"In the past year, I have encountered hundreds of cases if not a thousand. On average, I have encountered several murder cases a day, but you are not living well. You are nothing at all."

"Besides, even if you really have a curse on you, I can help you get rid of it, look!"

Mouri Kogoro flipped his big hand over, and a ball of flames ignited in his hand.

"This is the witchcraft I practiced myself, and I can also exorcise witchcraft!"

Yingzi's eyes lit up instantly, and she couldn't help covering her mouth and exclaiming: "How is it possible?"

"Nothing is impossible. As a detective, you have to dabble in some strange skills, and then you can practice them."

The flame burned into a rose, and Kogoro Mori handed it to Sakurako.

Under his encouraging eyes, Yingzi stretched out her hand timidly to take it.

Warm, not hot!

The flame rose soon dissipated without the power maintenance, but the warmth was genuine.

Mori Kogoro chuckled and said, "Go to work with me, and I'll help you exorcise evil spirits, how about it?"

Yingzi was immediately fooled, her little head lit up like a chicken pecking at rice.

Seeing that the little maid had been abducted, Mori Kogoro immediately leaned over and kissed her, and then laughed.Sure enough, to deal with this feudal superstitious little maid, pretending to be a magic stick is very effective.

Tsk tsk, what is the best way to exorcise evil spirits?Should I prepare a few sets of maid outfits for Sakurako?

It was almost evening, and Mori Kogoro called the girls to go home.

Jinghua was in a bad mood. The cause of death of his old friend Kohei Wakamatsu had been found out, but the truth made people feel a little uncomfortable.Along the way, Mori Kogoro kept teasing Jinghua, and her mood gradually recovered.

And Zhenchun in the back seat looked at the two people who were fighting fiercely in front, and his eyes were particularly unkind.

Damn, he's already mom's boyfriend, why is he still like this?

But Heye and Hongye didn't mind much.

In fact, they all know the relationship between Jinghua and Mori Kogoro, and the three girls have made it clear.

At first it was a little unacceptable, but it gradually digested it, and instead the relationship became closer, with a faint feeling of alliance.After returning home, Xiaolan and the others also went home from school.

When she saw He Ye, Xiaolan was also very pleasantly surprised, and the two girls hugged each other instantly.

And Hongye confronted Yuanzi again, these two deadly rivals still didn't like anyone!

Kogoro Mori, who had parked the car, went up to the third floor. When Sonoko saw him, he didn't rush forward this time.

Instead, she blushed and hid behind Xiao Lan, greeting her with a red face: "Uncle, are you home?"

It completely lost the cheerfulness of the past, but it surprised Xiaolan and Heye.

Something is wrong, there is a situation!

Kogoro Mori did not expect that what he did to Yuanzi yesterday would have an impact that would last till now.

He smiled gently: "Yuanzi, how are you and your mother doing now? Have you two been obedient after I left?"

Yuanzi then whispered: "Be good, we didn't quarrel anymore, but my mother and I had a cold war, so I won't go home tonight, I want to sleep with Xiaolan!"

Speaking of this, Sonoko glanced shyly at Kogoro Mori again.

Mori Kogoro didn't think too much about it, instead he smiled lightly and said, "That's fine, Kazuya and the others will stay here tonight, it would be nice for a group of girls to get together."

"But there are not enough beds, so I can only sleep on a mat and bedding in the living room."

All the girls replied one by one: "It doesn't matter!" "I can do it!"

At this moment, a small head with black charcoal on its face emerged from the kitchen counter.

Huiyuan knocked on the iron pan beside him, making a clanging sound.

"Are you guys very free? Won't you come in and help with the cooking?"

Hearing this, Xiaolan, Heye, and Hongye hurried into the kitchen to help.

Eri's dark cooking is not only unpalatable, it's dangerous to cook.

Just now when the fire suddenly appeared, it smoked Huiyuan into this appearance.

Afterwards, Eri was pushed out of the kitchen area by Haibara, who refused to let her in, so she went next door to drink tea with Jinghua who came back.

"Xiao Ai, why did you become like this?"

Mori Kogoro stepped forward with a suppressed smile, holding his little head in his big hands and swiping, revealing his little white face underneath.

Fortunately, fortunately, the eyebrows were not burned!

Huiyuan couldn't help complaining: "It's your wife who did it. I have to throw away her cooking and redo it while she's away, so I won't tell you." Little Loli turned around and directed like a supervisor.

Seeing this joyful scene, Mori Kogoro was quite satisfied immediately.

But then, his big hand was grabbed by Zhenchun who drilled out from the side, and walked towards the stairwell.

Chapter 0106

After Zhenchun pulled Mori Kogoro out, she didn't speak, and stared at him with green eyes.

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