Chapter 0156 Sayuri life and death line

Conan stared at Mori Kogoro with tears in his eyes.

"Ms. Matsumoto's life and death are uncertain, and there are so many things happening here. Conan, you can still laugh. You have no sympathy at all. Go back and finish writing all the questions for the first volume of Olympiad, otherwise you will never want to go out in the future." Mori Kogoro was extremely strict at the moment, as if he was really angry.

Conan could only obediently admit his cowardice, he raised his head and glared at Suzuki Sonoko: It's all your fault, you bitch!

Seeing the big red envelope on Conan's head that was bigger than his own, Sonoko couldn't help poking it, and Conan ran around in pain.

At this time, the call from the hospital came back to Xiaolan's mobile phone.

"What are you talking about? Ms. Matsumoto's operation failed, she was too poisoned, and she is in danger. Let's go see her for the last time." As soon as Xiaolan said this, everyone's expressions changed drastically.

Police officer Matsumoto hurried over, grabbed the phone, and asked about the situation at the hospital.

Yuanzi and Conan didn't fight any more, their faces were very solemn, and they didn't expect the worst result to happen.

Police Officer Matsumoto couldn't help shaking after answering the call, and said, "Thirteen, I'll leave this to you. I'm going to the hospital to see Sayuri."

After finishing speaking, Police Officer Matsumoto walked outside, and Mao Li and his party hurriedly followed.


In the car, Xiaolan was very worried, and Sonoko was completely out of the mood to fight. Conan looked out the window and clenched his fists. Sitting in the passenger seat, Matsumoto's face was extremely gloomy, and the whole car felt low pressure.

Mori Kogoro's driving skills were displayed, and he continued to walk through the traffic. In less than five minutes, the car stopped in the parking lot of the Kabato University Hospital, and everyone hurried to the direction of the advanced single intensive care unit.

The doctor waiting outside the intensive care unit greeted him, and said: "A lot of detoxification measures have been taken for the patient in the emergency room just now, but the toxicity has still entered the organs, and I am afraid that exhaustion will soon appear, leaving I'm afraid the patient's time is running out, while she is still conscious, you should see her for the last time."

Police officer Matsumoto grabbed the doctor by the collar. With tears in his eyes, he choked up and said, "Doctor, please, please save my daughter. I only have this one daughter!"

The doctor still looked helpless.

Police Officer Matsumoto sighed in pain, put the doctor down, and rushed to the intensive care unit.

In the intensive care unit, Mori Kogoro breathed a sigh of relief as soon as he touched Sayuri's arm.

Fortunately, although the doctor said it was horrifying, and there was no possibility of treatment, Sayuri Matsumoto still only showed the state of serious injury (poisoning) in the character interface at the moment, and the healing technique could save her.

Police Officer Matsumoto came to Sayuri's side, held her hand, and called repeatedly: "Sayuri, hold on, what will Dad do without you!"

At this moment, Matsumoto Jingwang doesn't have the appearance of a strong man of steel before, his fierce face is full of fear, afraid of losing his precious daughter.

The eyeballs under Sayuri's eyelids rolled, apparently hearing Matsumoto's words.

Seeing this scene, Sonoko's tears flowed immediately, and Xiaolan gritted her teeth when she saw Mr. Matsumoto lying on the bed with a weak face, and said quickly, "Sonoko, Conan, you go out first."

Yuanzi and Conan were stunned immediately when they heard this, Xiaolan said again with a serious face: "Yonzi and Conan, you two go out first, I have something to say to Officer Matsumoto alone."

Seeing Xiaolan's resolute appearance, Sonoko nodded, dragged Conan outside, and closed the door.

It was only then that Xiaolan said, "Officer Matsumoto, I have another solution in this situation, sir."

Hearing this, Police Officer Matsumoto raised his head, and hope appeared in his eyes.

"My father knows a special treatment method, maybe it can cure the teacher." Xiaolan turned to look at Mouri Kogoro: "Dad, now is the time when human life is at stake, so don't hide it, please Help treat Matsumoto-sensei!" Xiaolan bowed deeply to Mori Kogoro.

Police officer Matsumoto couldn't help feeling hopeful when he heard this, because he was a genius like Mori Kogoro, and he believed in some special skills, so he quickly said: "Mori-kun, as long as you can save Sayuri , no matter what you ask, I promise you."

After speaking, Police Officer Matsumoto stood up and bowed deeply to Kogoro Mori.

Seeing this scene, Mori Kogoro was silent for a moment, and finally said: "It can be saved!"

Surprise immediately appeared on Matsumoto's face, and he quickly realized: "I will definitely keep this secret for you, Maori-kun, Maori-kun, is there anything else you need?"

Mori Kogoro said: "I can rescue Matsumoto-sensei, but this process needs to be absolutely quiet, a private space that will not be disturbed by outsiders; once the treatment starts, there should be no interruption in the middle, otherwise it will endanger me and Matsumoto-sensei Inspector Matsumoto, I need you to send someone to guard the door to prevent anyone from entering; also, Inspector Matsumoto must keep this secret for me, this method will consume me a lot , I won’t be able to use it many times in my life!”

This is to save outsiders. Of course, Mori Kogoro has to exaggerate the healing technique, so that the value will be higher!

It’s just that Kogoro Mori’s remarks were believed by not only police officer Matsumoto, but also Xiaolan. Xiaolan’s pretty face immediately became very moved. Immediately burst into tears.

"Okay, I will do everything right, and Sayuri will be handed over to Mao Li-kun." Police officer Matsumoto nodded happily when he heard this, and then walked out. He opened the door of the intensive care unit and stood guard at the door .

The Matsumoto police stopped Sonoko and Conan who wanted to go in, and then called the police to come to Kubado University Hospital.

In the ward, Xiaolan couldn't bear it any longer, and threw herself into Kogoro Mouri's arms: "Father, your treatment method consumes so much, so don't use it on me in the future, I'm so worried about you."

Kogoro Maoli couldn't help but smiled awkwardly, he didn't expect Xiaolan to believe it, so he could only go along with the flow, patted Xiaolan on the back, and said softly: "Because it's Xiaolan, Dad doesn't want Xiaolan to be hurt. It hurts a little bit, so even if the healing technique consumes too much, it doesn't matter, and my father is willing to spend all the times in this life on Xiaolan."

When Xiaolan heard this, water mist came out of her eyes immediately, she shed tears moved, she raised her head and looked at Kogoro Mouri, and immediately hugged Kogoro Mouri tightly with both hands, this movement seemed to want to To rub myself into Mori Kogoro's body.

The two lumps of softness on Xiaolan's chest pressed tightly against Mouri Kogoro's chest, squeezing them continuously, the elasticity was astonishingly terrifying.

Mori Kogoro touched Xiaolan's head, and said, "Xiaolan, you should go out too, Mr. Matsumoto's injury is too serious, and Dad will need to be treated for a long time."

Xiaolan nodded obediently when she heard this, and then went out, closing the door after she went out.

Chapter 0157 The Bride

Seeing Xiaolan walking out, Yuanzi hurriedly asked: "Xiaolan, what's going on, why are you crying? Could it be that Teacher Matsumoto..."

"It's okay, Sonoko, just don't ask, just leave everything to my father, Mr. Matsumoto will be fine." Xiaolan wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, and said softly.

At this time, a team of police officers in black special combat uniforms rushed up, about twenty people, and they saluted the Matsumoto police: "Report, all members of the violent crime department and the second department have assembled, and obey the police dispatch .”

Police Matsumoto issued orders: "I want you to stay here and not let anyone in until this door is opened from the inside."

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