There are ventriloquists in Beijing, but that's all!

(Many words are omitted here!)

The next day, at nearly eight o'clock in the morning on Thursday, the Lexus was parked in front of Kuroba's and Nakamori's houses.Chikage Kuroba was still sleeping on the bed, and Kogoro Mori didn't want to disturb her.

He turned over and turned into the courtyard of Nakamori's house, and saw Aoko who was wearing a turban and cleaning fallen leaves.

As soon as Qingzi saw Mori Kogoro, his blue eyes were full of surprise, he didn't take the broom in his hand, and threw himself into his arms: "Uncle, why are you here?"

Kogoro Moori's love words are naturally easy to come by: "I just suddenly miss Qingzi so much, so I can't wait to come and see you!"

"Qingzi is growing more and more beautiful, let uncle see if he has developed a little bit more?"

Aoko, whose face was flushed with shame, couldn't help but patted Kogoro Mori's big hand, but the joy in his eyes almost overflowed.

Immediately afterwards, Qi Tan kissed him and complained in a low voice: "Uncle, you are so bad that you have such a relationship with Hongzi!"

"Yesterday, we were both given to..."

Mori Kogoro chuckled and pecked Qingzi's cheek: "Obviously Qingzi likes it too!"

"How, did anything happen after sobering up? How did Hongzi react?"

Qingzi opened his mouth and said: "Hongzi was yelling at the beginning, and she was talking about witches and magic. It's a bit like watching anime and watching magic: "But her personality is thunderous and rainy, and she will be fine afterwards. Yes, and Keiko and I were invited to visit her more often. "

"Only Keiko was very sad, pulling Hongzi and me to tears."

"She said she was the first to get drunk and nothing happened, it's so unfair."

"She cried for more than two hours, and Hongzi and I comforted her for more than two hours, uncle..."

Qingzi's eyes couldn't help showing resentment, as if he wanted to seek justice for his best friend.

Mori Kogoro could only laugh, he would never do things like being co-sleeped with a girl for the first time.This behavior is too disrespectful and disrespectful to women.

The same is true of Keiko yesterday, and so is Sonoko!

However, the case of Xiaotong on the cruise ship was an exception, after all, it was the best opportunity.

Otherwise, it would take a lot of work for the three sisters to accept each other.

Seeing that Aoko still had an angry look on his face, Kogoro Mori patted Aoko's buttocks with his big hand.

"What do you mean, push your man on your girlfriend? Wow, Qingzi, are you so generous?"

Qingzi shook his little head: "No way, it's not good to just make Keiko so sad."

"Uncle, Keiko feels that she has no feminine charm at all, and seems to be very shocked."

"She said she held your thigh, and you left her without hesitation."

"I didn't say that I must ask you to do something, but you have to worry about the girl's self-esteem."

"If you don't want her, you can take advantage of her. Touch her a few times, and she won't be so sad."

"After returning home, she cried to me on the phone until the early hours of the morning!"

Listening to the increasingly crooked words, and encouraging himself to take advantage of Keiko, Mori Kogoro suddenly had black lines all over his head.

However, Kogoro Mori did not expect that yesterday's hasty departure would cause such great harm to this cute-eyed girl. It's a sin! In his mind, he flipped the frame by frame of what happened yesterday, and Kogoro Mori suddenly remembered that it was useful content.

"Wait a minute, who said I didn't attack Keiko, it's just that she woke up suddenly in the middle."

"Hehehe. I know Keiko was wearing purple underwear and panties yesterday!"

This is what Mori Kogoro saw yesterday when he walked out of the living room and saw Keiko sleeping in an awkward position.

Telling Qingzi is naturally to let him tell Keiko so that she will not be so sad, it is also a white lie!

And Aoko's expression changed slightly immediately, and he couldn't help but grabbed Moori Kogoro's ear.

"Okay, Uncle, I tricked you out of it. Sure enough, you are plotting against Keiko."

If you fall for it, there really is no woman who is generous in love and would be so happy to share it with others.The seemingly innocent Qingzi also has his own little tricks.

Mori Kogoro didn't speak any more, he blocked Aoko's pink lips with his mouth, and swam skillfully with his fiery hands.Qingzi stood on tiptoe, trying to respond.

And behind the window on the second floor of the villa next door, next to the curtains, Kaito Kuroba, who had just woken up, burst into tears again.Why?Why do you want me to see such a picture?

Qingzi, how long has it been? How did you become like this?

You still want to push your best friend into the fire pit, what kind of ecstasy drug have you been given?

This young man who suffered from lovelorn and heartbroken into dross cried like a little kid.

"Who's in the yard?"

Just woke up, looking at the embracing shadows on the paper door in the direction of the courtyard.

Nakamori Ginzo immediately shouted loudly, rushed forward and pushed the sliding door open.

But Kogoro Mori's reaction speed was so fast, he turned his head and saw what was going on immediately.

He let go of Qingzi, took a few steps back in the direction of the sun, and separated from Qingzi.

Nakamori Ginzo opened the sliding door, and saw the scene of the two separating.

He immediately closed the sliding door again. Looking from behind, the shadows overlapped again, and he was slightly relieved.

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