"Meko Nogami, Interpol, there should be reinforcements..." Yusaku Kudo seemed to know the origin of Meko Nogami.

He turned and said: "Forget it, don't drag others down, you come with me, I still need your help!"

Hearing this, Conan couldn't help being surprised and said, "Father, don't we go to the first floor to save people? The nearly [-] tourists on the boat were all coaxed into the casino."

Yusaku Kudo shook his head: "No need, just let Kogoro and Mr. Holmes handle this matter. After all, they are the two most prestigious detectives in the world, so there must be no problem!"

Saying this, Kudo Yusaku entered the elevator, threw the confiscated pistol to Conan and Hattori Heiji, pressed the upper floor, and the elevator door slowly closed.

On the other hand, McDonald's in the casino is very rampant.

Looking at the crowd squatting in front of Wu Yangyang, he felt that countless money was beckoning to him, so he kept laughing wildly and shot towards the ceiling.

In the crowd, Xiaolan and Mira, who were wearing blue and blue dresses, were also squatting.

The two women were having breakfast on the deck, but they came into the casino when they heard the announcement. When they came in, they realized that something was wrong. It turned out that terrorists hijacked the ship.With a look of horror on her face, Mira put her arms around Xiaolan's arm and whispered, "Lan, what should I do? Why are there so many terrorists?"

Xiaolan wasn't too scared, her channeling technique had already strengthened her body to the limit of her body, ordinary bullets couldn't touch her at all.

Even if he takes a few bullets, as long as it is not a vital point, it is only a minor injury.

Seeing Mira's frightened expression, she quickly hung the death-prevention gold medal she wore around her neck on Mira's body.

"It's okay, Dad will definitely come back to save us."

Xiaolan knew the effect of the death-prevention gold medal. If the group of mercenaries massacred, she would protect Mira and use the ten-second barrier of the death-prevention gold medal to break out.

However, McDonald's considers himself a gentleman, so naturally he would not do such a thing as a massacre.

Standing in front of the crowd, he explained the rules of baccarat and lined up the hostages to play cards with him.

Under the coercion of the terrorists, everyone quickly lined up.

The first one to go up was an unlucky fat pig rich businessman. He lost the first one and was shot in the head by McDonald.

Everyone in the casino squatted down in fright, only then did they realize that this was a game of life and death, and the bet was their lives.

Chapter 0032 Red Lip Print

Seeing the bloody fat man headshot to death, Mira couldn't help but tremble, while Xiaolan frowned.Then it was a woman's turn, and the woman refused to go up no matter what she said.

The mercenary in red wanted to force her to go to the table, so she broke free desperately and ran towards the exit.

McDonald sneered and waved two fingers.

The bald deputy at his side picked up the shotgun and shot the running woman.

The woman who ran away screamed and flew three to five meters away, blood spilling all over the ground.

Screams sounded immediately, and the crowd was full of commotion.

Seeing this, Xiaolan frowned even more tightly.

McDonald said directly: "Next!"

The next one is the gambling master dressed like a waiter, Gundam.

He blew his buoy and was about to play.

Unexpectedly, it was Xiaolan who went forward first. This girl is still kind, and she couldn't see so many people being killed.

She stepped forward directly, intending to use her luck to delay the boss of the terrorist until her father came to deal with them.

Even if her father didn't come, Xiaolan felt that she could dodge the bullet when McDonald took the pistol later, which was not too dangerous.

McDonald recognized that this was the girl who had won a large sum of money yesterday, so he couldn't help being more interested.

After all, yesterday's self was completely defeated, and all his savings were lost.

The gambler's psychology is strange. If he loses, he wants to win back. McDonald's doesn't believe that this girl can always win.


The red mercenary who was a guest dealer began to deal cards and started betting against each other.

And the Gundam underneath looked at the lucky Xiaolan with a surprised face, thinking that she was like an angel.

With just one glance, Gundam fell in love with Xiaolan!

He rolled over the thousands of cards in his hand, and began to observe the mercenaries around the gaming table.

Gundam is ready to go, planning to wait for the girl at the gaming table to make a move as soon as she loses, and use card flying to subdue all the mercenaries, maybe it can attract the girl's heart.And Mira, who was in the crowd below, looked at this scene worriedly, and kept praying in her heart that Kogoro Moori would come quickly.

As for Mori Kogoro, he was rushing towards the first floor.

To deal with these mercenaries smoothly along the way, one has to worry about Huixiang's speed, so naturally she can't run very fast.

When he saw a figure appear, he shot directly.

His gun fighting technique was fully deployed, and the flurry of bullets cut out beautiful arcs, each of which was right between the eyebrows.

Huixiang behind didn't even have a chance to repair the gun.

At the same time, Kogoro Mori was still distracted, constantly driving the Ant-Man robot in his mind to dismantle the bombs installed by these mercenaries on the ship.

It's a pity that he only brought more than [-] Ant-Man robots on board this time, which is a little insufficient for Nuoda's cruise ship.

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