And Irene Adler is a female spy-like character, with long sleeves, good at dancing, and slick faces, who is in the middle of all the major terrorist organizations.

Not only was she employed by Moriarty, but she also had a considerable status in the Nightmare Legion, a high-level figure.

Now that the opportunity happened by chance, Mori Kogoro naturally had the idea of ​​information in his mind, so he couldn't let it go easily.

Sherlock narrowed his eyes slightly: "Since my country refitted the first aircraft carrier in 1918, the world has built a total of 42 aircraft carriers. Among them, 11 are aging or damaged, and only 31 remain. No more than 20 ships."

"I know the construction of every aircraft carrier. After all, the size is too large, and there must be a supporting shipyard. These are nowhere to hide under satellite observation."

"I'm very curious, how Maori detectives created the 32nd aircraft carrier out of nothing, and the materials and design are so clever, completely ahead of other aircraft carriers, it's a miracle."

"If outsiders know about it, it will cause a lot of trouble!"

Mori Kogoro chuckled, he had already foreseen this situation, and naturally had a way to deal with it: "Then what do you think?"


"You give Irene to me, and I can ask McCoff to cover you. After all, my country has sold several scrapped aircraft carriers."

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro shook his head and laughed lightly: "Then why don't I cooperate with McCoff, he just owed me a favor, I believe he will be very happy."

Sherlock frowned, and the sea breeze made his clothes rattle.

Mori Kogoro patted him on the shoulder, and turned to leave.

Sherlock spoke again: "Detective Maori, the murderer who killed Yadai Guijiang must be someone else."

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro stopped in his tracks.

"You pushed the case to me on Fuguiwan, because you were sure that I would not investigate it, so as to deceive others."

"The fatal wound was stabbed from the bottom up. That is to say, the murderer's height is slightly shorter than that of Yadai Guijiang, and Kusaka Hiroshige's height is higher than that of Yadai Guijiang, which obviously does not match."

"He was just taking the place of the dead ghost, and he thought he was the murderer. This is Moriarty's work."

"And the person who murdered Yadai Guijiang was a lady, and there was another puddle of blood wiped next to the carpet, the murderer should be Ms. Akiyoshi! I know Moriarty, he would never let his client die .”

"That's why he took Akiyoshi Miwako away on the deck, right?"

Mori Kogoro turned around, the smile on his face getting weirder.

"It seems that the rumors are true. You like Irene, right? This is why you are willing to lose to her."

Sherlock shook his head slightly: "A reliable person has said that I have no heart!"

Mori Kogoro chuckled and said, "But you and I both know that this is not exhaustive."

"Human beings are not grass and trees, and who can be ruthless, Sherlock, the unity of knowledge and action can make you invincible. This is my suggestion to you."

Sherlock laughed softly, turned around and looked at the person in front of him, and finally couldn't help asking: "Detective Maori, black and white, which side do you belong to?"

Today's first meeting with Mori Kogoro, Mori Kogoro left a deep enough impression on him.

Superior intelligence, extraordinary military strength, strong strength, complicated backhands, and many cards... It seems that we only see the tip of the iceberg at this moment!

The more I understood, the more I felt that he was a little scary.

Especially his decisiveness in killing, killing hundreds of ship robbers and Moriarty's subordinates, and killing the pirates is also extremely decisive!Moreover, he disregarded life and cared nothing about the safety of millions of people in London, and now he wanted to shelter the murderer Akiyoshi again!

This series of actions made Sherlock completely unclear.

But he was clear about one thing, if Mori Kogoro, like Moriarty, was associated with crime, he would be a more difficult opponent.Mori Kogoro smiled calmly, and was about to answer, when Eri's face suddenly appeared in his mind, and the words changed as soon as he reached his mouth!

"I should be regarded as gray, mouse gray, to borrow from my wife, it is mouse gray that will bring warmth to people!"

"Okay, after three days, I will let Irene go. As for whether she will return to Eagle Country or not, it's up to her own decision!"

Mori Kogoro turned around and waved his hand, then walked towards the rest cabin.

Sherlock's expression became a little strange, half a smile was not a smile.

"Oh oh oh"

The mischievous little killer whale called Chu Sheng, swung its tail, and set off a large wave of waves to slap Sherlock's face, interrupting his thoughts instantly.

Sherlock glanced at the big fat killer whale angrily, and walked quickly in the direction of Watson.

The little killer whale kept calling after him, as if mocking him.

As for the masked woman it carried on its back before, it has long since disappeared!

Chapter 0053 Shy Huixiang!

As soon as Mori Kogoro approached the rest cabin, his keen hearing heard the noisy sound behind.

He walked back along the airtight rest cabin, and saw Meng Bo pestering Huixiang.

"Huixiang, come back with me, I can't live without you!"

"Without you, my business can't go on."

"What kind of thing is Mori Kogoro, why are you helping him?"

"He must have lied to you, he has a lot of people, how can he need you!"

But Huixiang crossed her arms and turned her back, not wanting to talk to him at all.

The tall and slender Huixiang really has the aura of an icy beauty when she is cold.

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