At this moment, Yingli's little face had an unhealthy blush, her earlobes were even redder, and Danfeng's eyes were bloodshot, murderous.

She didn't fall asleep until three or four in the morning after being teased last night.

Even before going to bed, Eri didn't get what he wanted, and went to sleep full of resentment.

She had already lowered her profile and lost her dignity to beg Kogoro.

But Kogoro didn't give it to her in the end!

After waking up, all the red strings on Yingli's body were untied, and the room was even more empty.

That's why Eri is so angry now!

Seeing Yuxiko who opened the door, she said directly, "Youxiko, let's go back to Tokyo!"

You Xizi was still a little unresponsive, and yawned, "Eri, why are you in such a hurry? Wait for Kogoro and the others!"

Yingli, who ran away furiously, ignored Yukiko's words, reached out and picked up his skirt, and pulled her out: "Let's go first, go back first."

At this time, Yoko came out from the back room, looking dazed: "Sister Eri, are you going back? Won't you have breakfast together?"

Seeing Yoko, the murderous look in Eri's eyes almost turned into substance.

She gave Yoko a hard look, and Yoko's face turned pale instantly, his body froze, and he didn't dare to move at all.

"You are very good!"

Only then did Yukiko realize that something was wrong, but before she could speak, she was dragged out by Eri.

She didn't even change her clothes, she just wore a hotel bathrobe, and Eri pushed her into Kogoro Mori's Lexus.

The car roared and drove away immediately.

Yoko who stayed in the room was palpitating, her brows were frowned, and she was full of worry: What should I do?Eri-san seems to hate me!

Seeing the scenery flying left and right, Yukiko realized it and couldn't help but said, "Eri, you're crazy, leaving them here, how can they go back?"

Yingli's little face was full of pleasure of revenge: "What do they do!"

"Something's wrong, Eri, what happened last night?"

Hearing this question, Eri's little face darkened again, she pursed her mouth and said nothing.

Such an embarrassing thing, such a humble attitude, is completely a shame in her life, how could she tell Yuxiko about such a thing.

Kogoro also calculated Eri's character accurately, knowing that she would never speak.

Otherwise, if Eri and Yukiko talked about it, then they would talk to each other again, and the appointment would be a mess.

Eri didn't answer Yukiko's words at all. Instead, she stepped up the accelerator, and the car continued to accelerate and galloped forward.

The speed of the car went straight up to two hundred kilometers, and the strong wind swept in, blowing the two people's hair into chaos.

The slightly crazy Eri cheered!

And Yukiko screamed again!

This swaying car was really scary, and she quickly tightened her seat belt.

At this moment, Yuxiko was very annoyed: Why did she have to take the car driven by Eri again!

The speeding Lexus soon drove up to Qiuming Mountain again.

Last night, Takahashi Ryosuke lost the game and didn't go back. He stood guard at the foot of the mountain, wanting to see if he could wait for the Lexus LX. He wanted to ask some questions, but he did not expect to wait.

Takahashi Ryosuke couldn't help being overjoyed, and hurriedly drove his Mazda FC to catch up.

Soon, this FC chased after the Lexus!

Takahashi Ryosuke honked the horn and flashed double flashes, signaling for Lexus to stop and wanted to say something.

But it's not good for him to offend anyone, but the runaway Yingli, so naturally he can't get half of the good fruit.Yingli Danfeng glanced and saw that it was the racing car that had been haunted last night.

With a turn on the steering wheel, this Lexus directly hit the FC!

One was a black steel behemoth, and the other was a racing car. FC was vulnerable and was hit directly on the hillside.

Blue smoke came out from the front of FC that was hit and stopped.

And Takahashi Ryosuke, who was squeezed by the airbag at the car window, looked at the rampant Lexus with a straight face: I haven't seen you for one night, this Lexus is even more terrifying!

Yukiko who was on the Lexus began to tremble again!

On the other side, Yoko in the hotel slapped Kogoro's room, waking up both of them.

Mori Kogoro woke up and felt the soft body in his arms.

My precious daughter was still lying on Mouri Kogoro's chest, with her white right leg resting directly on his body.

As soon as Mori Kogoro opened his eyes, he saw Xiaolan's big bright eyes, which were full of smiles.

Before he could move, Xiaolan pecked Mouri Kogoro's cheek lightly, and snickered as if he had succeeded in a sneak attack.

Mori Kogoro patted his daughter's plump buttocks, pushed her away, and came to the door to open it.

When Yoko saw Kogoro in a bathrobe, she couldn't help but speak.

"Kogoro, sister Eri seemed very angry just now, she didn't even eat breakfast, she came to my room and took Senior Yukiko away."

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