Judy stood up with an angry face, and couldn't help scolding softly: "Since the Maori detective claims to be a wise man, then I have a little trick I want to show you. Someone as smart as you should be able to do it." It’s right to see through at a glance.”

"If you can't see through it, please apologize for the remarks just now."

"After all, a real magician is not just against one person, but against thousands of spectators!"

The smell of gunpowder rose in an instant, and Zhu Di had already talked to this level, how could Kogoro Mori refuse.

Chapter 0046 Hongzi's Absolute Domain

(Judy Hopper is a character from episode 22 of Magic Kaito!)

Hearing that the head of Hopa Magic Troupe, the talented female magician Judy was going to challenge Kogoro Mori's wisdom, everyone in the coffee shop couldn't help but look sideways.

The more attention was attracted, the more vigorous Judy became.

As if she was performing on a stage, she raised her posture and spoke slowly.

"I have never performed this trick in front of anyone, because I promised the old gentleman who taught me that I would only perform it once in my life."

"It's also what Detective Maori just said that made me use it."

"This is when I went to India to learn Tongtian rope five years ago, and I saw an old man setting up a stall on the road to perform."

"He separated two clumps of sand in just five seconds and said whoever could do it would get a bonus."

"I watched it for a long time, but I couldn't figure out how he did it."

"From disorder to order, this kind of thing that violates the common sense of physics, is an extremely difficult category in magic."

"I begged that old man countless times, but he refused to tell me the secret."

"I thought about it for five months after returning home, but I still couldn't figure it out. Later, I went to India to find him."

"The old man was finally moved by my sincerity, but he said it was his housekeeping skill. If he taught me, I can only perform it once, so I can't make him have nothing to eat in his later years."

"I promised to come down."

"So, today I am performing this magic trick."

Hearing what Judy said, the curiosity of everyone present was aroused.

Mori Kogoro knew without listening that this was all Judy's nonsense.

Magicians usually use rhetoric to add some magical color to their magic, which is purely pretending.

Hongzi, who doesn't talk too much, doesn't want to spoil her, she wants to spoil her performance, and directly make her lose face.

As soon as his bare hand under the table was raised, Mori Kogoro's big hand pressed down his small hand, and pressed it back to Hongzi's leg.

"It's okay, let her continue."

Saying this softly, Mori Kogoro's big hand clasped Hongko's small hand, and the back of his hand lightly stroked Hongko's absolute domain.

The touch is really smooth, as if it will slide down if you are not careful.

Hongzi's cheeks became more flushed, and she turned her face arrogantly.

Kogoro Mori leaned over and sat closer to Hongzi.

Judy also interacted with the audience present.

"This lady in a cheongsam, can you cooperate with me and bring over the salt shaker on your table."

"And the long-haired lady next to you, if you can help bring the pepper, thank you!"

Kasaka Natsumi and Pusi Qinglan, who are outstanding in appearance, were selected.

They came by with salt and pepper shakers.

"Now, if you please pour kosher salt and pepper on the table and mix it up, it's all right!"

Pusi Qinglan and Kasaka Natsumi followed suit.

White salt and green-brown pepper were immediately mixed together.

Judy was still stirring gently with a spoon to mix it evenly.

"I have to explain first that I don't know these two ladies. The salt and pepper are not prepared by me. They are genuine seasonings in the cafe."

"And performing this magic trick was also improvised, and all the supplies came from this cafe."

"The next thing I'm going to do is separate the two condiments that have been mixed together."

"Please keep your eyes open and don't miss the next picture."

Saying this, Zhu Di's little white hand was shown to everyone, it was empty.

Then he overlapped his hands and directly covered the mixed pepper and salt, holding his breath and moving slowly from side to side.His face was extremely focused, and there seemed to be a little sweat on his forehead.

People who didn't know thought she was displaying some supernatural powers!

five four three two one

After five seconds passed, the overlapping hands were divided into two sides, covering the table, and then slowly lifted up!The two seasonings that were originally mixed together actually separated and divided into two small groups.

A ball of salt is as white as snow, and a ball of pepper is as green and brown as a mountain!

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