Even after a day, the Fugui Pill incident still didn't cool down, but intensified instead.

The dissemination of news is time-sensitive, and I am afraid that the next three or four days will be dominated by this incident.

The newspaper still has the silhouettes of Mori Kogoro and Sherlock, and the text is the case analysis of various versions.

Tan Baima couldn't help but sigh regretfully: "It's such a pity, my father also received the invitation from Fugui Pill, I should have known that I should also be on Fugui Pill."

"It's a pity that I couldn't witness such a famous scene of the duel between the two famous detectives in the east and west!"

"It's just that I didn't expect Mr. Holmes to lose to Detective Maori in this duel..."

Upon hearing the name, Kaito Kuroba became angry, quickly tore the newspaper, crumpled it into a ball and threw it into the trash can.

Baima couldn't help being stunned when he looked at it, then shook his head and laughed.

Without the newspaper, he still has a mobile phone!

He picked up his mobile phone and continued to read the reports about Fu Gui Wan.

For a high school student detective, the review of such a shocking case is not stingy with a delicious meal, so he naturally doesn't want to miss it.

Immediately afterwards, Detective Baima saw a recent press release. In the photo, it was Heiji Hattori and Conan who followed Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson.

"The two of them also went to the Eagle Country. It seems that something terrible happened there."

Fireworks immediately lit up in Baima Tan's eyes, which was the desire for murder.

Kuroba Kaito glanced at White Horse Tan's mobile phone screen, saw that they were two acquaintances, curled his lips and stopped paying attention.

Wait a minute, the two of them also went to the Eagle Country, maybe Mori Kogoro followed, maybe it can be like this...

Kaito quickly started planning in his mind, planning to make a plan while Mori Kogoro was away, and give him a big gift when he came back.

But how did he know that Mori Kogoro didn't go with him, instead, he was enforcing the family law against his mother Chikage in the basement ring below him at this moment!

On the arena in the basement, the three girls were stacked one on top of the other, lying like a chain of frogs.

Mori Kogoro sat on the top of Xiaolei's back and swung his big hand down.

The original bitter trick was well executed, but Lai Xiaolei and Xiao Tong's eyesight was good, and they soon saw the flaws, knowing that they were cracking down on fakes, so they refused to follow suit!

The two girls also joined the battle, intending to join hands with their master and teach Mori Kogoro a lesson.

But Kogoro Moori was the one who suffered the most, seeing that they were being unforgiving, he immediately made jokes.

As soon as the martial arts master showed his power, he was about to forcefully suppress the three women, and this scene appeared.

A series of slaps kept coming down, Mouri Kogoro didn't ask any more questions, and just repeated one sentence: "Do you know what's wrong?"

The pretty face of Hei Yu Qianying at the bottom was flushed, and she felt that her face was completely lost. Being overthrown in front of her apprentice, she was really ashamed to see others.She couldn't help but said: "Xiao Wulang, let me go quickly, how decent I am now!"

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro laughed badly: "Now I will let you know what is called rules and what is called decency!"

With his left hand, he continued to cast the family law on the two sisters in the next life; while with the thunderbolt attached to his right hand, he came to the hands of God against Kuroba Chikage.

Qianying's purple eyes widened in an instant, and she immediately pursed her lips, with a look of shock on her face: that's too bold, how dare he do this?

Poor Kuroba Kaito didn't know that his mother had lost face and was suffering!

At another table, Momoi Keiko couldn't help asking.

"Qingzi, did your dad say when the Kaitou Kidd will come out to commit crimes?"

Aoko Nakamori shook her head and said, "No, but Keiko, why do you still pay attention to Kidd? Didn't you say that you don't want to follow him?"

Momoi Keiko clenched her fists and said with a straight face, "Yes, I've already lost my fan."

"But wherever Kidd committed the crime, there is Uncle Maori."

"Detective Maori is my new idol. He is handsome, good at karate, gentle, and smart. It would be great if I could see him again. The key is that he is very big!"

What Keiko saw last time in the library has been engraved in her heart, and she will never forget it.

Koizumi Hongzi's expression on the side immediately became weird, and she looked at Keiko unkindly.

She was thinking about what kind of monster to use for Keiko, and she dared to covet the witch's man, don't die!

But Kuroba Kaito, who has excellent hearing, couldn't help but clenched his fists, hating this Mori Kogoro who stole his sweetheart and fans!

Lai Sheng Ai, who came over to deliver the coffee from Yi Hao, immediately looked honored when Keiko said this.

"You think the same way. You are so right. Sure enough, the hero sees the same thing."

"Our Kogoro is the best in the world, let me give you a [-]% discount, and you must continue to support Kogoro in the future!" Hearing this, the three girls at the table were stunned. Immediately afterwards, they all smiled.

Qingzi and Hongzi had extra smiles on their faces, it was really refreshing to hear others praise their man so much.

Hongzi also lost her hostility: I blame my man for being too good, it's normal to have so many fans.

How did they know that each other is the woman of Kogoro Mori!

Chapter 0043

On the arena in the basement, Qianying's face was flushed, her brows were furrowed, her lavender eyes were full of water, and she couldn't help but let out the sound of 'hoah'.She immediately gritted her teeth, trying not to make any sound.

It's just that his little hands couldn't help but grab the surface of the arena, stabbing scratches one after another.

Yuzu's toes were also touching the table, and she couldn't help but push it away.

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