"What are you arguing about?" At this moment, the voice of the twin sister Shimokasami Naho rang out.

She had just been woken up, and when she walked to the second floor, she saw Maori and his party at the stairs.

When Conan saw the maid, his body froze instantly, his face turned blue, he broke out in cold sweat, his lips were trembling, and he dared not say anything.

Just now he saw Shikasami Naho turned into a female ghost to chase and kill him, now seeing her again, he was terrified.

Seeing this, Mori Kogoro suddenly had the idea of ​​playing a prank, and he said directly: "Someone just called and said some strange things, and we want to go to the Mask Hall to check."

"But it seems that there is a power outage, and the lights can't be turned on. The switch is on the first floor, Minaho, please go and open the switch."

"Also, Conan seems to be having nightmares, and he's wet his pants, Minaho, please take care of him."

Saying this, under Conan's terrified eyes, Mori Kogoro picked up the little ghost's head with lightning speed and placed it beside Minaho.

As a servant, if a guest has a request, he will naturally agree.

Minaho reached out and took Conan's hand.

Conan immediately screamed and struggled, desperately trying to break free from Minaho's little hand, but Minaho squeezed even tighter.

"No, I won't go, I won't go with her, uncle, you can't leave me, I will die."

"I want to follow you, I want to follow you, wow wow!"

The little devil was terrified, crying until tears and snot flowed down his nose, he was terribly frightened.

Xiaolan and Mira next to her suddenly looked disgusted.

Mori Kogoro released his intimidating aura, instantly frightening Conan.

He snorted: "It's business now, so don't make trouble, Conan, go down with this sister obediently and turn on the switch, then put on your pants and come out again, understand?"

The little devil was a little stunned by the loud shout, while Mori Kogoro immediately went upstairs with Xiaolan and Mira, and disappeared from his sight after a while.

Conan wanted to follow, but his little hand was held by the maid.

Minaho bowed her head and smiled, "Conan, you can go with my sister."

Seeing this bleak smile under the dim light, Conan's face turned pale.

But he was too afraid of Minaho, Mori Kogoro and the others were no longer around, he didn't dare to say anything for a moment, only cold sweat dripped down.

Then the little devil's head was pulled down like a puppet on a rope.

Conan couldn't help looking to the third floor with his desperate eyes.

At this moment, he only felt that he would be pulled into the abyss. How he wished that there would be a voice from the third floor to let him follow.

And Mao Li and his party soon came to the door of the mask hall.

Mori Kogoro directly took off the key hanging on the wall, and opened the door of the Hall of Masks.

Once inside, the three of them saw behind the red curtain, the place where Xiao Boer's mask was originally located, but there was nothing there.

At the same time, all three of them heard a strange noise.

Immediately after Su Fang Hongzi's screams sounded, the expressions of Xiaolan and Mira changed immediately.Su Fanghongzi lived on the third floor on the west side of the villa, and the only way to get to the west side from the east side was through the masquerade hall.

Otherwise, run downstairs, enter the east side of the villa through the gate and go upstairs.

Mao Li and his party all ran to the gate on the west side of the Hall of Masks, but the gate was locked, and the people on the west side could only open it when they woke up.

At this time, Xiaolan immediately stood in front of the gate, made a karate gesture, and held her breath seriously. She wanted to break in directly.

A slender and beautiful leg kicked out from the hem of the bathrobe at an extremely fast speed.

One plan kicked directly to the gate.

There was a loud bang in an instant, and the thick door trembled, a footprint was directly kicked on it, and there were countless cracks on the left and right walls.

Mira on the side couldn't help but marvel: This is too violent!

Mira touched her red and swollen buttocks, and instantly dispelled the idea of ​​revenge.

And everyone on the east side was also woken up by the loud noise, and they couldn't help but get up.

But the quality of this gate is so good, it's all made of metal, even if Xiaolan kicks it, she can't open it.

Xiaolan frowned, retracted her legs, couldn't help jumping a few times, and fell into the arms of Kogoro Mouri beside her.

Mori Kogoro couldn't help rubbing his little head: "Be brave!"

At this time, the rock singer Aichuan Fuyuya who suddenly appeared entered the hall of masks.

He heard the sound of cracking the wall next to the gate, couldn't help swallowing dryly a few times, and then said: "That mask was specially made by Mr. Su Fang to lock Xiao Bu's mask, it can't be kicked." It's open."

"Or, let's call the people next door and ask them to help open the door."

Mori Kogoro shook his head: "Where can we wait for them, life is at stake."

Saying this, he entrusted Xiao Lan to Mira, and after the run-up, he kicked.


The ten centimeter-thick metal gate and the cement connecting it to the wall were all cracked and fell heavily to the ground, making a loud bang.

"Hiss!" Mira couldn't help exclaiming.

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