Ms. Kasaka's gaze also became a little strange?

If I had known earlier, I would not perform magic tricks, and it won the hearts of girls again.

What a crime!

Fortunately, this is a coffee shop, a public place;

Coupled with the mutual restraint among the girls and the maintenance of a fragile balance, the Shura field was not detonated.

After calming down, Judy came back to Mori Kogoro and apologized sincerely.

"Detective Maori, I made a slip of the tongue just now. I shouldn't be so narrow-minded. You are an outstanding person. I take back what I just said."

"You are a real wise man, a real detective, and the magic tricks you can think of are so amazing, it is really incredible."

"I now believe that Mr. Holmes may indeed be defeated by you."

— Qingzi who was beside him quickly said, "It's either possible or true."

"You thought my Uncle Maori would lie to you."

"Let me tell you, Buckingham Palace has issued a statement that it was Uncle Maori who prevented the explosion of the nuclear power plant."

"The Queen of England also planned to grant a title to Uncle Maury, but my Uncle Maury refused."

"Does your Sherlock Holmes have a knighthood?"

Judy was shocked when she heard this. She has been rehearsing for a while, and she is just watching the news. Yi Hao didn't see the statement issued by the country.

"There is such a thing, Maori Detective, I'm sorry, I shouldn't doubt you."

Zhu Di began to bow again. He was obviously a native of Eagle Country, but this Japanese etiquette was done very well.

Immediately afterwards, she raised her small head, and looked over with pleading eyes.

"Detective Maori, you are so smart, you can easily create such shocking magic tricks, and your magic attainments are so high, can you accept me as your apprentice?"

Zhu Di, who was completely overwhelmed, wanted to become a teacher at this moment. This move was really unexpected.

Hearing this, Qingzi Hongzi became very vigilant, and quickly refused to help.

Seeing the two girls saying this, Mori Kogoro smiled lightly and said, "Miss Judy, let's forget about being a teacher. I'm just a detective and I can't teach you anything. Besides, isn't Friday your farewell magic show?"

Judy started laughing: "Uh, that's a farewell show, and I won't be performing in the future, but I can continue to specialize in magic and learn magic, father! Detective Maori, you can take me as an apprentice!"


Qingzi grabbed Mori Kogoro and pulled him out of the door, while Hongzi quickly followed.

Keiko hurriedly took out the money, threw it on the table and ran out.

Judy didn't chase him out, but instead had a firm expression on his face: "I must let the Maori detective take me in as an apprentice!"

The three sisters next to me laughed speechlessly: Hey, no, why was Kogoro kidnapped by those three female high school students?The three sisters looked at the door of the cafe full of remorse.

Qianying also felt that it was a pity, but she didn't dare to leave Kuaidou here.

It's okay, I'm going to Yokosuka with Kogoro tomorrow, we have plenty of time to be together!

Chapter 0049 knee socks in the classroom

Surrounded by three women, Mori Kogoro left the cafe, surrounded by youthful vigor.

On the road, Qingzi kept asking: "Uncle Mao Li, how did you do it just now?"

Hongzi was not curious at all, she could sense the flow of witch power, so she naturally knew the reason.

But she was also very surprised in her heart, how long has passed, Mouri Kogoro's witchcraft has advanced to this level, even the barrier can be cast at will.This is really unexpected, but it's good, the next trial will be more sure.

No matter how coquettishly Aoko asked, Mori Kogoro didn't tell the reason, and kept evading it, saying it was a secret.

Qingzi couldn't help pouting, and complained in a low voice: "Stingy!"

Keiko Momoi trotted up behind her, and suggested, "I just met Uncle Mori this time, why don't you ask Uncle to investigate the food poisoning incident at our school?"

"There have been three food poisoning incidents this month, and the cause has not been found out."

"I suspect that someone deliberately poisoned, otherwise it would not be so frequent."

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro couldn't help but look at Hongzi.

Hongzi blushed, and turned her head arrogantly.

This girl, could it be that she didn't want to go to school and did these things on purpose?

Mori Kogoro then said: "It's not necessary, isn't it just that some students have stomach pains? It should be that hygiene is not done well. People in your school should pay more attention."

Qingzi hurriedly said, "Why is it unnecessary? This time, a dozen or so students were sent to the hospital with stomachaches. What if it's our turn next time? Uncle, let's go back to school and find out."

After saying that, Aoko took Mori Kogoro's arm involuntarily and led him towards Ekoda High School.

Seeing the two of them being so intimate, Hongzi at the back narrowed her crimson eyes slightly, wondering what she was thinking.

Behind the four of them, Kaito Kuroba's figure appeared around the corner.

He was still very concerned, so he found an excuse to get rid of his mother and senior sisters, and secretly followed Mao Li and his party.

Kogoro Mori naturally spotted the sneaky boy behind him, but he didn't expose him.

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