Chapter 0216 is also very happy to be a female slave


Curacao had nowhere to go, so he agreed to stay at the Izumo Shrine.

It is not in vain that Kogoro Mori made a special trip to the Ferris wheel last night, leaving behind the stolen charred corpse, creating the illusion that Curacao was burned to death.

Mori Kogoro is naturally impeccable in his actions.

Afterwards, even if the dark organization wanted to investigate, they would not be able to find any mistakes, and would only think that Curacao was dead.

Curacao got up curiously on the bed, and followed the little witch Junhui to visit the shrine.

The two walked out of the room, leaving only Mori Kogoro and Koshikigami Fuso left.

Seeing Fusang gnawing on the apple, Mori Kogoro was a little curious about how the spirit body digested food, and wanted to take a look at the maiden costume on Fusang's body.

At this time, Fusang asked: "Big pervert, when did you go to find Earth Binding?"

Fusang Xiaoci's face still pretended to be calm.

But she is still very concerned about whether Mori Kogoro has mastered the refining method of the natal doll.

After all, you have to learn how to make a natal doll before you can learn to sign a "common life contract"!

Mori Kogoro smiled lightly and rubbed his little head: "Today."

The little Shikigami didn't believe it at all, and flew away after giving her a blank look.

Mori Kogoro really didn't lie to her. He received a letter in the morning, which was an invitation from the great philanthropist Su Fang Hongzi.

Su Fang Hongzi invited him to have dinner with him at the villa in the northern suburbs tonight, saying that he had an entrustment and wanted him to help.

Kogoro Mori remembered the plot when he saw the name, curse the mask.

According to rumors, everyone who owns a cursed mask will suffer misfortune.

If it is not a rumor, then the chances of the cursed mask being attached to the earthbound spirit are extremely high, and it is very likely to be an evil bloodthirsty earthbound spirit.

Naturally, Kogoro Mori couldn't let go of this opportunity, so he called back and said that he would go to the appointment tonight.

"Okay, Fusang, Xiaobai will be taken care of by you. If anyone recognizes her, please send a letter to me immediately."

"I'll go back first!"

After saying that, Mori Kogoro turned around and walked out of the side room, gradually walking away.

The little Shikigami couldn't help pouted, and she reached out to lift up the hem of the skirt underneath, revealing her white and lovely little feet.

Really!Why did you leave like this?They still want you to see my newly condensed body!

Fusang's plastic body has been completed, and he wants to show it off in front of Kogoro.

Unexpectedly, he didn't play cards according to common sense this time, and he didn't do anything bad, which made Fusang's little thoughts go to waste.

The thin-skinned little Shikigami would naturally not take the initiative to speak, and a trace of resentment could not help flashing across his little face.

But Mori Kogoro really didn't notice this time, his mind was all on the message from the thousand paper cranes.

This woman from Belmode actually came again, what is she doing this time?

Mori Kogoro walked out of the shrine quickly, walked down the bluestone steps, and headed towards his home.

Soon, Mori Kogoro came to the door of Polo Cafe.

Through the window, I could see the people at the front desk entangled with others.

At this moment, Belmord is disguised as a female salesman, and she is facing the donated catfish and gull fashion fan and instantly punishes Miss Yuben. This lubricating oil is especially suitable for you. It is moist and firm, and it is very irritating , both before and after the effect is very outstanding, can play a very good protective role. "

"If your boyfriend is very talented and doesn't like to go the wrong way, this lube is the best choice to buy."

"Our company is holding an event today, and we only need [-] yen to bring this huge bottle of lubricating oil home. How about it? Isn't it very cheap and tempting?"

Do you know how to donate a lot of money?/p>

Fortunately, there were no other customers in the store, so she declined with a smile.

"Sorry, miss, I don't have a boyfriend, so I don't need this thing!"

"How could it be possible that you don't have a boyfriend?" Belmode couldn't help raising his voice.

But she thought it was a donation from a scorpion, a nephew, a nephew, a nephew, a nephew, a nephew, a nephew, a nephew, a nephew, a scorpion, and a rabbit.

She was not discouraged, so she put the backpack on the front desk, opened the zipper and continued to introduce the products.

"Would you like to buy this school outfit package? Anime girl underwear, light blue hip skirt, beige knee socks, and white navel shirt. Wearing this outfit is very age-reducing, and the design is very convenient. It's completely irresistible. It is really the best choice for tram passion!"

"Ha ha!"

Donate to the trendy barren plaque to praise and limit the taste?/p>

"Otherwise, try another package of our company, Anu package, super soft collar, handcuffs, shackles, dog leash, with kitten ears, cat claw gloves, cat claw knee pads, arouse the man's primitive desire, Buying this package will also give you a leather whip."

Saying this, Belmord flicked his whip, making a crisp thumping sound.

"Being a slave girl can also be very happy!"

"All the products are on sale today, all of them only cost [-] yen, and all of them only cost [-] yen, which is only the price of a few bottles of Coke!"

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