"This guy was asked by me to find out that he bribed the insiders of the printing factory to get information and do insider transactions."

"He hasn't paid the money I asked for for three months, so I threatened him not to pay any more, and told the news to the reporters of other weekly magazines. This must be the reason why he wanted to kill me!"

"Actually, I'm still very reasonable. I won't specifically harm this kind of person who can't squeeze out more money. I just want to scare him."

When Reika Shijo said this, she looked at Kogoro Mori carefully, for fear of being disgusted by him.

After all, it's disgraceful to use other people's privacy to blackmail.

Mori Kogoro couldn't help but patted Zitiao Lihua's buttocks: "You silly girl, you can't even play blackmail and blackmail, and you make people jump off the wall, if I didn't show up just now, you have to explain it here ?"

Zitiao Lihua retorted subconsciously: "No way, I haven't had any accidents before."

Then she lowered her head slightly, and said timidly: "Mr. Mao Li, don't you think I'm a bad woman?"

Mori Kogoro chuckled: "It's bad to be bad, but it's even more obvious to be stupid. I wonder why so many people are obediently blackmailed by you?"

This is of course the reason why Zitiao Lihua's special psychedelic sandalwood and her bluffing ability are so perfect.

But Zitiao Lihua said unhappily: "How am I stupid? How many politicians and business leaders are at my mercy. How can someone as powerful as me be stupid?"

Mori Kogoro said again: "If you were smart enough, you wouldn't use this method to make money."

"And since it is an act of extortion that violates the law, we should also prevent the occurrence of today's situation!"

"At the very least, invite a few bodyguards in this manor. When you come in for divination, you should search your body first to avoid bringing in sharp weapons. Wouldn't it reduce a lot of danger?"

Zijo Lihua immediately looked at Mori Kogoro with admiration: "It makes sense, Mori-kun, you are such a criminal genius, I will arrange it right away."

Mori Kogoro was speechless for a moment: He also said that he is not stupid, so he is a criminal genius?Nothing happened before, and this guy was lucky.

"Stop arranging it. From now on, stop playing tricks like bluffing and blackmailing. Your IQ is beyond your control."

Zitiao Lihua pouted immediately, with a reluctant expression on her face: "But then there is no way to make money, no way to buy jewelry, no way to buy bags, I will starve to death."

Mori Kogoro chuckled lightly: "If you can't die of hunger, I will support you!"

Zitiao Lihua immediately burst out laughing, the flowers trembling from the laughter: "Thick Thick Thick Thick, Maori-kun, you are worse than me, I remember your residence was broadcast on TV, it is a small house Come on, how can you support me, don't be ridiculous, I can support you."

Zitiao Lihua laughed so hard that tears almost flowed down.

Damn, to be despised by this woman, I can't bear it.

Kogoro Mori beat up Reika Shijo again.

Chapter 0325 is very cruel!

Mori Kogoro didn't have the slightest bit of energy to spare, but this vixen still couldn't stop laughing, as if he heard the funniest joke.

"Detective Maori, your house is smaller than my junior sister's villa, you are worse than my junior sister, and you still want to keep me, are you ashamed!"

She laughed so hard that she kept twisting her waist, which made people angry just watching her.

Mori Kogoro was speechless for a moment, took out the black card from his pocket, and threw it on the table.

He originally thought that this move would be able to restrain Zitiao Lihua.

But Zitiao Lihua was not only stupid, but also not very knowledgeable. She didn't recognize that this was a black card with unlimited overdraft, and instead she laughed coquettishly.

"Maori-kun, do you think you can support me with this credit card? It's too beautiful!"

She wrinkled her nose: "Hmph, I'm not a woman you can get easily!"

Come on, I didn't expect that the first time I failed in pretending to be coercive was on this Hu Meizi.

Zijo Lihua picked up the black card, lightly scratched Mori Kogoro's nose, and teased: "Now it's obvious, I'm better than you when it comes to making money, so I'm smarter than you."

"Why don't you cooperate with me, Mr. Mao Li, you can help me introduce customers, and I will make money with you. Then we will share [-] to [-] points, how about it?"

This guy actually started to shriek, talking about her speechless plan to make money.

Mori Kogoro really didn't want to hear her say these words, so he directly blocked her red lips, and put his big hand into his skirt to wreak havoc again.

Shijo Reika immediately patted Mori Kogoro on the shoulder in disbelief.

But soon, under the master-level kissing skills, the strength of her hands gradually became weaker, and finally she fell powerlessly behind Kogoro.

Less than three or four minutes later, the sound of a police car rang, and Kogoro Mori let go of Shijo Lihua's mouth.

Zitiao Lihua looked at Mori Kogoro with charming eyes, and there was a kind of throbbing in her eyes, as if she wanted to do something.

As soon as Mori Kogoro stretched out his hand, Zitiao Lihua immediately snorted, and quickly stuffed the black card into the groove on his chest.

"I won't give it to you!"

Well, as expected, it is an F cup. The black card is completely submerged in it. It can’t be found from the outside. It’s very cruel.

Mori Kogoro didn't continue to ask for it, anyway, it was just a sub-card with the same limit as Xiaolan's, one billion yen.

And the mother card is in Eri's hands, so it doesn't matter if this card is given to her.


"Okay, now the police are here. If Katsuragi Kensuke wakes up and confesses that you blackmailed him, you'll have to go away."

Only then did Zitiao Lihua panic, and hurriedly asked for help: "Then what should I do, Maori-kun, you can't just leave me alone, you have to help me!"

What to eat dry wipe clean, this is not eaten yet?Cough cough, it seems that there is no problem in eating it!

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