"It's also because of Yulang, the master and his current wife often quarrel, but the people in the company respect the master."

"Needless to say the general manager Shiina, I heard that he was a close friend of the old man in college, and started a business together after graduation, and has supported him to this day, and has been friends for decades."

"However, I also heard them quarreling half a month ago."

"So I feel that Mr. Fujinami and Secretary Satake are the ones who have the best relationship. They both admire the master."

"Although Mr. Fujiba is the chief designer of the company, he was fired by many companies because of his temper. When his life was at a low point, the master took him in."

"Not very polite verbally, but he was the one who cried the most at the funeral."

"Not to mention Secretary Satake, who works in the same office as the master in the company. I also heard that the two of them went out for dinner in private!"

Speaking of this, Yingzi's watery eyes were shining with gossip.

It is also very exciting to retell the story of my old man and old cow eating tender grass!

Mori Kogoro chuckled and said, "Sakura is really a know-it-all, she knows so clearly."

"I really like you more and more. Such a smart maid is very rare. Why don't you go to my house and work for me?"

Yingzi's little face turned red again, and her voice became intermittent, panicked.

"Yeah, I'm not going, you're definitely going to bully people."

"I know so much. It's because my mother has been a housekeeper in Wakamatsu's house for more than ten years, and she will tell me everything after returning home." And I also became the housekeeper of Wakamatsu's house, so I will naturally understand better. "

"I'm not smart or smart at all, don't, don't pay attention to me!"

Mori Kogoro looked into Sakurako's eyes with a smirk.

Those eyes full of water waves didn't dare to look at him at all, they were clearly lying.

Mori Kogoro's magnetic voice sounded.

"But I just fell in love with you, and I want you, what should I do?"

This warm breath landed on Yingzi's cheek, it seemed to hit her heart, causing her heart to palpitate.

Yingzi immediately changed!

His body trembled slightly, his eyes narrowed slightly, and the small mouth of his pursed lips suddenly opened, and he couldn't help biting on Kogoro Mouri's chest muscle.The little hand couldn't help scratching Moori Kogoro's arm.

Yingzi, who couldn't bear to be teased, couldn't help making such a move, as if to avoid it.

Women have learned these tricks without a teacher, biting and scratching like little bitches.

It's a pity that this is not a defense for Mori Kogoro at all.

The room fell into silence for an instant!

Mori Kogoro didn't speak, as if he was waiting for something.

After a long time, the tear-stained and fierce Sakurako glared at Mouri Kogoro again.

However, in the depths of his bluff eyes are more shyness, inferiority complex and puzzlement.

"Maori-kun, why are you doing this? Why are you messing with me?"

"You obviously have Officer Yumi, and you provoke Miaozi again, why are you still doing this to me now?"

"I don't want to play games with you smart people. I'm just an ordinary little maid. I'm not smart and I can't play games. Don't do this!"

As she spoke, the excited Yingzi began to cry again.

Only then did Kogoro Moori let go of his hand, stroking Sakurako's soft back.

Then he bowed his head and kissed Sakura's tears.

Mmm, a little salty!

Immediately afterwards, he looked at Yingzi seriously, his eyes full of sincerity.

"This is not a strange game, nor is it intended to tease you."

"When I saw Sakurako for the first time, I fell in love with this cute girl who is like a little money fan but is working hard for no reason." "Thinking that if I can see you in the office, then I should be in a good mood."

"That's why I want to get close to Yingzi so urgently. I can't help but take some extreme actions, and I can't control it myself."

Listening to these almost confessional words, the negative emotions in Yingzi's heart gradually subsided, and her mood jumped up instead.

There was a smug smile on the corner of her mouth, as if she was very interested in her own charm.

"But I didn't know Sakurako was so sensitive..."

Chapter 0099 the coquettish Futaba

"I haven't encountered anything yet, Sakura, you can't do it!"

Hearing this, Yingzi immediately covered Kogoro Mori's mouth with her little hand, and she blushed and shouted: "Don't say it!"

Mori Kogoro licked Sakurako's palm, and the girl immediately withdrew her hand.

How can the little chick be the opponent of the old driver!

"Okay, don't say it if you don't say it, but Yingzi, you really don't think about what I said just now?"

"Go to my job to double the salary, provide a house and a car, and work leisurely. Most of the work will be done secretly by the snail girl. It's really full of benefits, isn't it?"

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