Two more touches of spiritual power landed, restraining his head, and the two of them couldn't even turn their heads.Yuanzi immediately asked in surprise, "Uncle Maori, why can't I move?"

Tomoko also urged: "Xiao Wulang, let us go, what's going on?"

Mori Kogoro stood by the coffee table, slowly wiping his hands, with a weird smile on his lips. "Since it's a punishment, how can it end so easily."

"Don't worry! This is a kind of Huaguo Kung Fu, acupuncture."

"Now you have been acupunctured by me, you can't move, stay here for a while."

"In the next time, you two get along well with me, and I will watch you from behind."

"Whenever I am satisfied, I will let you go free, or wait until the time is up to automatically release the acupuncture points. I don't know if the automatic acupuncture point release time is five hours or six hours."

When they heard the word acupuncture, they had also seen Huaguo movies, so they believed it easily.

Constrained by Kogoro Mori, the two girls have no guts to start a fight.

Tomoko could only put aside the doubts in his heart for the time being.

The two women lay flat on the back of the sofa without feeling uncomfortable.

Even if they were facing the wall, they couldn't see anything else, and they could only glance at each other from the corner of their eyes.

Seeing that the two girls had finally calmed down after a long time of commotion, Kogoro Mori raised a strange arc at the corner of his mouth.

Ayako, who was watching the play, suddenly felt that the smile was both beautiful and dangerous, and couldn't help being a little crazy.

Mori Kogoro's malicious eyes fell on Ayako.

Before Ayako could react, she was pulled up by Mori Kogoro, and her pink lips were kissed directly.

The eldest lady of the Suzuki family was stunned for an instant, and her narrowed eyes immediately widened.What's up with the kiss?Why did you attack me suddenly?what's going on?

Mori Kogoro's big hand swam away immediately, and after a while, he picked up his right leg and put it on the coffee table, covering his big hand with black silk.Ayako's eyes were full of panic, and she pushed Kogoro Mori's chest and abdomen with her gentle hands.

The little head was shaking like a rattle drum, and the big ponytail was constantly shaking, and the word "resistance" was written all over his body.

She was afraid that the two people in front would find out what was going on behind her!

Immediately afterwards, a warm breath fell on his earlobe, and a domineering voice sounded: "Be quiet, you won't be noticed."

Mori Kogoro is naturally very bold, just now he pinched the seal with both hands, and cast an invisible sound-proof spell.

This spell covered the ears of Tomoko and Yuanzi, so the two girls accidentally heard it.

Moreover, they just made a fuss about it, and at this moment, his heart was full of evil fire, which made Lingzi, who was watching the play, suffer innocently.

Ayako really had the urge to want to die. She just saw the encounter between Tomoko and Sonoko, and she still felt a little bit of schadenfreude in her heart. She didn't expect that Feng Shui would take turns, and it would be her turn all of a sudden. The strange strength of those strong arms made people despair.And at this moment, Mori Kogoro exudes a dangerous aura, which makes people unable to resist the idea of ​​resistance.

That master-level kissing skill quickly confused Ayako.

After hesitating for a moment, Ayako turned around and folded the tablecloth on the tea table, then bit her mouth.

Mori Kogoro shook his head with a chuckle, and slowly took out the tablecloth.

Then he sat down on the sofa holding Ayako's big horse, raised his eyebrows slightly, and Ayako understood what he meant.What a shame!

Ayako glanced worriedly at the backs of the two girls in front of her eyes, and finally obediently obeyed.

And this is just the beginning.

Under the sound insulation technique, the two women couldn't hear other sounds, but they clearly sensed the sight behind them, so they calmed down.

Sonoko's amber eyes were full of absent-mindedness, and she was reminiscing about those subtle feelings just now.

Thinking about it, her little face turned red again.

Although Uncle Mao Li had just exposed his lies, he also punished him with [-] boards.

But from Yuanzi's point of view, he clearly won the victory and was one step closer to success.

What happened just now means that uncle has begun to accept himself, otherwise he would never have done such a rude thing.

Thinking of this, Yuanzi's little face couldn't help but smile.

Even though she couldn't move, she still felt very happy, so she couldn't help but whispered, "I won't give up!"

Tomoko frowned immediately: "Yuanzi, this is the end of the matter, you should accept the established facts."

"Hmph, the established fact is that uncle is mine, and no one can take it away."

"You are despicable, you are sinister, you are two-faced, you are shameless..."

Yuanzi still has complaints in her heart. Whoever told Tomoko to be unreasonable before, and to repair the plank road secretly, also made her sad. "Well, cough cough!"

A cough full of witchcraft suddenly sounded in the ears, and the two women immediately stopped, and they didn't dare to speak anymore.

Chapter 0060 forced Ayako

In the living room of Suzuki's house, Miss Ayako's eyes were full of mist.

Looking at the backs of her mother and younger sister in front of her, she couldn't help shaking her head.

Ayako sat on the sofa, her slender legs covered in black silk formed an M shape, feeling extremely ashamed.

But when the order came from my ear, it was so resolute that there was no room for refusal!

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