But she still looked sideways at the exit of the Hall of Masquerade, hoping that someone would come to save her.

After waiting for a long time, no one seemed to be listening in the hall of masks.

Nagara Haruka hanging on the wall couldn't help crying: "Wow, you bully!"

Seeing Haruka Nagara with tears streaming down his face, Mori Kogoro panicked and was quite at a loss.

Seeing that his body was still trembling slightly, as if he couldn't bear the electric current, he quickly withdrew the Lightning Control Technique.

As soon as the current was withdrawn, the spiritual power in Mori Kogoro's body poured into the body of the female fortune-teller along his hands.

Nagara Haruka was still sobbing, but his nose couldn't help making a slight moan, as if he was extremely benefited from this spiritual power.

But she felt that it was too shameful to make such a voice in front of Kogoro Mori, so she closed her eyes subconsciously, not daring to look at Kogoro Mori.

The teardrops hang on the curved eyelashes, I really feel sorry for him.

Mori Kogoro let the spiritual power in his body be absorbed by the female fortune-teller, pressed his hands lightly, and laughed badly: "What's wrong with me just bullying you? If you refuse to tell the truth, then I will shock you again. But this time it’s not just the original place.”

Hearing this, Nagara Haruka trembled, as if very frightened.

Sure enough, the thunder and lightning just now were so powerful that Nagara Haruka didn't dare to try again, so naturally he could only tell the whole story.

The little crying voice tremblingly explained his identity, just like a little white rabbit threatened by a big bad wolf, looking extremely pitiful.

After listening to her words, Mori Kogoro couldn't help feeling a little bit emotional, that he had become like a Tang monk.Nagara Haruka is not an earth-bound spirit, nor a shikigami, but a person who truly has the inheritance of a tarot fortune teller.

Tarot fortunetellers are divided into junior fortunetellers, intermediate fortunetellers, advanced fortunetellers, psychic fortunetellers, star fortunetellers, and prophecy fortunetellers.

Nagara Haruka's realm is already a psychic fortuneteller, but in fact, it is not much different from a junior high school senior fortuneteller, and he only uses tarot cards to calculate.

It is not much different from those physicists in Huaguo who take a week's change of calculations to calculate.

Because there is not enough energy for practice in this world, and the way to go up is blocked.

Even if Nagara Haruka is a psychic fortune-teller, she has never seen or psychic any spirit body.

As for why her body can absorb the spiritual power in Mori Kogoro's body, it's because she built a magic circle on her body according to the content in the book.

The magic circle can help absorb a little wandering star power in the world, and the effect is better than nothing, not even a small amount of magic can be saved.

But today she met Mori Kogoro, the abundant energy in Mori Kogoro's body was almost overflowing, and in Nagara Haruka's eyes, it was completely dazzling like the sun.

As soon as he got close, the magic circle in his body would automatically operate, instantly grabbing the full star power far beyond the usual, how could Nagara Haruka not be happy.

Originally, she came here today because of that cursed mask, and she also suspected that there might be spirit bodies on it.

Now that she meets the ginseng-like Kogoro Mori, she naturally wants to try her best to get close.

Especially when Nagara Haruka was holding Moori Kogoro's big hand, his whole soul jumped up like nectar after a long drought.

At that moment, Nagara Haruka decided to try to hook up with Mori Kogoro. If she could become his girlfriend and stay with her, then she could enjoy the star power in her body.

Her original plan was to pretend to be Mori Kogoro's girlfriend, absorb the star power in his body, and then kick him away.

Who would have thought that Mori Kogoro could use the energy in his body to subdue her, but ended up like this.

"... Woohoo, let me go, or I'll give you back the star power I absorbed!"

The flushed Nagara Haruka looked like crying again.

Mori Kogoro couldn't help asking: "You are a fortune teller, can you really predict at the end of your practice?"

"Of course, with the power of the stars as a guide, connect the formation, and open the river of fate, you can spy on everything. Naturally, the true prophecy can be fulfilled."

Mori Kogoro frowned: "Have you tried?"

Nagara Haruka had a resentful expression on her face: "No," and then she said firmly: "But it says so in the book, what is said before is correct, and what is said later will be wrong for no reason."

Prophecy fortune teller!


Sounds pretty good!

Anyway, the well water produced by the mysterious well in the system space is almost piled up like a mountain. With such sufficient resources, it is no problem to raise tens of thousands of shikigami. It is not a problem to allocate a small part to train this fortune-teller. .

Mori Kogoro said with a straight face: "Although you absorbed the spiritual power in my body without my consent, since it is the first time you have done so, I will reluctantly forgive you."

"But you still plan to seduce me and pretend to be my girlfriend to steal all my spiritual power. This is a big crime."

Mori Kogoro pretended to be pondering, and Nagara Haruka was instantly frightened.

"Well, from now on, you will be my slave girl and serve me whenever you are called. I will let you go when the merits and demerits are equal."

Hearing this, Nagara Haruka gasped for a moment, what the hell, what's the matter with being a female slave?

Chapter 0236 master, give me!

[Although I secretly steal the energy in other people's bodies, I don't want to be reduced to the point of being a female slave.

After all, the ignorant are not guilty!

And although I have the idea of ​​hooking up with Kogoro Mori and sucking up the energy in his body, I haven't done it yet, how can I punish myself like this! 】

Mori Kogoro seemed to have heard Nagara Haruka's heart, and said directly: "I can't even think about it, and I'm guilty of thinking about it!"

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