Only then did Kogoro Moori leave the water inlet, wiped away the hot water from his cheeks, raised his collar with his big hand, and a bag of eggs was picked up from the bottom of the water.

"We went to the front desk to get some eggs. We must try the hot spring eggs when we come here to soak in the hot springs!"

He pointed to the warm water bottle next to him: "I also prepared salt water for you, so that you don't sweat too much and lose too much salt in your body."

But in fact, these are all brought by the Ant-Man robot.

Xiaolan still had some doubts: "Then why does Aunt Youxizi look like this?"

"What kind of look?"

Mori Kogoro pretended to be stupid and turned his head away, then suddenly said: "Oh, it must be because she can't drink enough, she is sober after being drunk, leave her alone, let her rest for a while."

Hearing this, Xiaolan nodded suspiciously, finally agreeing with his statement.

Immediately afterwards, Mori Kogoro took out a hard-boiled egg and hit Xiaolan directly on the head, breaking the egg into pieces.

"Ouch!" Feeling the pain, Xiaolan quickly pulled the bag over, and not to be outdone, took out two eggs and wanted to hit her on the head.

The two immediately started splashing water in the water and fighting.

Soon, the nimble Xiaolan was riding on the shoulders of Mori Kogoro.

Kogoro Mori's head was clamped tightly between his legs, and he kept beating his head with an egg in his hand, and laughter like silver bells spread quickly.

On the other hand, You Xizi, who was pretending to be asleep, saw the father and daughter being so close, his eyes were full of surprise.

Naturally, Kogoro Mori would not allow his daughter to be so domineering. He dropped the bag with his big hand and started patting Xiaolan's buttocks.

The sensitive Xiaolan dodged left and right, twisting her body, very pleased with herself.

As soon as Mori Kogoro used his strange power, he directly knocked Xiaolan over.

She hit the surface of the water, splashed heavily, and instantly became a drowned rat.

Xiaolan reappeared from the bottom of the water, wiped her face, and swam towards Mouri Kogoro again, intending to continue to fight back.

However, his small head was quickly held down by Mouri Kogoro's big hand.

"Okay, stop making trouble, or the eggshells will be scattered in a pool."

Of course, this has nothing to do with eggshells, it's Eri who is coming over, and Mori Kogoro resolutely stops interacting with his daughter.

Eri, who was in the No. [-] hot spring pool, heard the sound, abandoned the teaching garden, supported the shore with both hands, got up unsteadily, and walked towards this side.

Xiaolan also stopped, moving like a mad rabbit and instantly became quiet as a virgin, quietly watching her father peel the eggshells.

Soon, the white egg came out, looking at the big bright eyes in front of him, Mouri Kogoro fed the egg in his hand to Xiaolan.

Taking a small bite, Xiaolan took a bite, and then let out a satisfied nasal sound: "Mmm, it smells so good!" Maori Kogoro laughed lightly, and after Xiaolan swallowed it, he also fed the other half of the egg to Xiaolan. Lan mouth.

Xiaolan immediately bit it up, and bit Kogoro Mouri's index finger into her mouth.

At this time, Yingli, who had just walked to the second hot spring pool, saw her daughter sucking and slowly pulling her index finger out of her mouth, and Danfeng's eyes narrowed slightly.

Then Xiaolan looked over, raised her eyebrows, and made a provocative expression.

Eri couldn't help blinking, and looking carefully, the provocative expression seemed to be an illusion.

At this moment, the daughter smiled at Yan Yan, and was waving her hand to get into the water.

"Mom, come here quickly, there are hot spring eggs to eat!"

Yingli Dai's eyebrows frowned instantly, thinking that she had read it wrong, so she followed the second hot spring pool.

After staggering into the water, she found Yuxiko lying on the black boulder in the water.

Seeing her ooze-like demeanor, Eri understood instantly, and couldn't help but shook her head: She really is useless!

Soon, Eri came to Mori Kogoro's side: "What are you father and daughter doing so loudly? Are you trying to recruit the staff from the hotel?"

"No, mom, try the eggs I peeled for you."

Ran reached out and brought the egg to Eri's mouth.

Seeing her daughter raised her hand and her body was about to come out of the water, Yingli immediately put her hand on her shoulder, took the egg, and prevented her from making any big movements: "Okay, I will eat, I will eat."

Moori Kogoro and Xiaolan naturally understood what she meant, and looked at each other tacitly.

Then Mori Kogoro joked, also to divert Eri's attention: "How about it, did Sonoko rub your back for you just now?"

Hearing this, Yingli Dan immediately rolled his eyes at Mori Kogoro, and couldn't help complaining: "I don't know who was taken advantage of by the little girl just now?"

"Xiaolan, this classmate of yours is a little tricky, do you understand what mother means? From now on, don't get too close to her."

Xiaolan's eyes wandered, as if she didn't hear Yingli's words, her small face suddenly flushed, and then she realized it, and immediately opened her mouth to defend with a guilty conscience.

"Mom, how can you say that, Yuanzi and I have been my best friends since I was a child, how can I say that I want to break up with her just because she made some small mistakes, how sad she should be."

When she said this, she seemed a little nervous, and her voice was intermittent.

Yingli frowned more and more, as if there was nothing she could do about her daughter, so she could only take a step back.

"Okay, okay, you can hang out with her as you like, but don't bring her on a day like our family gathering, especially when your dad is showing up."

Xiaolan's breath became a little heavy, and fine sweat broke out on her forehead again. She narrowed her eyes and stared vaguely at her father who was very close to her, and turned to deal with her mother's words.

Soon, Xiaolan complained: "What kind of family reunion day? It was clearly followed by my mother and Aunt Yukiko secretly. We came to see how Ms. Yoko made movies in the first place."

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