Mingmei greeted her with a smile: "Cousin Zhenchun, it should be the first time we meet, please give me your advice in the future."

Shiliang was a little confused: "Cousin Mingmei, why do I suddenly have a cousin?"

Mary continued, "There's more than one."

Pointing to Haibara, she introduced: "This is another cousin of yours named Miyano Shiho. Because of taking APTX, she has become smaller like my mother. The temporary antidote I am taking now was developed by her. "

Hearing this, Shiliang was completely petrified, and his mouth grew huge.

After a long time, she jumped up: "Impossible, how could Xiao Ai be my cousin, she is so much younger than me!"

Mary slapped her daughter directly: "It was said that after taking APTX, the body shrunk. Can't you hear that?"

"Ouch, it hurts!"

Shiliang Zhenchun, who was covering his head with the red envelope, finally came to his senses, his face was still filled with amazement, and his blue eyes kept observing Huiyuan.

And Huiyuan also felt very strange, somehow this guy became his cousin: I actually have a younger sister?

She also greeted with a chuckle: "Cousin Zhenchun, from now on you have to listen to my sister, and obediently do what my sister asks you to do."

Shi Liang suddenly felt a little depressed.

"What about Uncle Maori, isn't Uncle Maori also related to us?"

Mary shook her head: "That's not true, but your Uncle Maori is the boyfriend of your two cousins!"

"Oh, boyfriend." Shi Liang was quite normal when he said this, but when he realized it, he exploded instantly.

She jumped up directly, stood on the bed and asked aggressively.

"Uncle Mao Li is the boyfriend of my two cousins, so what's your relationship with my mother? I saw you two beeping (sound-absorbing treatment) in the toilet last time!"

Hearing this, Mary blushed instantly and couldn't help lowering her head.

She never expected that her daughter would see her in the bathroom on the day of I Ching washing the marrow.

And Mingmei and Xiaoai cast cold eyes in an instant, and glared directly at Kogoro Mouri.

The originally slightly balanced and delicate situation was instantly punctured by the straightforward Shiliang, and the atmosphere in the room fell into honeyed embarrassment.

The old driver Kogoro Mori didn't dare to let this atmosphere continue, so he said with a cheeky face: "It's the kind of relationship you saw, Shiliang, from now on you can just call me uncle, let's go our separate ways. On each."

"We're all a family, and there's no need to go into such detail!"

Chapter 0346 can only forgive him slightly!

Hearing these brazen words, Shiliang Zhenchun felt that his three views burst instantly.

She opened her mouth to say something, but couldn't say anything, and the blue eyes looked at Kogoro Mori very complicatedly.

Mary breathed a sigh of relief when she heard this. After all, Kogoro didn't mean to abandon her, so she was very relieved.

When Ming Mei and Xiao Ai heard the shameless words, they instantly exploded, and the two sisters couldn't help pinching Kogoro Mouri's ears from left to right.

Little Lolita couldn't help but questioned: "Uncle, tell me, what's going on?"

They were all poked into the light by Shiliang, and the two sisters couldn't back down, so they had to face this matter head-on.

Originally, it was pretty easy to solve at the beginning, and after a few coaxing in private, it would not be a problem for Xiao Ai and sisters to be taken down.

After all, the two sisters grew up in the dark organization since they were young, and the relationship between them is weak, so the obstacles will naturally be small.

It's good now, it's a little difficult to deal with when Shiliang puts it on the bright side like this, and the atmosphere is suddenly tense and seems to be a confrontation.

Everything comes first, first served, the two sisters were with Mori Kogoro first, so it was natural for them to take advantage.

So at this time, Mary has to give in, otherwise it will be ugly if the trouble continues.

Anyway, she lost her face today, so Mary embraced her and said, "Mingmei, Shiho, this is Auntie's fault, so don't blame Kogoro."

"At that time, I was the one who seduced him. I accidentally did something wrong."

"Don't worry, Auntie will never talk to you two..."

Before he could finish his sentence, he was interrupted by Mori Kogoro: "Shut up."

Mary was taken aback and quickly fell silent.

Mori Kogoro glared at Mary, stretched out his hand to take the two girls' little hands, and explained: "Xiao Ai, Mingmei, I did something wrong, but after all, ignorant people are not guilty."

"Before it happened, I didn't even know that you were relatives."

Kogoro Mori who said this had an innocent look on his face, and almost deceived himself.

"I only faintly felt something was wrong after I investigated it, but it's a done deal, and there's nothing I can do about it."

Mouri Kogoro tentatively said, "Why don't we try and make mistakes?"

Hearing this, the little hands of the two women twisted together again in sync.

Mori Kogoro pretended to be in pain again, and lay down on the bed. The two girls became more and more serious, and four little hands greeted them together.

And Shiliang Zhenchun's eyes were full of eagerness in the back, the corners of his mouth lifted, and his tiger teeth flashed coldly.

This girl also quickly reached out her hand and attacked a few times: You even attacked my mother, it's too hateful!

In addition to being angry, Shiliang was also faintly disappointed.She herself didn't know why she was lost!

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