Mori Kogoro chuckled, reaching out to hold Eri's little hand.

"Of course I have to tell you. You are the hostess of the house. I dare not agree without your nod."

A satisfied smile appeared on Eri's small face, and she continued the topic just now.

"Xiao Goro, Mira told me a lot today. I think it makes sense. It's about Xiaolan."

Hearing Xiaolan, Mori Kogoro immediately started acting, frowning as if he was helpless.

"What's wrong with Xiaolan? Could it be that she dared to mess with you recently, Yingli, tell me, see if I don't teach her a lesson!"

He also deliberately pretended to be angry, and Eri immediately put his arms around him and stroked his chest, saying: "No, no, Kogoro, don't think too much."

"It's just that Xiaolan's current state is very bad, and you know what she thinks of me. This will become more and more entangled like a deadlock, and will eventually pull Xiaolan into the abyss."

Mori Kogoro immediately sighed angrily, and held his head in his hands in a powerless gesture: "I don't know, but I can't help it!"

"If everything in the world could be as simple as a case, it would be great to solve the case directly after finding the evidence, motive, and method of killing!"

Hearing this, Eri couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth.

"But there is also a solution to the dead button. The reason for Xiaolan's Oedipus plot is that I am too good, which leads to her deep-seated love."

Hearing this, it was Kogoro Mori's turn to twitch his mouth.

"But Mira is right. The Oedipus plot is split into a mixture of homosexuality and forbidden things. We can break through one by one."

"What do you mean?"

Eri couldn't help but patted Mori Kogoro on the shoulder: "Tsk, isn't this obvious? We can take it step by step."

"Fix the thing about her being gay first, and then fix the other problem, and then we'll have a normal daughter."

Mori Kogoro pretended to be stupid and said, "Eri, the more you talk about it, the more confused I become. What exactly do you mean?"

"What I mean is that I want you to bring Xiaolan back from homosexuality to heterosexuality, that is, to let you get Xiaolan into your hands, and we will move on to the next step."

Mori Kogoro's pupils shrank like bursting, he pointed at Eri and was speechless.

After a long time, he shouted: "Eri, are you crazy, what nonsense are you talking about?"

Yingli immediately defended: "This is a dangerous move for soldiers, but it is also a feasible way to open this deadlock."

"Of course, what I mean by the strategy is that you let Xiaolan know the beauty of love between men and women!"

"Hey, those pure love games sold on the market, do you understand what I mean!"

"I'm not asking you to really date your daughter, you're just a wrench to bring Xiaolan back to normal."

Mori Kogoro's complexion changed for a while, cloudy or sunny.

After thinking for a long time, he said suspiciously: "To put it simply, you just want to transfer Xiaolan from the Oedipus plot to the Electra plot. The more I hear it, the more it sounds like you want to blame me for it." ?”

Yingli immediately shook her head with a guilty conscience: "No, how could it be possible, how could such a thing happen?"

But in fact, she was really unbearable, and selfishness accounted for more than half of it.

Mori Kogoro narrowed his eyes, and immediately ordered: "Come here, bite and talk."

Eri sensed that Kogoro seemed to agree, so he obediently passed by.

Chapter 0349 Hesitant Eri

Seeing Eri's hesitation, Mori Kogoro put on a troubled expression.

"Eri, I didn't say that, your idea is too dangerous!"

"If I really did what you said and succeeded, and told Xiaolan the truth afterwards, how much do you think she would hate me!"

"She's grown up. If she can't bear to leave home and run away from home, she won't get in touch with us forever, what should I do?"

Eri Danfeng glanced at Mori Kogoro: "That's why you have to do this. You are experienced, and you will definitely be able to handle it properly."

Mori Kogoro felt depressed and wanted to vomit blood, and it was really not a good thing to say from Eri's mouth with experience.

Yingli took out the ice cream in his mouth, and his eyes flashed: "I don't care, Xiaolan is also your daughter, and you are very responsible for the way she is now."

"If you don't agree, then I will, then I will bite you to death!"

When Eri said this, he was about to bite, but Mori Kogoro stopped quickly: "Don't stop, calm down, hey, what is this?"

Yingli continued to speak: "Xiao Wulang, this should be very simple for you, Xiao Lan is not guarded against you, why are you so embarrassed?"

"Well, you settle your daughter's matter. As for the matter of you attracting bees and butterflies outside, I don't care about you."

Mori Kogoro's eyes lit up immediately, this is possible.

After saying this, Eri put the ice cream in her mouth again, and licked it in small mouthfuls.

Mori Kogoro was so good that he got cheap, thought for a long time, and finally sighed: "Okay, I'll give it a try, and don't blame me if it doesn't work. But this matter can't start until I come back from Fuguiwan .”

Yingli licked her lower lip, and smiled lightly: "I just have to arrange it, and then I will help you choose some scenes and install a monitor. You just use the invisible earphones to listen to my instructions."

After thinking about it, Yingli felt that this plan still needs to be controlled by herself, otherwise it would be too easy to get out of control.

After all, when Mori Kogoro yelled at Mira last night, the scene where he called her Xiaolan was still vivid in his memory, which really made people feel uneasy.

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