[What a bad master, thanks to the fact that today I deliberately changed my look to meet you, but I didn't expect you to be having a good time with other women. 】

Yoko couldn't help but said, "Ms. Nagara, can you help keep what you saw just now a secret? Both Kogoro and I have special identities."

Nagara Haruka nodded naturally: "No problem, as far as my relationship with Kogoro is concerned, I won't spread the word unless you tell me."

"Don't stand still, let's sit down."

Yoko breathed a sigh of relief and sat down.

Mori Kogoro sat in the middle, Yoko was on the left, and Xiaoyao was on the right. The atmosphere suddenly became awkward.

Kogoro Mori took the lead in provoking the topic: "Three of the four judges have arrived, and Mr. Takeki is missing. Why hasn't he arrived yet?"

Yoko said, "I asked the staff just now, and they kept saying that Mr. Takeki couldn't be contacted. In the past, he would arrive two or three hours early for his shows. I don't know what happened today."

Nagara Haruka on the side also said: "I heard from Mr. Takeki that it seems that because the pastry chef Li Chunxi won six games in a row, Mr. Takeki suspected that he was cheating, so he went to investigate whether the fruit would be leaked, and then kept going. Didn't come back."

Yoko asked doubtfully, "Doesn't winning six games in a row prove that the pastry chef is very good?"

Nagara Haruka shook his head: "It was a coincidence several times, just like the last episode, the fruit was strawberries, and he happened to have ice cream that goes with strawberries, so it looks very suspicious!"

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Yoko shook her head, and couldn't help but said, "Cheating should be impossible. I heard that the way of delivering fruits is an ancient way of transmitting codes."

"First, Mr. Kasuga, a gourmet, picks rare fruits and puts them in the box, and then locks the first purse lock."

"Then send the box to the TV station, and the producer, Mr. Taruoka, will lock the second purse lock."

"Afterwards, send the box back to Mr. Kasuga's house, unlock the first lock, and send the box back to the TV station."

"That way, there's only a second lock on the box, and there's no leaking in transit."

"And the key to the second lock has been stored in the bank safe, and it was not taken until today when the program was recorded, to ensure that no one except Mr. Kasuga, the gourmet, knows the fruit inside."

"And Mr. Kasuga will not come to the show, so naturally there will be no leaks."

Nagara Haruka nodded: "It's really troublesome. Recording a program looks like a spy movie."

Yoko also agreed: "Who says it's not, but this is all the idea of ​​the planner, Mr. Takeki. He just wants to find the best pastry chef in the fairest way."

After talking for a long time, the atmosphere between the two women became much more harmonious, and Kogoro Mori, who was sitting in the middle, became more at ease.

Apart from being a little shy when Nagara Haruka saw her making out with Kogoro at first, Yoko let go later.

The vitality of the girl idol was revealed, and she began to lead a conversation with Nagara Haruka.

With the topic of conversation, Kogoro Mori couldn't understand the warming up of emotions between women.

Yoko was very interested in Tarot cards, so she asked Nagara Haruka to help her with divination.

The results of each divination are naturally very accurate, causing Yoko to exclaim incessantly.

Immediately afterwards, Nagara Haruka couldn't help but asked: "Miss Yoko, when did your relationship start? The news has always said that you don't have a boyfriend."

Hearing this, Yoko shyly put her arms around Mori Kogoro's arm, and smiled lightly.

"Actually, the relationship was only confirmed a few days ago, but I have known Kogoro for more than half a year. He is really nice and helped me solve several commissions.~."

Speaking of this, Yoko leaned her head closer, as if she was a little bird.

And Kogoro Mouri suddenly felt that his thigh was hurt, and Xiaoyao beside him was twisting desperately.

The female fortune teller glared at Mori Kogoro, accusing him of being a pervert.

On the contrary, Kogoro Mouri raised his eyebrows proudly, and patted Xiaoyao's buttocks with his big hand without any scruples. Xiaoyao's eyes narrowed, and he dared not speak out.

Yoko didn't even notice Kogoro Mori's little tricks.

Mori Kogoro's attitude towards Xiaoyao is different, how can the little slave girl have the right to meddle in the master's affairs!

Thinking this way, Mori Kogoro had an evil smile on his face, Xiaoyao felt a little palpitated when he saw this, he retracted his little hand, and his eyes drifted away.

At this time, there was another knock on the door, and the staff of Nikmai TV came in.

The staff member said directly: "Every judge, Mr. Wu Mu has been unable to get in touch. Tonight's recording judges are only you three."

"Now, teachers, please prepare. We are going to the second scene, and then we will start tonight's recording." Hearing this, the three people in the dressing room followed the staff to the second scene, which is a round table room.

The judges were all sitting at the round table with a circular sofa behind them, watching the live broadcast and commenting on the dessert chef's craftsmanship, waiting for the final dessert to be delivered, and then scoring based on it.

The one with the highest score should win and get a sweet reward.

Usually this reward is a dessert made by the show planner Masanori Takeki himself.

But today Wu Muzhengde did not show up, so the program team had to change to another reward.

After the three of them were seated, Kogoro Mori sat in the middle, and the two girls sat next to him, one on the left and one on the right, as if they didn't want to sit far away.

Only then did Kogoro Mouri realize that the camera at the second scene could only capture the upper bodies of the three people, while the lower bodies were completely covered by the round table.

Seeing this situation, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

What could be more exciting than playing with a girl in front of a large audience!

Soon, the host's voice sounded, this is Jian Qixiu who had a relationship with Yue Yexue last time.

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