"Father, you have to love Yuanzi well in the future, and you have to love me as much as Xiaolan!"

Mori Kogoro was stunned for a moment, this was a blatant slander, or planted in front of his own face.

He really has never done it with Yuanzi!

Just when Mori Kogoro was about to explain, a small hand around his waist couldn't stop pinching.

This is Yuanzi's little hand, I hope he can help.

And Ayako who was at the side saw the little girl's blowout, and couldn't help being amazed again: Well done!

Ayako has completely substituted herself into the role of the younger sister.

And Tomoko had just heard his daughter's words, and his blood pressure suddenly went up, and he just felt his head buzzing.She was a little unsteady, and couldn't help supporting the table, but her purple eyes couldn't help staring at Kogoro Mori.Mori Kogoro shook his head slightly, blinking constantly.

He was held hostage, and he wanted to use this method to remind Tomoko to calm down.

But Pengzi couldn't calm down, and immediately grabbed a fruit knife in his little hand.

"Okay, it's very good, if this is the case, let's all die!"

Saying this, Tomoko rushed towards the two of them with a knife.

Mom sells it!Who the hell put so many fruit knives on this fruit plate, old housekeeper, just wait for me!Yuanzi was stunned when he saw his mother violently going to kill someone.

Kogoro Mori didn't hesitate, he grabbed the slow fruit knife, took it off and threw it away.

Then he pulled Tomoko over, pressed her onto the back of the sofa, and pulled Sonoko to Tomoko's side with his backhand.

The touch of spiritual power was directly cast, and instantly condensed into invisible big hands, restraining the two women, "If you go against you, you dare to make trouble like this, do you take me seriously!" Whether he is reasonable or not, this situation Let's yell first, and then forcefully suppress it!How can this be done if they are so troublesome to the point of using a knife.

Mouri Kogoro's big hand was immediately attached to lightning, and he swung his bow left and right, constantly swinging down.The upgraded family law of the Mori family was displayed in the living room of the Suzuki family.There was a crisp and loud slapping sound, and the two women immediately screamed again and again.

Let him lie on the sofa unable to move.

Chapter 0058 Repression of Mother and Daughter 2

Tiny lightning kept jumping and spreading, invisible to the naked eye, but clearly felt.

As the slapping sounds continued and the family law continued, both mother and daughter felt ripples in their hearts.Not long after, the two similar little faces were blushed.

Among them, Yuanzi's reaction was even more exaggerated. At this moment, she was punished together with her mother, and her sense of shame continued to spread!Her amber-like pupils also became foggy, and she couldn't help frowning and pursing her lips, trying to bear it.

This scene stunned Ayako next to her, and it was an eye-opener for her today.

Mom and little sister are both amazing!

Fighting with each other, tit for tat, no one backs down, no one loses!

Seeing Sonoko working so hard for her love, Ayako, as an older sister, was actually a little discouraged.Compared with Sonoko's situation, Ayako is definitely Kogoro Mori's woman.

But on the contrary, it was the outspoken Yuanzi who started the struggle.

Inspired by the spirit of the younger sister just now, Ayako had the urge to blew herself up along with her.

It was just that I was afraid that I would really be angry with my mother, so I stopped this crazy idea.

But even though Mori Kogoro's thunderous family law is constantly being used, the mother and daughter still don't stop at all.

Their heads were facing each other, and they could only see each other's little red faces, but they kept scolding each other.

It's like the enemy of life and death instead of mother and daughter!

And the power of thunder and lightning that kept falling seemed to be just adding fuel to the fire.

Pengzi shouted: "You unfilial daughter, don't you even listen to my words now?"

Yuanzi replied: "There is no mother in the world who steals her daughter's boyfriend, and it was obviously Uncle Mao Li and I who met first."

"You still want to take love away, it's too hateful, I want to sever the mother-daughter relationship with you, I want to run away from home, I want to elope with my uncle!"

Hearing this, Tomoko's eyes widened!

"Are you trying to piss me off? Severing the mother-daughter relationship means severing the mother-daughter relationship. From now on, I won't give you any money, but give it all to your sister."

Yuanzi immediately made a grimace and taunted: "Slightly slightly slightly slightly slightly slightly, you think I am rare, I am enough to have Uncle Mao Li, I don't want your stinky money."

Tomoko was furious, and said indiscriminately: "Your Uncle Maori is so many years older than you, what is there to argue about with an old man? You are still young, and there will be better men waiting for you in the future, so why not leave it to your mother? Why are you robbing me?"

Hearing that he was innocently lying on the gun and being called an old man, Kogoro Mori suddenly had black lines all over his head.

When he greeted Tomoko's right hand, he triggered more thunder and lightning, hitting the vital point directly.

The current spread, and Pengzi's body trembled violently immediately, and her slender waist trembled violently, and her purple eyes rolled up.

It's brutal!It's brutal!

The onlookers, Ayako, stared blankly again for a moment, and couldn't help but pray for her mother.

Seeing this scene, Yuanzi's amber eyes were full of excitement, and he couldn't help but hurriedly chased after the victory.

"Since my mother also thinks that uncle is an old man, why not give it to me, I don't mind at all."

"And mom, you are so rich, you shouldn't take care of some fresh meat. You are a rich woman, rich woman happy fire, rich woman happy ball, elegant, uncle, don't, help!"

Mori Kogoro couldn't take it anymore, Sonoko's ability to talk nonsense was even better than Tomoko's.

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