When Yazi heard this, he vomited blood in his heart: Why did he feel like he was posted upside down!

She looked at Mori Kogoro with unkindness in her eyes.

But Mori Kogoro ignored her and turned his head back.

Mua! ! !

Yoko immediately hugged his head and kissed him, the picture was so sweet.

"Yoko, just wait for us in this car, and it will be resolved soon."

"Come on, husband!"

Seeing this scene and hearing these words, Yazi's blood continued to surge, and he felt a little pain in his temple.

Then the two people in the front seat opened the car door respectively and walked towards the apartment.

As he walked, Yazi couldn't help but said, "Moori Kogoro, you are amazing!"

Hearing this, Maori Kogoro laughed meanly: "You know it even if you haven't tried it, as expected, you can't hide it."

Yazi's chest felt tight for a moment, and her milk hurt.

She didn't dare to speak anymore, for fear of being pissed off by Kogoro Mouri.

The two came to the door of the apartment, but it was strange that the door was ajar.

Maori Kogoro was so bold that he pushed the door open and walked in. The inside was empty, and there was no one on the first floor.

Moori Kogoro took Yazi's little hand and walked towards the basement.

Yazi glanced at Kogoro Moori's big hand, but didn't break free.

Soon, near the stairs leading to the basement, both of them heard Yingyingyanyan's voice. It seemed that there were many women, but they all spoke substandard Japanese.

The two bent down, sneaked into the basement, hid behind the car at the door, and looked through the car window.

Five big ocean horses waited on Meng Bo in the middle, holding handcuffs and ropes. This posture seemed to be playing a bondage game!

Yazi rolled his eyes when he saw this scene.

And Meng Bo in the middle had a convincing expression on his face, his face was pressed against the chest of one of the Caucasians, and he looked so cool that he almost shed tears.

Such a lecherous image fits well with the 'gentleman' in Yazi's impression.

Five big ocean horses handcuffed Meng Bo, tied his hands and feet, and covered his eyes with blindfolds, and then changed his face instantly: "Meng Bo, your death is coming today, let me see who can save you this time .”

Meng Bo suddenly became a little confused: "Aren't you my ex-girlfriend, don't you want to reconnect with me?"

"Thinking too much about you, the five of us were either sent to prison by you or killed by you. Today we are here for revenge."

"That's right!"

The two big ocean horses at the back instantly lit up their daggers and came towards Meng Boza, and the scene became chaotic in an instant.

Mori Kogoro patted Yazi's shoulder, leaned towards his ear, pointed to the innermost bed, and said softly: "It's a bit of luck, I happened to meet these people who came to seek revenge on him, and while they were in a mess, Time, let's find the stolen goods first."

Yazi nodded, and followed Mori Kogoro to sneak in.

But Meng Bo was very light in dealing with the five wild horses, relying on his extraordinary physical fitness, the five girls couldn't touch Meng Bo at all.

On the other hand, Meng Bo, wearing a blindfold and listening to the voice debate, can grab his buttocks, pinch his thighs, rub his head against the chest of the big horse from time to time, and said meanly: "I can't beat it!" "I can't beat it!"

Seeing the behavior of the Wolf of Shinjuku in this way, it is exactly the same as the "gentleman" who teased himself and Maoyan on the rooftop.

Yazi instantly confirmed that he was the person she was looking for, and her eyes were filled with hatred

Immediately afterwards, Yazi saw Mori Kogoro lift the bed inside, except for the pistol, gold bars, jewelry, and the stolen "Smile by the Rhine Lake", Yazi was sure of it.

Mori Kogoro put away the painting, turned around and saw that the siege of Meng Bo by five people had already stopped.

The five foreign girls lay on the ground one above the other, and Meng Bo sat on top of them with a proud expression on his face.

Seeing this, Yazi couldn't help but stepped forward and asked, "Your gentleman is you, right?"

Hearing a strange voice, Meng Bo immediately stood up, put on a blindfold, but brushed his hair with both hands, and said stinkingly, "How do you know I'm a gentleman?"

There was a smile on the corner of Mori Kogoro's mouth. This Meng Bo really got into the trap by himself, and he couldn't hold it back.

"You stole this painting, right?"

"What kind of painting, how can a gentleman call it stealing? At most, it's just borrowing. Don't accuse me of it!"

Yazi couldn't take it any longer, and immediately exploded.

She has never been able to forget the humiliation of being stripped of her pants and spanked. Now that she thinks she has found the victim, she is heading in the direction of beating someone to death.

With a flying kick, the black boot kicked Meng Bo directly in the abdomen, kicking him five meters away, hitting the car before stopping.

Meng Bo clutched his stomach and coughed, only then did he realize that the person who appeared suddenly was different from the previous five foreign girls.

Those five foreign girls are ordinary people, and they can't beat him at all, but this new one is too ruthless.

Meng Bo raised his hands and lifted the blindfold. Seeing the completely unfamiliar Yazi, he couldn't help asking, "Who are you?"

"You forgot, but I didn't forget, I'm here for revenge today."

After saying that, Yazi launched another offensive, displaying all his fighting skills, and Meng Bo kept dodging.

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