Sure enough, it was the girl who had just been taken down, but she was very clingy, so Mori Kogoro could only agree to it in the end.

Chapter 0284 Divination of Two Women

And in the villa area of ​​Nanchome in Mihua Town, a taxi stopped, and Xiaolan and Yuanzi got off.

The two girls didn't go to school today, but instead came to Nagara Haruka, wanting to ask this famous fortune-teller for a fortune-telling.

They came to the door and rang the bell.

Immediately there was a reply from inside the villa, and after a while, the door was opened.

Nagara Haruka, who was wearing a deep V low-cut short skirt with suspenders, opened the door. The white greasy gully on her chest was eye-catching, and there was still a smile on her pretty face: "Why did you come here?"

But seeing Xiaolan and Yuanzi standing at the door, the smile on Nagara Haruka's face froze.

She quickly reached out to cover her chest, took the shawl beside her and put it on, and couldn't help asking: "Why are you two?"

Xiao Lan said, "We want to ask the teacher for divination."

And Yuanzi couldn't help but smirked: "Teacher dressed up like this, isn't she waiting for a lover? Don't you want to spoil the teacher's good deed?"

Nagara Haruka suddenly exclaimed: "How is it possible? The weather is too hot, I should dress cooler."

"But didn't Detective Maori come with you?"

Xiaolan's eyes immediately became vigilant, and she looked at Nagara Haruka carefully: "No, Dad went out early in the morning, and I don't know what to do."

Nagara Haruka couldn't help being a little flustered, and quickly turned around to lead the way, and changed the subject: "Isn't today Thursday? Don't you have to go to school?"

Yuanzi opened the mouth and said, "We came here on vacation, the teacher's divination last night was amazing."

Xiaolan also echoed: "That's right, it's amazing. The teacher actually predicted the case accurately. It just so happens that Yuanzi and I have something to ask the teacher for advice."

Hearing this, Nagara Haruka breathed a sigh of relief. She thought that Xiaolan had heard what she said to Mori Kogoro last night, and they came to block her!

Soon, the three of them came to the door of the divination room, and Nagara Haruka asked, "You can only come one by one, who will go first?"

At this time, Sonoko was naturally very enthusiastic. She followed Nagara Haruka into the divination room, and she couldn't wait to speak.

"Teacher, there is a problem that has troubled me for a long time. I have liked an uncle who is older than me for a long time. I have tried various methods to express my love, but there is no result."

"Every time there's going to be significant progress, there's always something else that interrupts it."

"But I know that uncle also likes me, so I just want to ask when it will be successful!"

Looking at the menacing Sonoko in front of him, Nagara Haruka wiped his sweat with a handkerchief, and then said: "Emotional matters are the most reluctant, this is about love, please calm down, hold your breath, close your eyes and think about it." This question, then draw three cards and show me."

Sonoko followed suit, and Nagara Haruka turned over the three cards she had drawn one by one, and looked at them carefully.

It took a long time before she began to explain: "From the three Tarot cards, it seems that this matter was mainly hindered by relatives and elders. It should have been hindered by friends before, but you resolved it."

Yuanzi's head clicked wildly like garlic, what he said was right, his mother was a stumbling block on his love road.

"There are also some influences of personality. Too much extroverted temperament will cause a burden to men, and sometimes it should be restrained."

"Then my suggestion to you is to stay away from relatives who will cause interference as much as possible, and then confess. This should lead to better results." Hearing this, Yuanzi slapped the table angrily.

The reason why the strategy plan of the trip to Izu last time failed was because my mother and sister were there!

Nagara Haruka laughed softly: "In general, Yuanzi's karma is still very good. Although there are some hardships at the beginning, the ideal result will still be obtained in the end."

Hearing this, Sonoko burst into laughter from ear to ear, and quickly stood up and bowed to Haruka Nagara in thanks: "Teacher, thank you so much, I know what to do next."

The wealthy Yuanzi put the stack of money in his wallet directly on Nagara Haruka's table, and walked out lightly.

Nagara Haruka originally wanted to do divination for them for free, but seeing this posture, he could only accept it.

Immediately afterwards, Xiaolan also came in. She was afraid of being overheard by Yuanzi, so she closed the door tightly, and then sat on the chair a little cautiously.

Facing Mori Kogoro's daughter, Nagara Haruka showed a gentle smile on his face.

"What does Xiaolan want to divination? Love? Career? Wealth? Fortune? Health?"

"Love it!"

Under the guidance of Nagara Haruka, Xiaolan drew cards just like Sonoko just now.

And Nagara Haruka looked at the three cards drawn, his expression changed slightly, and he couldn't help but said, "Strange, why did these two cards appear here?"

Xiaolan couldn't help asking: "Teacher, what's wrong?"

"The two cards you drew shouldn't be in this stack of Tarot decks. I don't know how they got mixed in, resulting in some splits."

"Maybe something went wrong, maybe we start over?"

Xiaolan frowned slightly, but still insisted on speaking: "Teacher, please help me explain the meaning of the Tarot cards first!"

Nagara Haruka also nodded: "We use the holy triangle divination method, and the three cards represent the past, present and future."

"And the strangest thing is this first card that represents the past. The word of the card means hopelessness and endless waiting. This is an extremely fierce card. If you draw this card, you can almost be sure that this person should be lonely all his life. Love will not What a good outcome."

Hearing this, Xiaolan's face changed, and her little hands couldn't help but clenched.

"But the second card that represents the present says that you are indulging in sweet love at the moment. This is another extreme auspicious card. Jumping from endless waiting to sweet love, it seems that fate has been reversed. generally."

"Xiaolan, you have to know that the negative, positive and two extreme cards are not cards in my normal deck. There are no extreme tarot cards in the normal deck."

"They are the extreme cards in the 'Great Lucky Card Set' and the 'Big Bad Card Set' respectively, and they were mixed into my normal deck at the same time, and they just happened to be drawn out for you. It may not be allowed."

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