Xiaolan pouted, and nodded her head quietly: "Got it."

And Yoko thought he had stopped Kogoro, so he turned to comfort Xiaolan.

Xiaolan could only deal with Yoko angrily, and let it go perfunctorily.

Yuanzi, who was eavesdropping on the side, found that there was nothing new, so he also got up quietly, pretending to be staggering, and came to the No. [-] pool.

Yuanzi is trying to sell Xiao Wulang, but her acting skills are too clumsy, and everyone in the No. [-] pool can see through it.

Yukiko, Ran, and Yoko are all good at acting, not to mention Kogoro, and Eri knows how good she is.

So everyone saw through Sonoko's little thoughts, and Mori Kogoro was a little bit dumbfounded.

Of course, Eri would not let Sonoko perform, she went directly to Kogoro's side, wrapped her arms around his arm, and said softly, "Kogoro, I want you to rub my back."

Mori Kogoro raised his eyebrows, of course he had no reason to refuse such a request.

So he said, "There are hot spring eggs, hot spring steamed buns in the No. [-] pool, and the shower gel for rubbing your back will pollute the water in this pool. Go back to the No. [-] pool just now, and I will rub it for you."

Of course, Eri has no objections. Facing her evil husband, today she can only walk the road of being obedient and obedient.

Mori Kogoro dragged the wobbly Eri ashore and walked towards the No. [-] pond.And all the girls blushed immediately, Kogoro Mori's figure was too good-looking.

It is as beautiful as a sculpture, and it seems that because of soaking in hot springs or activities, the blood is spurting, and the whole body is slightly flushed. It is really strong.

At first sight, there was a wave of masculinity rushing towards the face, which made all the women couldn't help but want to submit, and they all blushed.

On the other hand, Yuanzi had a look of grief and indignation: Why does my uncle leave as soon as I come, don't be like this!

But soon the grief and indignation on Yuanzi's face disappeared in an instant, and the amber eyes shone brightly again, and instantly turned into a nymphet mode, looking like he wanted to swallow Mori Kogoro again.

Wow, is uncle giving me benefits again?This thigh muscle, this abdominal muscle, this chest muscle, this inverted triangle, this mermaid line, is simply too happy!

Although there are only a few short steps on the shore, Yuanzi seems to have used his sight to whore for nothing.

She turned her head and was still smacking her mouth, with a look of endless aftertaste, which made Xiaolan who was underneath quite speechless.

Since there is no way to sell miserably to uncle, then he can only choose another target.

Yuanzi entered the No. [-] pool and swam towards Xiaolan. He exaggeratedly said, "Xiaolan, you don't even know what your mother did to me just now? Look at my back, I've been rubbed bald. Already!"

In Pool No. [-], there are only Kogoro Mori and Eri, and Eri, who is alone with Kogoro, doesn't dare to speak.

Just as Yukiko knew Kogoro, she knew Kogoro well.

That half-smile expression is really a bit strange, it's not suitable to say anything in this situation!

But how can a woman keep her mouth shut: "Xiao Wulang, just now you said that Xiao Lan was too cruel, and you made her cry!"


With this sound, Mori Kogoro's slightly rough hand landed directly on Eri's soft back with the shower gel.

Eri felt his heart palpitate instantly, and immediately shut up.

After being an old couple for so many years, she can feel that today's husband is completely different.

Mori Kogoro leaned over to Eri's jade neck, took a deep breath, his nose was full of fragrance, his other big hand directly grabbed the full moon, and opened his mouth in a slightly morbid manner.

"Eri, you were the one who told me to discipline my daughter just now, are you implying~blame~me~?"

"No! No!" Eri trembled, shaking her head like a rattle.

here we go again!here we go again!It was this feeling again, the same as when I got off the car!Unscrupulous!Very bad!It must be miserable tonight!

"Actually, I'm also very puzzled, Yingli, why did you suddenly appear outside the villa today? You suspect me, follow me, and don't trust me, right?"

In fact, in Yingli's heart, her flirtatious husband is not trustworthy at all in matters of men and women, and every time she doubts him, she is right.

It's just that the target of suspicion this time is a bit special. Yingri was afraid of making an own mistake, so she felt very guilty if she didn't dare to say it. In addition, it was wrong to follow him.

In such a situation, Eri dared not admit it with a hundred courage.

Her little head shook like a rattle again: "No, how could I not trust you? It's all because of Yuxiko, who dragged me here."

Girlfriends are just for sale at times like this, but in fact, Yingli's sophistry is already in chaos.

Mori Kogoro's mouth curled up.

"It's really interesting. When you were alone with Yuxiko just now, she first said that you brought her here, and now you say that she dragged you here by force. Which one of you lied?"

Yingli suddenly groaned secretly in his heart: This coquettish hoof, after he feels good, he turns everything outside, this is terrible!

Mori Kogoro's big hand directly grabbed Eri's jade neck, letting it lean against him, looking at Eri with extremely evil eyes.

A judgment-like voice shouted coldly: "Xiao Yingli, you lied!"

Hearing this, Eri's calves trembled.

Although I had a premonition, the angry Kogoro is really scary!

There seems to be only one way to appease his anger in this situation.

Yingli can't sing, can't speak love words, can't coax people, and can't make people happy, so what should I do?What can I do?

She could only rub against Maori Kogoro's body, Dan Feng looked up cautiously, and said softly, "Xiao Goro, you want me!"

Hearing this, the smile on Mori Kogoro's face became brighter...

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