kogoro Mori's thoughts. After all, he had never held Kidd personally, so of course he was not willing to leave just like that.

Kogoro Mouri saw what this kid was thinking, so he pushed the boat forward and said, "Conan, if you want to watch the fun here, you can do it. Anyway, Kidd can't pretend to be a child."

Conan immediately said excitedly: "Hi, I want to stay."

"Father, how could you let Conan stay here alone? It's too dangerous."

"It's okay, Mr. Suzuki is still here, there will be no problem." Looking at Ayako who came out from the direction of the toilet, Mori Kogoro said goodbye to the two sisters of Suzuki's family: "Ayako, Sonoko, next here I'll leave it to you, let's go first."

When he said this, he blinked at Ayako, and Ayako blushed again.

The two sisters from the Suzuki family sent Maori and his party out, and when they passed the guarded iron gate, everyone was pinched by the female bodyguard once to make sure.

Among them, the small hand of the female bodyguard who was helping Kogoro Mori to check him kept rolling on his cheek, but she refused to let go, taking advantage of Kogoro Mori.

This made all the girls furious, Yuanzi even shouted to fire the female bodyguard, but was stopped by Ayako.

After a little disturbance, everyone left the library.

The fans outside have not dispersed yet, but they are destined to wait in vain today, and the matchup they want to see will never happen.

After saying goodbye to Ginzo Nakamori, Mori and his party got into the Lexus.

Ginzo Nakamori was waving his hand to say goodbye to Mori Kogoro, seeing his daughter following him into the Lexus, his eyes were about to pop out, and he couldn't help shouting: "Qingzi, what's going on, where are you going with Detective Mori? ah?"

Ginzo Nakamori chased after the car, but in the end he just chased the car to the exhaust.

Seeing this situation, Mira in the back seat couldn't help chuckling and said, "So this is the so-called family approval?"

Still not to be outdone, Qingzi said, "My father has always acted a little exaggerated."

Keiko Momoi, who was sandwiched between the two women, was a little confused, not knowing what the two women were talking about.

The little loli Haibara who was hugged by Xiaolan in the passenger seat glanced at Kogoro Mori who looked a little excited, and then glanced at Aoko and Mira in the back seat, his blue eyes instantly revealed color.

The keen Haibara saw the evil thoughts of Mori Kogoro for the first time, and couldn't help stretching out his hand to grab Mori Kogoro's thigh.

Xiao Ai's strength was like scratching an itch, Mouri Kogoro didn't care, he turned his face to Xiao Loli and smiled.

Just as the Lexus was crossing the viaduct highway, Kogoro Mori saw three cars chasing them away.

Kogoro Mori didn't recognize the car in front, but Kogoro Mori recognized the two cars behind. One was Toru Amuro's white Mazda, and the other was Shuichi Akai's Chevrolet.

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