Kogoro Mori didn't realize that he was exuding hormones and inexplicable hormones all over his body when he came out to save people halfway.

And the image of saving Nagara Haruka in front of the evil spirit just now is too heroic.

For Nagara Haruka at this moment, he is simply a walking aphrodisiac, which makes people want to stop.

He is an upright gentleman, but his little slave, Chang Liangyao, can't help thinking about it and thinking a lot.

【Why hasn't he done it yet?Isn't he a big pervert?You did so many bad things to me outside the Hall of Masks just now, so skillfully!

Now that I'm lying next to him, why doesn't he do anything?Do you want me to take the initiative? 】

The beautiful fortune-teller fell into deep confusion.

It's a pity that she doesn't have the Tarot cards with her now, otherwise she would definitely take out the cards to divination for herself and give herself some advice.

[Maybe he thought I was frightened by that ghost and didn't want to take advantage of others, so he was so honest!I didn't expect Maori-kun to have such a gentle side! 】

Nagara Haruka, who had been thinking wildly for a long time, finally figured out the reason himself, and the eyes that looked sideways at Mori Kogoro became very soft.

Seeing her watery eyes, Mori Kogoro smiled softly: "Go to sleep!" After that, there was no more reaction.

Nagara Haruka suddenly became a little annoyed, and complained in his heart that he was really an elm head.

But when she frowned, the female fortune-teller thought about it.

She immediately pretended to be afraid, her body trembled, and said softly: "Master, I'm afraid."

Saying this, Nagara Haruka, who was only wearing a vest and shorts, leaned towards Mori Kogoro, and threw himself into his arms, leaning against her soft chest, the touch was wonderful.

Mori Kogoro saw through Nagara Haruka's acting in an instant, his brows were raised slightly, and his heart was quite calm.

There is no way, although Nagara Haruka is also a beauty, but Mori Kogoro is full of his own little angel at the moment, and he can be said to have no other distractions!

Nagara Haruka's face flushed red after making this bold move.

But Mori Kogoro's big hands are still well-behaved, which is completely beyond his expectations.

[Does this bad guy want me to take the initiative? 】

The beautiful fortune teller quickly lost her mind, blinked her big eyes, and looked at Kogoro Mori suspiciously.

But soon, she still made up her mind, and instead started to take the initiative.

Nagara Haruka's slightly trembling little hand touched Kogoro Mori's chest and abdomen muscles timidly, and then kept moving downward.

Mori Kogoro was stunned for a moment, looking down at the girl who was secretly taking advantage of him with her eyes closed. Is this playing tricks?Think I can't see if I close my eyes?

hiss! ! !

This girl is too bold!

The fireworks that were still burning in the body were instantly ignited by this tease.

Mori Kogoro's breathing was a bit rough, he turned his head directly, and kissed Nagara Haruka's pink lips in one breath, and his big hand slid down.

Nagara Haruka opened one eye and looked at Mori Kogoro, feeling secretly pleased.

But she was a little puzzled, why is this wet?

Chapter 0245

Shouldn't it be doing it?

Nagara Haruka flipped her little hand lightly, but she was just a baby after all, she couldn't tell what it was at all, she thought it was a normal phenomenon, so she served her with all her heart.

Mori Kogoro kissed the pink lips of the little slave girl, displaying his master-level kissing skills.

The straight black beauty instantly sank and responded clumsily.

And Mori Kogoro's fiery hands also began to abuse, and his hands were suddenly soft.

He was about to launch a further offensive, but the bedside lamp suddenly went out, and the two of them stopped immediately.

Nagara Haruka came back to her senses, her blue eyes were full of panic, she thought it was another ghost attack.

Mori Kogoro immediately said, "It's not a ghost this time, it's a real power outage. It seems that something really happened."

Unexpectedly, so many things happened tonight, and the murder still happened.

This murderer is also real, so he will die at this time to do something, the arrow is on the string, you let me brake halfway, it is very uncomfortable!

Today's Mori Kogoro is a little depressed, his only feeling is that he is not enjoying himself.

It wasn't fun at first, and it's still not fun now!

At the same time, in the room at the end of the second floor of the villa on the east side next door, Xiaolan was still sitting on the back of Mira's thighs and violently slapped her repeatedly. Mira's buttocks were flushed, and the phone rang suddenly.

With an excited expression on her face, Xiao Lan reached out to pick up the landline phone.

There was only a strange voice from inside: "Jie Jie Jie Jie, I am the messenger of the curse mask..."

Xiaolan directly cursed back: "I made you a big-headed ghost!"

After finishing speaking, she hung up the phone, and the murderer on the other end felt a little confused!

Until Mira couldn't help asking: "What is the phone talking about, is it uncle's phone?"

Xiaolan repeated it, and when she realized it, her expression changed.

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