Originally, the two girls had already been subjected to a round of family law, but now that they have another round, the swollen area will become more red and swollen.

The pain continued to spread, causing the two women to frown again and again.

Tomoko felt much better when he heard that his youngest daughter would also be punished.

It seems that being beaten up by the eldest daughter is not unacceptable!

People are like this, taking pleasure in other people's misfortunes, and seeing that they are not the only one who is unlucky, the negative emotions will be eliminated a lot.

But they all felt that Moori Kogoro, who came up with this idea, was too bad. He pretended to be someone else, and let blood relatives kill each other. It was really bad to the extreme!For the little bit of dignity that remained, even if Tomoko was beaten up by his eldest daughter, he remained silent and was very strong.

On the contrary, the skinless Yuanzi kept begging for mercy: "Sister, be gentle, be gentle, don't break it."

"Oh, sister, if you do this again, I won't be with you."

"Uncle, uncle, you will be obedient in the future, please take care of my sister!"

Chapter 0061 Humiliated Tomoko

The crisp slapping sound keeps coming...

Mori Kogoro ignored Sonoko's words, he looked at the lively three people below, and smiled very happily.Tomoko still stubbornly remained silent, but her slightly trembling body had already exposed her inner unrest.

Sure enough, it is really right to choose Ayako to help enforce the family law, and the effect is not bad!

He just wanted to break the shackles in Tomoko's heart, even if he didn't succeed, at least it would have a loosening effect.

Ayako, who was kneeling on the white stone coffee table, had a look of loss in her eyes, and when she squinted, tears fell down.

The eldest lady of the Suzuki family was completely forced, pushed step by step, and finally attacked her family.

Even though she was unwilling in every possible way, now she could only obediently obey and help punish her mother and little sister.

Once he stopped, Mori Kogoro's big hand would fall down mercilessly.

Countless electric currents would surge through her body, and she could hardly control herself.

Within a few minutes, Ayako's whole body was drenched in sweat as if she had been salvaged, and the snowy neck was covered with fine sweat.

His little soft hands slapped hard, but he couldn't stop the rapid loss of physical strength, and his strength gradually faded.

The mother and daughter who couldn't move at the front thought that Ayako was gradually releasing the water, and the slapping gradually became lighter. They didn't suspect him at all!But Ayako's little soft hand has no strength, and the situation is even worse.

The little hand slapped it with no strength, it was light and soft.

How can the injured place survive such an operation, it makes people want to die.

At this moment, even Tomoko couldn't help but say, "Ayako, let me go!"

"Xiao Goro, stop making trouble, why are you involving Ayako?"

"Listen to Mom, Ayako, go back to the study, Mom still has a few reports that haven't been processed, you can help her deal with it." Ayako's crying voice sounded immediately, and she was a little out of breath from crying.

"Mom, Yuanzi, I really didn't mean it, I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

"Xiao Wulang, please forgive me, I won't fight anymore, don't continue."

A huge sense of guilt and shame filled Ayako's body, making her completely unable to control herself, and her body trembled violently from crying.Mori Kogoro pinched his chin and blocked Ayako's pink lips, making him speechless.

Then his index finger slightly raised up, making a gesture of silence.

Ayako, who was originally emotional, immediately stopped talking, but her tears were still flowing, and her body twitched.

It was only today that she really saw Kogoro Mori's evil methods, and she had never seen such a bad one.

"Okay, Ayako, just listen to your mother and go back to the study!"

Saying this, Mori Kogoro immediately picked up Ayako and put it back on the sofa behind the tea table, then signaled her not to make any more noise.

Then he walked towards the door of the living room by himself, making the sound of footsteps and opening the door, making Tomoko and Sonoko mistakenly think that Ayako opened the door and left.Afterwards, he himself lightly turned around behind the bound two girls.

Gradually calming down, Ayako's eyes were puzzled at first, and then realizing what Mori Kogoro wanted to do, her eyes were filled with disbelief.

She didn't dare to stop her. In Ayako's eyes, Mori Kogoro at this moment is like a big devil.

In the perspective of the two women lying on the back of the sofa, Ayako has already left.Only they and Mori Kogoro are left here.

Sensing that Mori Kogoro was standing behind him, the restrained two girls also became nervous.

What is he doing?Is the punishment not over yet?

It's been so long since I played tricks on people just now, isn't it satisfied?

Tomoko immediately asked: "Xiao Goro, why don't you help us relieve the acupoints? It's been more than forty minutes!" Maori Kogoro said with a smirk: "It's not time yet."

He leaned his head against Tomoko's ear, and said softly: "At least, for Tomoko, it's still too late." Now, Tomoko, the smartest thing you can do is to keep quiet and don't be found abnormal. "

"Otherwise, I don't know what the consequences will be!"

Hearing this, Tomoko's pupils shrank sharply, and she instantly realized what Mori Kogoro wanted to do.

No way?

Sure enough, Mori Kogoro's big hand moved skillfully, and Tomoko's eyes were full of panic.

She kept shouting in her heart: Don't do this, don't do this!

But as smart as she was, she knew better that she couldn't yell out, otherwise Yuanzi would react, and she would undoubtedly be calling herself out.

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