She turned to Wakamatsu Serika and said: "President, the next plans are all on the computer files, and you need to confirm them one by one!"

The old pickle-like Ruo Song Qin Xiang frowned and put on her glasses, complaining: "I said I'm not good at computer work anymore, remember to print it out next time."

Kogoro Mori saw that everything was going as he expected, so he didn't stay in the study for too long and walked out instead.

But as soon as he came to the corridor, Zhenchun suddenly appeared, leading her big hand to the depths of the corridor.

"Uncle, come with me, I have found something."

Soon the two arrived at the door of Ikuro Wakamatsu, and the forensic officer was squatting to collect the information on the doorknob.

"Isn't it the bad fruit that was planted at the beginning? The poison on the doorknob, Ikuro Wakamatsu got the poison on his hands as soon as he went out."

"No matter what he eats, as long as he picks it up with bare hands and puts it in his mouth, he will definitely die from poison, so there is no poison on the cake at all." "The murderer threw the capsule in the tea cup to mislead us and make us think The murderer poisoned the living room, right?" Hearing this satisfactory reasoning, Mori Kogoro rubbed his short short hair again.

"Awesome, you are indeed a famous female high school detective, you are much more savvy than Heiji and the others."

Hearing the praise, Zhenchun's eyes became crescent-shaped with a smile, and he looked pleased with the head smacking, and said modestly: "No way, it's uncle, you are so powerful, you must have seen through this trick a long time ago!"

Mori Kogoro said, "Does Zhenchun know how to identify the murderer?"

The little girl asked the forensic officer confidently: "Well, uncle, is there a distance of nearly ten centimeters on the floor where no poison was collected?"

The forensic uncle nodded: "Yes, how do you know?"

The pride on Zhenchun's face became more and more obvious: "Idiot, it was covered by the murderer's slippers. When the poison powder was sprinkled, it landed on the slippers. Naturally, there was a ten centimeter gap on the floor."

"So, all you need to do is test everyone's slippers, and the one with the toxic reaction on them is naturally the murderer of this murder."

"Uncle, you have to prepare my gift!"

Kogoro Mori nodded approvingly: "It seems that this case is really hard for Zhenchun."

"However, the investigation has already reached the door. Why don't you go inside and investigate again?"

Zhenchun nodded kindly, and pulled Mori Kogoro into the room.

The door slammed shut, and the sound made the forensic officer feel a little unsteady in his squatting, and he immediately looked annoyed.

Fortunately, the evidence was collected properly and photographed, otherwise the poison evidence would have been destroyed.

After entering the room, Zhenchun turned on the detective mode again and focused on the investigation.

On the other hand, Kogoro Mori watched the show, and he had already let the red queen and the robot do what he needed to do.

Zhenchun's gaze soon fell on the computer in standby mode. She needed a password, so she bent down to observe the keyboard.Standing behind him, Mori Kogoro touched his nose in embarrassment.

Ahem, pale yellow!

Why did this girl change her school skirt so short?

Mori Kogoro didn't want to look at it either, so he turned to come to his side.

But it seems that there is no need to remind, Zhenchun saw the grease attached to the Jiugongge numeric keypad, and began to experiment.

After only three attempts, the computer was successfully unlocked.

The girl was looking for useful information on the computer.

As reports of misappropriation of public funds and profligate expenditures appeared, Zhenchun's eyes became brighter, and it seemed that the case about the Karuizawa villa had also been solved.

Immediately afterwards, she clicked on one video after another, her face changed, and she immediately turned the volume to the lowest.His pupils shrank sharply, full of anger.

Chapter 0102 Tweaked innocence

"Scum, scum, how can there be such a person? How can they do this?"

"Uncle, did the Karuizawa case work together with their mother and son?"

Mori Kogoro nodded: "Just now, I asked the police officer in Nagano Prefecture to look at it, and the blood reaction showed the result. The death message left is Son, son, that is, Ikuro Wakamatsu."

"According to Yingzi's testimony, the person who appeared in the bathroom later was Wakamatsu Serika, and Yingzi was dismissed by Wakamatsu Serika, after which the death message disappeared."

"The truth is self-evident. It's not surprising that this poisonous woman, together with this traitor, would do such a thing."

"Kohei Wakamatsu is a person with a flawed personality. He can't handle close family relationships, but he has extraordinary design talents. With the help of his friend Masashige Shiina, his career has developed well."

"However, it is somewhat unexpected to be so bullied by this mother and son."

Watching Kohei Wakamatsu, who knelt at the door for hours in the video, beaten and scolded, bullied by his wife and children without any resistance, Mori Kogoro felt a little sorry for this man.

Mourning its misfortune but being angry at it!

He is obviously the head of the family, yet he is trampled on by this pair of stepmother and stepson who are getting along together, it is really outrageous!

These videos are even more realistic than Japanese action movies, making people angry.

This family is really deformed!

Ikuro Wakamatsu, who is obviously a social moth, has the power of life and death at home, like a demon king in the world.

His stepmother Wakamatsu Serika is attached to this stepson.

As a social elite, Kohei Wakamatsu, the president of the company, has a flaw in his character, even if he is insulted by his son, he still swallows his anger and dare not resist at all.

The housekeeper Yingzi's understanding of the Wakamatsu family is also superficial.

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