Natsumi on the side also wanted to go back to Tokyo with Mori Kogoro.

But Mori Kogoro couldn't help but muttered in his heart, obviously this theatrical version of the event was completed, why didn't he see the points and lucky draw rewarded by the system!

Although the current point lottery draw is just icing on the cake, Kogoro Mori doesn't think there are too few points and lottery draws!But when I asked little V, the guy said he didn't know.

Is it possible that this incident will be completely over if you follow Qinglan to Russia to get out the treasure?

The Lexus driving back to Tokyo was full of five girls.

Dr. Ali's Beetle has long been left behind.

In the co-pilot were the two little girls Ayumi Haibara, and the three daughters Chikage, Qinglan and Natsumi in the back seat.

Qianying looked at Mori Kogoro resentfully, the car was only for her own exclusive use when she came here, why did it become shared by so many people when she went back.This is the same as she just found out about Kogoro's romance today.

But what else can I do, I am eaten to death by this enemy, I can't do without him, I can only continue!

Originally, Chikage wanted Kogoro to drive to a hot spring hotel in Yokosuka for a two-day vacation trip.

But now that there are so many more light bulbs in the car, the plan is all in vain.

Especially the two young girls beside him, staring at their own man like a Tang monk, made Qianying even more unhappy.

But what depressed Chikage the most was how she told Kaito after returning to Tokyo.

Annoyed!Bad luck!If I knew I shouldn't have gone out!

Qianying scratched her short purple hair in distress, staring absently at the passing scenery outside the window.

And Qinglan, who signed the unequal treaty, looked at Qianying's expression, and she didn't dare to touch it. She curled up slightly, trying to reduce her sense of existence.

When she returns to Tokyo, she has to go to the three sisters in the next life to apologize!

Here, Kogoro Mori accompanied the beauty of the car, while Kaito Kuroba was thrown into a large truck like a dead body, and was transported to the autopsy site with dozens of corpses of Russian agents. It was really miserable!

Chapter 0093

About an hour later, the Lexus drove back to Tokyo, and Mori Kogoro sent Ayumi and Chikage home respectively.

When Qianying left, she gave Kogoro a look, telling him to come back to find her after he finished his work.

Qianying doesn't want to face the Kaidou matter alone, there must always be someone to share the firepower.

Mori Kogoro naturally understood what he meant, and comforted Chikage in a low voice to reassure her.

Then he sent Natsumi and Qinglan back to the hotel, both of whom were staying at the Kuwado Holiday Hotel.

When parting, Xia Mei said in a low voice: "Mr. Maori, my focus of work will move back to China, and the chain cake shop is also planning to open back to China. We will have the opportunity to meet in the future. I have lived abroad for too long , there are no relatives and friends in China, but, Maori-kun, you are my good friend, right?"

Mori Kogoro nodded naturally: "Of course, if you need anything, just ask."

Xia Mei smiled very happily, bowed slightly and said: "Then please give me your advice!"

This girl was still shy, she didn't dare to say too much in the presence of others, and she didn't dare to reveal her feelings too much.

Mori Kogoro stroked Natsumi's head, and said softly, "You don't know where you live in Tokyo, and I will arrange someone to help you sell the Yokosuka castle, and I will also help you find a suitable store address."

Seeing Mori Kogoro being so intimate with him in front of others, Natsumi's little face flushed instantly.

She bowed in panic again, then trotted towards the hotel as if fleeing.

Pusi Qinglan on the side glared at Mori Kogoro with some resentment, and invited again: "Don't you really want to go find the treasure with me? The treasure at the end of the last century must be much more interesting than your case handling in Tokyo."

Thinking of my speculation, treasures are not alluring, but there are still points and lucky draws!

Mori Kogoro smiled lightly and said, "Alright then, remember to let me know when you're about to leave."

Originally, Qinglan just mentioned it casually, but she was pleasantly surprised to see that she agreed.

She didn't necessarily want Mori Kogoro's help, she just wanted to get in touch with him, but she didn't know how to act, so she invited him with the excuse of treasure.

After hearing a satisfactory reply, Pusi Qinglan walked towards the hotel contentedly.

And Hui Principle poked his head out of the car window, jokingly said: "Two ignorant women have been tricked into sinking again!"

After being satisfied, Xiao Ai's whole body softened, and there was no jealousy in her body.

"What tricks and sinks, Xiao Ai, you are slandering."

Little Lolita immediately retorted: "It's just a trick. Just now Ayumi kept telling me that you were bad. Did you do something bad to her again?"

Mori Kogoro said with a guilty conscience: "How is it possible, Ayumi is so small, how could I attack her, I have to raise her up!"

"Wow! I asked it out, you are really trying to get Ayumi's idea, you are a pervert, a sex maniac, a pedophile, no, I have to call the police and arrest you."

Mori Kogoro lowered his head and kissed Haibara's cheek lightly, a hint of evil flashed in his eyes.

"Even if it is really a pervert or a pedophile, it was cultivated by you, Xiao Ai, and you have to bear [-]% of the responsibility for this matter, Xiao Ai."

"Besides, even if you really become such a person, what's wrong with it!"

"After all, Uncle likes Xiao Ai like this the most!"

Hearing this, little loli blushed instantly!

She couldn't help whispering: "Why are you still standing outside, come in and drive!"

Mori Kogoro turned around and got into the car, and the car drove towards his office.Not long after, Kogoro Mori's call came from inside the car.

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