Soon, the old housekeeper, Mr. Sawabe, answered the door, and the door opened.

Kasaka Natsumi, who was standing next to the butler, said, "Mori-kun, Ms. Chikage, you are here, please come in!"

The two followed into the castle and came to the living room.

In the living room, Pusi Qinglan was sitting and drinking tea.

She is wearing a short emerald green cheongsam today, showing her fair legs. It seems that she is trying to disguise her identity as a Chinese.

Kasaka Natsumi explained: "After parting ways at the Cat's Eye Cafe yesterday, we went to Yokosuka with the butler first."

"I'm just worried that if the castle is left unattended, there will be a lot of dust, so come here in advance to clean it up."

"Miss Qinglan helped a lot!"

Pusi Qinglan lifted the teacup: "It's nothing to do with a little effort!"

Butler Sawabe said: "Detective Maori, Mrs. Chikage, Mr. Kiichi liked traps very much during his lifetime. There may be dangerous traps in the castle. Besides, the others haven't arrived yet. I hope you don't walk around at will."

"When everyone is here, we will investigate together. That's the safest way."

Kogoro Mori and Chikage Kuroba nodded.

And Kasaka Natsumi clapped her hands: "Oh, by the way, the two of you came so early, you must have not eaten breakfast yet. I have already made small cakes in the kitchen, and I will try my craft later. "

Saying this, Kasaka Natsumi trotted towards the kitchen on the left, really lively.

But Qianying couldn't help but asked the housekeeper, "Where is the toilet in the castle?"

"Ma'am, let me take you there."

Qian Ying followed the old housekeeper to the corridor, and only Kogoro Moori and Pusi Qinglan were left in the living room.

As soon as he entered the state of solitude, Mori Kogoro heard that Pusi Qinglan's heartbeat became a little disordered.

Could it be that this female killer is still afraid of herself? It's interesting!

The empty couch was full of seats, but he didn't sit anywhere. Instead, he sat beside Pusi Qinglan.The heartbeat that I heard was even faster.

Mori Kogoro picked up a biscuit on the table and took a bite.

"Miss Qinglan came a day earlier, so she must have found another egg of memory, right?"

Pusi Qinglan shook her head hastily: "How is it possible? I really found it, how could I stay here?"

Mori Kogoro paused: "So, did you really search for it in advance?"

Hearing this, the female killer's face froze, and sweat immediately broke out from the back of her head.

The atmosphere seemed to freeze all of a sudden!

Then Mori Kogoro laughed softly: "Just kidding, don't be so nervous, I won't eat you again!"

Saying this, Mori Kogoro had a playful look in his eyes, and he ate up the remaining biscuits.

Seeing his harmless and gentle appearance, Pusi Qinglan couldn't help recalling the scenes on the cruise ship, and couldn't help swallowing.

Mori Kogoro continued: "Miss Qinglan, as far as I know, there doesn't seem to be a surname like Pusi in Huaguo? Are you really from Huaguo?"

The female killer became more and more nervous, and quickly explained: "There are, Huaguo is so big, and there are all kinds of weird surnames. My surname is too rare, and I usually can't find it when searching. It is the one I was born in. The name of the village is this!"

"Really?" Mori Kogoro leaned over, pressing his big hands on his beautiful legs, and suddenly felt that his hands were delicate and elastic.

As expected, she was indeed a strong female killer. Kogoro Mori didn't believe her legs hadn't been exercised.

"But I don't think Miss Qinglan looks like a Chinese, especially her skin is so white that she looks like a Russian girl!"

Its evil big hand then scratched lightly.

Sensing Moori Kogoro who was close at hand, and smelling his breath, Pusi Qinglan's cheeks flushed immediately.

Her heart was beating so fast that she was in a daze.

It took her a while to realize, and she quickly explained.

"No, I just take good care of myself, and because of my family inheritance, I can't get tan no matter how much sun is applied, so I look fairer."

"Hmm, Maori Detective, your hand..."

Only then did Kogoro Moori let go of his lightly grasped big hands, and said embarrassingly: "I'm sorry, my hands are always disobedient, and I can't control them. I'm sorry."

"But Ms. Qinglan's legs are great, they look very beautiful, and there is a sense of familiarity!"

Pusi Qinglan's heart shuddered, and her face changed slightly: He probably won't find out!

At this moment, footsteps came from the corridor, and Qianying, who had gone to the bathroom to tidy up, came back.

Mori Kogoro moved his sitting position a short distance to the side quietly.

Seeing this, Pusi Qinglan couldn't help frowning slightly.

Qi Erlang's legs changed direction, and his little head turned away in anger, pretending to look at the murals on the wall, but Qianying didn't notice anything unusual at all.She sat on the single sofa next to her and couldn't help yawning. She had exhausted too much energy in the car, and she was feeling sleepy right now.

As for helping the three apprentices get back the place, Qian Ying also seemed to have completely forgotten about it.

Mori Kogoro leaned over and held his hands.

The rejuvenation technique was cast!

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