At this moment, a voice came from Sherlock's cell phone.

"Maori detective, please!"

It was the voice of Sherlock's brother Mycroft, a key member of the Eagle Nation's Ministry of Defense, under whose control the CIA was controlled.

Mori Kogoro raised his eyebrows, which made him a little interested. After all, McCoff's favor is still very valuable. Mary may return to the CIA in the future, so naturally he can't get too stiff with him.

Chapter 0051 Frost Road and Evil

Kogoro Mori asked directly; "Moriarty, where is the key?"

He has already used the title skill of the expression master, and began to observe the subtle expressions on his face, so there is no danger of loss!

But Moriarty had a smile that was not a smile, and looked at Kogoro Mori with deep eyes, and his face didn't change at all.

Kogoro Mori stretched out his big hand, wrapped around Moriarty's wrist, and asked this question repeatedly.

Obviously Kogoro Mori had already held down his injured wrist, but his reaction was still the same as before. He looked at Kogoro Mori as if staring into an abyss.

Dr. Watson behind him couldn't help reminding: "Detective Maori, your way of asking is too straightforward, maybe you should be more tactful, maybe you can get it out."

Sherlock on the side stretched out his hand to cover Watson's mouth, and stared at the two people in front of him with almost transparent eyes.

After observing carefully for a long time, Mori Kogoro slightly raised the corner of his mouth, and couldn't help but marvel.

"As expected of London's cunning criminal master, it's really a superb skill, and it's somewhat similar to Sherlock's approach."

"Rare, too rare, you actually hypnotized yourself in just a few seconds after waking up, and handed everything over to the subconscious mind. No wonder you don't feel pain, and it's a bit creepy."

And Moriarty remained expressionless.

Dr. Watson couldn't help asking: "Detective Maori, why do you say this is similar to Sherlock's approach?"

"Nonsense, doesn't Sherlock like to use drugs to sharpen his mind?"

"It's all the same reason. Abandoning the interference of the outside world and even the physical body, there is only the soul, only the self, and only thinking. Thinking is like a beating electric light, everywhere."

Watson on the side looked at Sherlock in disbelief: "Sherlock?"

But Sherlock turned his head away early, guilty of avoiding Watson's sight.

Mori Kogoro continued: "The same is true of Moriarty's state. He fell into a dream, and his body was controlled by his subconscious mind. Some unbelievable words and deeds can also be explained."

"And he didn't do this hypnotic state once or twice. It seems that he has been trained very proficiently. In the old Chinese saying, it means that the mind is controlled and subdued!"

"From this point of view, it is really rare for the ego and the id to become one!"

Hearing Mori Kogoro's praise for Moriarty, Sherlock couldn't help curling his lips.

And Watson continued to ask: "Detective Maori, is there any way to wake up the real Moriarty?"

Mori Kogoro laughed lightly: "Fortunately, I am quite accomplished in hypnotism. Dr. Watson, help me find a chair."

Dr. Watson trotted into the lounge and pulled out a chair from it.

Kogoro Mori slipped a roped swimming ring around Moriarty's waist, placed it on a chair, and dragged it to the edge of the deck.

"This method is called falling. When you are dreaming, you should have experienced the feeling of suddenly falling from a high altitude, and then woke up from the dream."

"In addition to the instructions set by the hypnotist, the hypnotized state can also be awakened by this method, so..."

Saying this, Mori Kogoro directly lifted the leg of the chair.

Moriarty, who was sitting on top, immediately fell into the sea.

In mid-air, his face had already changed, and the color of horror and pain gradually emerged.

Immediately after, Moriarty fell into the water and was pulled up by the swimming ring, and couldn't help screaming.

The wound was irritated by the sea water, and the sourness was invincible.

"……Welcome back."

As soon as Mori Kogoro exerted strength with his arm, he directly dragged Moriarty up in the sea.

His face was quite different from before, pale, his lips were trembling, and his eyes were full of pain.This is the real Moriarty!

He was still muttering some words silently, as if he wanted to hypnotize himself again.

Mori Kogoro reached out and dislocated his jaw.

"Okay, don't be stubborn anymore, there is no chance, I can still wake you up by hypnotizing you again, why bother?" Hearing this, Moriarty looked at Kogoro Mouri with hatred, as if looking at a Like a devil!

And Sherlock couldn't help but said: "Detective Maori, you made him like this, how can he tell us the key?"

"Who said you have to use your mouth to tell the key, just watch!"

Mori Kogoro clasped his wrists with both hands, his eyes focused, and the expression master's skill was displayed again.He began to ask: "Where is the nuclear base? Manchester? Liverpool? Bristol? London?" Observing the subtle expressions on Moriarty's face, he felt his pulse and heartbeat.

His body and micro-expressions would give him away without his answering at all.

"London? No, London doesn't have a nuclear base, does it?"

Hearing this, Moriarty suddenly panicked: He obviously didn't say anything, how did this guy ask?

The two people behind also looked unbelievable.

And McCoff's voice came from the mobile phone: "Yes, there are three places in total, in Hackney, Camden, and Greenville!"

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