Donate search xu ∥ 謇脚见护考⑾ immature daughter-in-law?

And the one in the driver's seat was not Kogoro, but the aggressive Queen Eri in a suit skirt and gold-rimmed glasses. Yes, she was aggressive.

Yingli said directly: "It's useless, Yukiko, I'll drive this car away, tell Kogoro, if you want a car, come to the office to find me."

After saying this, Eri stretched out her foot and hooked the co-pilot's door, and pulled it back.Then Lexus went on a rampage again.

"Crazy, dissatisfaction with desire is not like this!"

As soon as the car drove away, You Xizi couldn't help cursing, and the scolding came into Yingli's ears along with the wind, causing Yingli's brows to twitch wildly!

Yukiko vented her bowels and returned to normal, and turned to the target of her crush.  Melancholy, easy to hurry and stop,  A chaotic road  Tu rushing into the bath! ?/p>

"It's really unlucky today. I didn't eat anything when I came together, and I didn't even change my clothes. I'm so tired. Please."

Saying this, Yuxiko covered the bathrobe on her body, and ran away with her dusty little bare feet.

She quickly turned around and ran up the corridor, she didn't want to be on the headlines tomorrow, "Oscar queen wearing a bathrobe, disheveled and abandoned in the car. '

And when You Xizi ran to the corridor, a blond western woman in the cafe took off her sunglasses, and looked at her old friend with water green eyes with interest.

At the same time, in the couple's room at the end of the corridor in the Kusatsu Onsen Hotel, Heiji Hattori woke up.

As soon as he became conscious, he felt something was wrong!

By the way, the middle door is wide open, the belt seems to be untied, um, the bathrobe has been untied!

Why is someone touching me, why does my chest feel numb?

Hattori opened his eyes, and the pupils shrank immediately. He was horrified to find that there was a little devil's head growing on his body!

Ah bah, this little devil actually went to sleep in his bathrobe, lying on his chest, drooling constantly, and what was even more hateful was that his claws were actually pulling on his ribs and abdominal muscles.

Hattori Heiji's hairs stood on end in an instant, he stood up without hesitation, and kicked the little devil's head out.


There was a scream, and Conan was kicked into the cabinet in an instant, his hands, feet and head were stretched forward, his buttocks were completely submerged in the cabinet, and he was stuck inside.

The little devil's eyes popped out, his tongue stuck out, and his little face gradually turned purple.

He just dreamed that his favorite football star gave him an autographed football, and kept stroking the football.

How could he know that the dream was shattered in an instant, turned into a nightmare in an instant, and was even kicked into the cabinet.

Hattori Heiji covered his chest with his bathrobe with both hands, with a look of grief and indignation: "Kudou, what did you do to me last night? Why was my bathrobe untied?"

"Kudou, I have long thought that something is wrong with you. You used to be never afraid of ghosts, but you tricked me from Osaka with ghost legends."

"When I was in the villa, I still pretended to be so scared, and when I was holding my leg, I was still pawing and pulling."

"Now you are getting more and more strange."

"If you keep doing this, we won't even be friends in the future!"

Hearing this, the little ghost wanted to cry, but tried his best to speak: "I was dreaming just now!"

It's a pity that the voice was too low, Hattori only heard a few words, and immediately shouted: "Go and live your sweet dreams."

He felt the stickiness of saliva on his chest, he couldn't help shaking his body with aversion to cold, and then slammed the door out, intending to soak in a hot spring to cleanse his body again.

Conan, whose face was purple, immediately panicked: "Hey, Hattori, where are you going, get me out!"

"Hey, Hattori, come back."

"Damn, is there anyone, help!"

Chapter 0311 Yukiko and Belmode

After washing and changing clothes, Yukiko regained her brilliance as a big star, and went back to the Polo Cafe downstairs.

Donate to the falcon  Huang  jealous of fluke   waiter knocked Lei Youxi  Lang Xianya  Zheng Meng Lu Tan Tao Rabbit 姘  forgive?/p>

Yukiko sighed deeply, she had no idea what Eri went crazy today, what happened to her last night, she looked so deeply stimulated.

After glancing at the breakfast on the table, she turned to pick up her wallet: "Xiao Zi, thank you, how much is this?"

Donate bananas  Ci Rong  collapse rake ya  fishy tax 锬 慊 buy play    turbulent latch member Da Nang panic  Jun! ?/p>

Hearing this, You Xizi was a little puzzled, and couldn't help but glance at the foreign woman beside her, feeling a little inexplicably familiar.

Well, full of bitch!

Blonde, graceful, pretty, wearing a light white dress, revealing a delicate calf, jade feet stepping on a pair of light green high heels, the toes are delicate, the bare hands are lifting the chin, as if in a concave shape, but It is indeed gorgeous!

Naturally, this was achieved by Belmore after the disguise. His appearance was also very delicate and beautiful after being disguised.

Belmode has been coming to this coffee shop all the time recently, and the purpose at the beginning was to get revenge on his donation?/p>

But whether he wants to meet Mori Kogoro in his deep heart is unknown!

It's just that her revenge action has been stuck in her mind and has not been launched.

Only once when she was staying in a cafe, she saw a little blonde with big breasts who came out to buy something.

Little Lolita was wearing a mask, but seeing her figure and steps, Belmode seemed to recognize her, and was very surprised.

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