He likes to piss others off to death, but they can't do anything about his pleasure.

A wicked smile appeared on the corner of Mouri Kogoro's mouth, and Yumi-chan's little face turned red, and she, who was still very lively just now, lowered her head and dared not speak. Mori Kogoro's thigh, purple eyes glared at him, wanting him to settle down.

But how could Kogoro Mori be safe? He only felt the excitement, so he followed suit and attacked Miwako.

Seeing an even more extreme scene on the screen, the police officers were so heartbroken that they couldn't help but yelled. "Even if it is a Maori detective, I will kill him."

"This can be considered sexual harassment, let's take him back to the hall."

"Let's beat him up first, and dare to attack our goddess."

All the policemen were blackened, and the chefs and waiters who were handcuffed next to them were trembling: Are these guys policemen or gangsters?

On the contrary, Shiratori Ren Saburo and Takagi Tsubasa, who were hit hard before, had no psychological fluctuations. After all, they had seen many more outrageous things than this.

Shiratori Ren Sanlang laughed: "Listen to me, just now the photo failed for some reason, it doesn't matter, now the Maori detective has given us the evidence again."

"The person in charge of the technical class came out and got this video for me, and saved it on a USB flash drive or mobile phone. We will show it to Mrs. Sato in person later. I don't believe she can still be so calm."

I have to say that Shiratori Ren Saburo is still a little quick-witted.

But there is no way, his opponent is a jerk, just send an ant-man robot to fight.

No matter where the technician intends to store the video clip, the Ant-Man robot can go in and destroy it.

The technician tried hard for a long time, destroyed more than ten mobile phones, and five or six USB flash drives, but in the end nothing was done.

All of them could only watch Kogoro Mouri go all the way, but the two golden flowers in the Metropolitan Police Department didn't say a word.

At this dinner, Shinobu Sato and Sumiko were actually having dinner, and Yumi-chan and Miwako were just trying to eat.

Just by looking at the plate, it can be seen that there is still half of the steak left in front of the two women.

Mori Kogoro didn't touch his knife and fork at all, since he wasn't hungry after all.

Seeing that Sato Shinobu was full, Kogoro Mori also stopped and pushed the plate in front of him forward.

Then he took out a document from the briefcase.

His eyes became extremely sincere again, and he said to Sato Shinobu: "Auntie, I know you may have a lot of concerns about me."

"I'm quite old, married, have children, and I'm still a detective. I will cause a lot of troubles, and I may implicate Miwako. I don't have time to accompany Miwako when I usually handle cases."

"However, what I want to tell you is that I am serious about Miwako, and we both really love each other."

Hearing this, everyone in the back kitchen went crazy, they couldn't help but slapped the table and cursed: "Fart!"

Shinobu Sato listened quietly with a smile on his face.

Miwako beside him was completely unexpected about this sudden confession, and said with a slightly red face, "Xiao Goro, what are you talking about!"

Mori Kogoro stretched out his hand to take Miwako's little hand, smiled softly, and continued talking.

"Auntie, I know that the power of words is shallow, so I want to present a gift to Meihezi under your witness to show my sincerity."

Hearing this, all the girls at the dinner table were a little puzzled, what gift can express their sincerity?

Kogoro Mori turned the document over, and the four of them couldn't help looking over it.

Miheko even read out: "A real estate transfer agreement for Building A of the New Gemini Building!"

Hearing this, the girls were completely shocked!

Miwako couldn't help but screamed: "Xiao Wulang, what are you talking about, building A of the Gemini Building is yours?"

And all the policemen who watched the surveillance and listened to the stereo in the back kitchen froze.

Originally they were still struggling to beat Mori Kogoro violently, but now they all froze, unable to move, like an oil painting.

I couldn't help shouting in my heart: It's fake!how can that be?

However, Mori Kogoro did not answer Miwako's words, with a gentle smile on his face, he took his small hand with his big hand, and ordered softly: "Sign here."

Completely stunned, Miwako subconsciously signed her name.

Sato Shinobu on the side had already come back to his senses, his heart was beating extremely fast, and he looked at this scene with a flushed face.

When she saw her daughter really write on the document, she almost took a breath.

Shinobu Sato was too excited, because Mori Kogoro had an excellent image in her heart, she subconsciously felt that what he said would not lie.

But this is too unbelievable!

This is a building, a building at the core of the business circle, how could the Maori detective own it and donate it to his daughter?Shinobu Sato was in a very complicated mood, some believed and some didn't.

Kogoro Mori smiled and explained after seeing Miwako sign the name.

"Because I invested in Wan Zhao Construction Company before it made a fortune, and took some of its shares."

"Now this company builds buildings in major cities in Japan, and I get rewarded. The building A next door belongs to me."

"My feelings for Miwako are extremely serious, it's not just for fun."

"So take this mansion as an appointment today, make a marriage contract, and I will definitely marry you back home in the future!"

After saying this, in an instant, a font made of lights lit up on the building A next door.

"Miwako, I love you!"

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