But it was obvious that Hui Xiang didn't know how to shoot a gun, and couldn't even suppress it.

Under the effect of the recoil, the submachine gun in her hand swept up and fired towards the ceiling. The bullet bounced back, and the situation became more and more dangerous.The cars suspended in mid-air were knocked down by Hui Xiang, fell to the ground, exploded in an instant, burst into flames, and the scene became even more chaotic in an instant.

Mori Kogoro was a little speechless: The women I met today are really more cruel than the last.

Faced with such a fierce situation, Yazi's eyes flashed with brilliance, instead of retreating, she wanted to bully her to subdue the girl.

Yazi knew at a glance that this girl was not good at martial arts, and she could easily subdue her just by getting close.

But Kogoro Mori behind him keenly caught a few bullets bouncing off the ceiling and shooting towards Yazi, who would definitely be shot if he rushed up.

Subconsciously, he stepped forward and pulled Yazi back, protecting him behind him.

But he himself had no time to dodge.


Several blood flowers bloomed from its chest.

Damn it, it's a fucking pain!

Fortunately, Mori Kogoro, whose physical fitness is already inhuman, clamped these bullets directly with his muscles, so as not to cause penetrating wounds.

When Yazi behind him saw this scene, his pupils shrank sharply.

She never expected that Mori Kogoro, who had been working so hard, sacrificed his life to save her, and even seriously injured herself.

She couldn't help scolding Huixiang: "Bastard!"

Then Yazi took the injured Mori Kogoro to hide behind the car, intending to temporarily avoid the sharp edge.

At this time, Meng Bo, who was lying on the ground pretending to be dead, got up like a rabbit, and immediately rushed towards a sports car.

He jumped directly into the driver's seat of the sports car, the engine of the sports car roared immediately, and then rushed towards Huixiang.

As soon as the sports car drifted, the passenger seat was facing Huixiang, and he yelled, "Get in the car!"

Hui Xiang, who cooperated tacitly, got into the car immediately, and the car started immediately.

Then the sports car directly smashed through a wooden wall in the basement, then sped away in the distance, and escaped!

Yazi couldn't help cursing in a low voice: "Damn it!"

But when she saw the blood oozing from the chest, Kogoro Mori was pale, and she didn't dare to catch up.

Yazi turned to support Maoli Kogoro, and walked outside, still talking: "Xiaogoro, hold on!"

Mori Kogoro leaned on Yazi, his face was bloodless, and he was supported to walk outside like this.

Soon, the two came to the side of Lexus.

Yoko in the back seat of the car was knocked out by the sneak attack of Huixiang who came back, and Huixiang thought Yoko was a lookout.

Yazi immediately put Mori Kogoro into the passenger seat, came to the driver's seat, and started the car.

She was a little panicked, and kept talking: "Xiao Wulang, hold on, I'll send you to the hospital right now!"

Mori Kogoro seemed to be unable to control his body, slipped from the passenger seat, and his head fell on Yazi's lap.

This elasticity is great!

At the moment when he was shot, Kogoro Mori remembered that he could use bitter tricks, so he used it smoothly.

He controlled his breath to be weak and his face to be pale.

Yazi naturally didn't notice any abnormalities, and didn't push his head away at all. He stroked Mouri Kogoro's cheek with his soft hands, and continued to speak: "Kogoro, hold on!"

Mori Kogoro said with a weak face: "No, I can't go to the hospital. I have real estate in Shinjuku. It's in the Maple Leaf Community next to the station. Take me there."

These few words are still breathless.

Yazi couldn't help frowning, thinking that he had some scruples, turned the steering wheel and headed towards Shinjuku Station.

Chapter 0225 easy to fool buds

Lexus soon came to Maple Leaf Community next to Shinjuku Station.

Fortunately, the property Kogoro Mori bought was on the first floor, and after Yazi helped Kogoro Mori enter the apartment, it would not take too long to go out and move the unconscious Yoko in.

She returned to the apartment again and put Yoko on the ground.

Then he turned around and came to the sofa, seeing Moori Kogoro covered in blood and pale, his beautiful eyes filled with tears.

Yazi has also experienced this feeling.

When she was an Interpol before, when she was chasing down drug dealers in Myanmar.

There are also workers who were shot in order to save themselves, and in the end that worker could not be saved.

Standing in front of that coffin to bid farewell to his comrades was not a good feeling, and Yazi didn't want to experience it again, let alone Mori Kogoro die for himself.

"Kogoro, where is the medical kit?"

Mori Kogoro pointed to the bedroom, and Yazi immediately ran to take out the medical kit.

She knelt beside Mori Kogoro. The coat was too inconvenient, so she took off the coat. Inside, she was wearing a black vest with her belly button exposed and a deep gully on her chest.

She opened the medical kit, took out the scissors, and cut off Kogoro Mori's shirt.

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