And Belmore in the back seat was so angry: what happened to the foreign girl?What happened to white people?Are you eating your rice?Still discriminatory?

It's fine if you just play around, it's best that Kogoro doesn't play with you!

Don't think that I'm afraid of you just because you are a police officer, just pray that you won't fall into my hands for the rest of your life.

Seeing Yazi's outburst for no reason, Belmore became depressed instantly.

Shiliang on the side couldn't help laughing.

Hearing the laughter, Belmor felt as if a knife had been stabbed in his heart, and immediately replied.

"You breastless girl, don't think I don't know, you are half of the eagle country blood, strictly speaking, you are also a foreign girl."

Hearing this, it was Shiliang's turn to be depressed.

Naturally, Mingmei, who has a gentle personality, can't put on a show. The two quarreled, and quickly changed the subject: "Xiao Wulang, do you know who is behind the scenes?"

Mori Kogoro looked at the two people who were surrounded by the police taking notes, and a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "I don't know yet, but I will know soon."

The two drivers in front of the car accident had particularly obvious appearance characteristics.

The driver who got off the food truck was the chef of Yebisu Sushi Restaurant, a guy with rabbit teeth, a chef hat, and a blindfold on his left eye. His name was Wakita Kennori, who looked like an old man!

The same policeman came out of the gray car, but it was not the police from Tokyo, but the police from Nagano Prefecture.

He has white hair, white beard, burn marks on his right cheek, and a prosthetic eye in his right eye, named Kuroda Hei!

He is the Chief of the First Search Section of the Nagano Police Headquarters, and his position is at the same level as the Matsumoto Police Department of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department.

Today I came to the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department to report on my work, and I participated in some meetings to prepare for my transfer to the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department and succeed Matsumoto.

Under the operation of Mori Kogoro, the Matsumoto police inspector has been successfully promoted to the police inspector, and has recently left his original post for promotion.

At that time, he will have the same position as Yazi, but there will be a thirty-year difference in age.

From this we can also see how much credit Yazi has contributed to rescuing thousands of dignitaries and dignitaries back safely.

Forces from all walks of life pushed her, and directly helped her complete the career journey that others would have to go for [-] to [-] years, and became the youngest police officer in Japan's history.

Chapter 0031

Kuroda Hei and Wakita Kenno are in the original book, but like Rumi Wakasa, they are the main suspects of Rum.

Now that they appeared at the scene of the crime, they happened to cause a car accident, blocking Kogoro Mori's path, and almost allowing the peripheral members of the organization to escape.

How can there be such a coincidence in the world, the person who tipped off President Dejima should be Rum.

According to Huihara's description, there are different opinions on Rum's appearance.

Like a big man, or a man like a woman, or an old man, and these are its substitutes.

Although there are many versions of its appearance, there is one characteristic that is consistent in description.

It was because one of Rum's eyes was injured in an accident, so it was a prosthetic eye.

From this point of view, both of them fit the description.

Seeing that the two people in front were still cooperating to take notes, Mori Kogoro glanced at Belmode and Minmei in the back seat.

For the sake of the safety of the two women, he didn't get out of the car to test, and drove away directly.

Anyway, the window is covered with black shading paper, so the inside cannot be seen from the outside.

Belmore didn't tell people in the organization that he disguised himself as Bella this time. It would be bad if Rum found out that she was entangled with him.

The future is long, anyway, there are plenty of opportunities to fight.

The two who were talking with the police officer saw that Lexus walked away, and they all turned their heads to look at Lexus.

The one-eyed look is gloomy, and he doesn't know what he is thinking!

In the distance, in Kubado Park, a Mercedes-Benz car also started, turned around and drove away.

Shiliang couldn't help but said, "Uncle, why don't we get out of the car and take a look? It just so happened that there was a car accident at that location, I always feel something is wrong."

Mori Kogoro casually said: "This car had a flat tire in front of us. It must have been an accident. Let's go home. We have enough things to do today." Saying this, Mori Kogoro stared at the car through the rearview mirror. with Belmode.

It stands to reason that Belmord should know Rum.

But when she passed by just now, her eyes didn't change at all, which is also a strange phenomenon!

Soon, Lexus drove under the office.

Yukiko just happened to come home too, at the top of the stairs.

Seeing Bella getting out of the car, she wondered, "Hey, Bella, why are you with Kogoro?"

Saying this, Yukiko remembered Kogoro Mori's attitude towards Bella last time, and looked at Kogoro Mori unkindly.

Belmode then pretended to be Bella's voice again, looking as excited as a fan.

"I wanted to come here to return the movie disc I borrowed last time. It happened that the Maori detective was going to handle the case, so we followed along."

"It was very exciting just now, just like the plot of the movie, and there was also a car chase and shootout!"

Hearing this, Yuxizi immediately became nervous: "Xiao Wulang, what's going on, you are not injured, are you? Is it revenge from the remnants of those terrorists?"

Mori Kogoro chuckled and said, "Of course not, don't worry, Yukiko, everything has been resolved."

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