But at this time, it was not the mother and daughter who reacted the most violently, but Conan the little devil.

He couldn't help but hugged Hattori Heiji's big hairy black legs tightly, and a few leg hairs were down.

"Hattori, let me tell you that there are ghosts in this world. If you still don't believe it, even zombies are popping up now, it's really scary."

"Fuck, what are you messing with, don't put your hands in my pants."

Hattori Heiji was wearing a pair of loose shorts, and was sneaked by Conan's little hand without paying attention.

You Xizi on the side couldn't help but hold his forehead again, it's too embarrassing, Shinichi, why did you become like this.

The attacked Hattori couldn't help but punched Conan's head again, and another big red envelope swelled up.

"Where there are zombies, this is obviously a cover-up. It must be the producer just now who killed someone by feigning death. It's too abominable."

Mori Kogoro shook his head and said: "It shouldn't be like this. No one can pretend to be dead in front of me. He is indeed dead, and he did die by taking potassium hydroxide."

"Come on, let's go and have a look at the corpse."

Hearing Kogoro Mouri said that he was going to find the zombie, Eri and Ran immediately put their arms around his left and right arms.

The mother and daughter shook their heads in sync, neither wanting him to go.

They are so afraid of ghosts that they have a tacit understanding.

Mori Kogoro could only comfort him: "Don't worry, even if there are zombies, I can handle them."

Then he dragged the mother and daughter to the next room, but the corpse lying on the floor disappeared.

Xiaolan couldn't help exclaiming: "How is it possible?"

Yuanzi quickly explained: "Two or three minutes ago, we passed by here when we were going to the toilet. The body was still there, why has it disappeared now?"

Hearing this, everyone remembered the content of the suicide note.

'Join the funeral procession of the dead and invite the living into our world'.

In an instant, everyone's tailbone felt cold.

This is too bizarre!

Is it really turning into a zombie to kill people?

Director Ne Dong's forehead was covered with sweat, and he couldn't help but said, "How about we escape from the villa first?"

Eri and Xiaolan on the left and right also nodded repeatedly, expressing their agreement.

But Hattori Heiji said: "I don't believe that people can become zombies. If they die, they are dead. The corpse must have been hidden in this room. Let's search for it."

Hearing what he said, the film crew went in and searched together.

And Mori Kogoro was restrained by the left and right mother and daughter, so naturally he couldn't move.

Conan the Little Devil was in a frightened mood, afraid that there would really be zombies, he didn't even want to take care of the case, so he didn't follow in.

Soon, everyone turned over the mattress, moved the table and chairs, opened the cabinet, and even moved the cabinet, but nothing was found.

Zhijiang, the female lighting engineer, immediately looked like she was about to cry: "Why is this happening? Could it be that the ghost of the president is causing trouble? Otherwise, Yuanxie died in this same room, why would he turn into a zombie to take revenge on us?"

"Why is this?"

Yaba, the sound effectist, comforted: "It doesn't necessarily mean that it really turned into a zombie. There is a Maori detective here, and he will definitely find out the truth."

Zhijiang looked collapsed: "We're going to die, what's the truth? Let's run away. The original Xie's suicide note said the survivors in the villa. We should be able to survive if we don't stay in the villa."

Eri and Ran nodded again and again.

Mori Kogoro twitched his hands, but he couldn't move. There were 36E on the left and right. Ran and Eri hugged too tightly.

But this elasticity is really great, there are no meat bombs!

He could only open his mouth with this posture: "There is no need to run away, the truth is already very clear."

At this moment, there were bursts of yelling from below.

Presumably the police came, and Kogoro Mori asked Hattori Heiji to go down and pick up the police.

In the area under the jurisdiction of Gunma County, the police who came here were naturally fucked by extremely reckless mountain villages.

As soon as he entered the villa, he saw a group of zombies made up with special effects. The timid Shancun Cao was frightened instantly, and screamed: "Zombies! The room is full of zombies!"

He immediately jumped into the arms of the subordinate beside him, was hugged by the princess, and then took out the rosary for protection in his arms, and kept drinking.

"The evil spirits disperse, the evil spirits disperse, the evil spirits disperse!"

His subordinates could only support the officer silently.

Hattori Heiji, who ran down the stairs, had black lines all over his head, and explained: "They are all extras with makeup on. The corpse is on the third floor. Come up with me."

Hearing this, Yamamura breathed a sigh of relief, and then led the team up with Hattori Heiji.

As soon as he reached the third floor, he said with a look of surprise: "Detective Maori, Miss Kiko, and lovely Miss Yoko, you are all here, I am so lucky today."

After saying this, Shancun Caotian clasped his palms together and started circling, as nervous as he had completely forgotten about the zombies on the first floor just now.

Yoko frowned, is this policeman really reliable?

You Xizi caught a glimpse of the ID on Yamamura's chest, and it turned into a police department. She couldn't help asking, "How did you get promoted?"

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