Shiraishi Youhua nodded and went, and after a while, she brought back Xiaolan's handkerchief.

Shijo Lihua was impatient and glared at Kogoro Mori dissatisfied.

In her opinion, Kogoro Mori must have repeated his old tricks and told Nagara Haruka more accurate information by writing with his feet, which led to her defeat.

It's really frustrating to lose a game like this.

But in fact, Mori Kogoro really didn't help Nagara Haruka cheat, he just reminded Reika Shijo, so that she wouldn't lose too badly.

But Zitiao Lihua didn't dare to say anything more, after all, she cheated in the first round, and now the opponent used some means to win the victory in the second round, it's nothing.

But the third game of the night must be a fair competition!

Masao Tamura announced: "I declare that Nagara-sensei won this duel. It is now a one-to-one tie. Please look forward to tonight's ultimate duel for the final result."

When she heard that the result was not what she wanted, Zitiao Lihua's face pulled down.

She glared at Mori Kogoro again, and turned to walk towards the villa, like a wayward little girl.

"Youhua, I'm going back to the divination room for routine meditation, don't let other people disturb me, and, Ms. Luchuan, let's talk about things at four o'clock."

Saying this, Zitiao Lihua went up the stairs, her waist twisted like a water snake.

Nagara Haruka came to Mori Kogoro's side, and couldn't help but said, "Mori-kun, isn't my senior sister's figure pretty?"

How could Kogoro Mori answer this fatal question wrong: "No way, my Xiaoyao has a good figure, with a wasp waist and buttocks, long legs, just like a model, this kind is perfect!"

Nagara Haruka, on the other hand, had a look of disbelief, and narrowed her eyes slightly: "Oh, man, I have long known that it is a man's nature to like the new and dislike the old, but I didn't expect you to be so fast, Kogoro."

"Nonsense, nonsense, what you just saw was hallucinations, your senior sister smells like psychedelic sage, I had a hallucination in my head, and you saw it. Hehe!"

Of course Nagara Haruka didn't believe it, but fortunately Xiaolan and Mira came together to help him out.

"Teacher Nagara, what happened to that crystal ball just now? Is that magic?"

It was Xiaolan who spoke, and this girl was also overwhelmed by the glowing crystal ball.

Nagara gave Mori Kogoro a long look, didn't bother with him any more, and explained to Xiaolan instead.

"I just communicated with the Tarot Spirit and asked it to give me instructions, so it manifested in the crystal ball."

"In fact, there are content and pictures in it, but only I can see those."

"Hiss!" Mira on the side also seemed to be fooled.

The two girls clustered around Nagara Haruka, asking her to help him with divination, and the three of them ignored Mori Kogoro any more.

On the other side, Zitiao Lihua returned to the divination room on the second floor and took out the key from her chest.

Seeing the white gemstone above, she remembered the scene that just happened in the corridor of the reception room.

So tough, so rascal, and so majestic!

Made an indelible impression on her.

There was no one else in the divination room, she couldn't help but lifted the red dress on her chest, and immediately saw the red handprint on her proud body.

The fingertips passed by lightly, and there was still some pain!

It's really too rough, it's really pinching to death.

Zitiao Lihua came to the table, picked up the water glass and took a sip, just about to swallow.

But suddenly remembered something, and couldn't help but start to rinse her mouth. She spit out the tea in the trash can, and repeated this for several rounds before giving up.

Then she caught a glimpse of her own safe. After what happened in the corridor, she only went to the toilet once, and she hadn't come up to open the safe yet.

Zitiao Lihua squatted down immediately, took the key and opened the safe.

The notebook I wrote in my own handwriting is still intact inside.


It was only then that Lihua Zijo realized that she had been tricked. Kogoro Mori didn't steal the notebook at all, but he used it as a threat to make her do such an outrageous thing for it.

As soon as she pushed the safe up, she couldn't help but yelled and cursed.

"Damn, hate, bastard, hooligan, you dare to frame me, see if I don't call the police and arrest you."

After saying this, Zitiao Lihua picked up the phone, but just pressed a button before he hesitated again.

"Hmph, I caught you like this, it's too cheap for you!" She threw the phone on the table.

"Just wait, when I ask all your secrets, then it will be my turn to round and flatten you, thick and thick!"

The middle school girl started laughing wildly again, which made Kogoro Mori, who was being watched by the Ant-Man robot, extremely embarrassed.

Then Zitiao Lihua sat on the divination table and took out various raw materials from the cabinet, violets, sacred mushrooms, morning glory seeds, psychedelic frogfish skin, all of which have hallucinogenic properties.

She started making sandalwood.

Chapter 0323

This bitch, the hallucinogenic material used to make sandalwood is extremely heavy, what a mess!

Mori Kogoro turned his head and saw that Xiaolan and the others were talking at the divination table. He didn't care about his side at all, so he slipped quietly to the right side of the villa.

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