How could Kogoro Mori let this girl go so easily, and immediately displayed his master-level kissing skills.

Huixiang had never experienced this before, so her body couldn't help shaking.

After a passionate kiss, Mori Kogoro let go of this girl, and seeing her struggling to control herself, he laughed with success. "Xiao Huixiang is really useless!"

And Huixiang, whose heart was beating like a heavy drum and panting heavily, didn't listen carefully to what Kogoro Moori was saying, and countless fine sweats oozed out of her body at some point.

Looking at Huixiang's appearance, Kogoro Mori would naturally not be stingy in helping.

Soon, another exciting movement was played.


At eleven o'clock in the evening, the villa returned to calm.

On the carpet in the living room, both Yazi and Huixiang were leaning on Mouri Kogoro's arms, each on one side, as peaceful as kittens.The corners of the two girls' mouths were full of smiles, and they didn't continue to be demons anymore!

The two women are naturally free now, and all the whips and handcuffs were released.

The two bags of clothes that had just been thrown off the table were also unpacked and put on them respectively. They are really very charming!

Kogoro Mori also had a look of satisfaction listening to their chattering words.

"...Xiao Wulang, do you know? I will also be a policeman in the future. Sister Yazi will let me go through the back door as soon as she takes office, and arrange me as a member of the Metropolitan Police Department."

"And I don't have to go to the Police Department to check in and report. My identity is undercover. I have undercover funds every month, and I can arrange my own time."

When Yazi heard this, her silky and beautiful legs passed Kogoro, and gave Huixiang a light kick: "Now that I know her name is Sister Yazi, why did you go so early?"

"Hey hey hey!"

Mori Kogoro couldn't help frowning: "Would it be too dangerous for Huixiang to be an undercover agent, or not suitable?"

Yazi gave him a blank look: "Don't worry, I won't do anything to your little lover. The undercover only needs to be responsible to me. All the information is kept confidential, and there is no undercover task assigned to her, but don't underestimate Huixiang." gone."

Huixiang nodded, and said in a bad manner: "Yes, yes, I was in charge of Meng Bo's intelligence system before, and my eyeliner is all over Tokyo. Although I can't be an undercover agent, I don't have the information I need yet." I can't figure it out."

Mori Kogoro reached out and rubbed Huixiang's little head: "Wow! Huixiang is very powerful!"

The little girl who was praised beamed, her long legs rubbed against Mouri Kogoro, and her arms came over.

And Yazi then said: "This time, Huixiang's intelligence made a contribution, Kogoro, I have a clue to the organization you mentioned before." "The guy who was caught by us before and then silenced, his There is no identity in the system at all, and they are completely black households."

"However, Huixiang's people found out his residence, which is in a no-regret place in Taito District."

"There was also a co-tenant at the apartment he was renting, named Rikichi Kusuda, who checked out after the attack."

"I thought he had escaped, but I found out from the information uploaded in the medical system yesterday that this man named Rudao Kusuda broke his leg in a car accident and was admitted to Kubado Central Hospital."

If you think about it, this guy should have something to do with the organization you mentioned.

Hearing what Meizi said, Kogoro Mori couldn't help being amazed.

She really deserves to be the silver fox of the Metropolitan Police Department, even Kusuda Ludao was dug out by her.

Mori Kogoro knew about the whereabouts of Kusuda Rikudo for a long time, but because he has the perspective of God and has been paying attention to the Kubado Central Hospital, it is not unusual to know.

Yazi's ability to find clues in such a short period of time is enough to prove his hard work.

Mori Kogoro couldn't help but hugged Yazi and kissed her pretty face.

The little silver fox couldn't help but wiped the saliva off his face, and patted Kogoro Mouri on the chest coquettishly: "Damn it, he's talking about business!"

"The people in that organization killed the people I managed to catch. This time I will definitely kill them all."

Mori Kogoro shook his head and laughed lightly. It is unrealistic to catch them all in one go. The boss of the organization has not shown up yet.

The rescue of Chianti by the Cupido Central Hospital this time should be in charge of Rum, and at most Rum will be caught.

Mori Kogoro immediately said: "There are people from the FBI guarding the Kushito Central Hospital, and the guard is the code name of the organization, Westland."

"That Nantian Ludao should have sneaked into the hospital to find out where Wesley is. Someone will come to rescue her soon. We can really wait for them to sneak in by themselves."

Yazi had a confused expression on his face: "Ha, Kogoro, how do you know the purpose of Kusuda Ludao? You must have found out a long time ago, right?"

Mori Kogoro chuckled and said, "Of course not. It's just that I joined forces with the FBI to fight against that organization and captured Wislin. I know that she is convalescing at Kubado Central Hospital. Everything is obvious."

"However, we have to be more cautious this time. The Metropolitan Police Department and the FBI are not cooperating. The FBI is hostile to the Tokyo police. The opponent is still a complete old fox. Let's just keep watching. It's better to have a mantis catching cicadas, The oriole is behind."

Yazi nodded in agreement.

On the other side, Huixiang couldn't help but yawned: "Didn't you say that you won't talk about business? I'm already sleepy, so I'm going back to my room to sleep."

Hearing this, the two stopped talking.

Mori Kogoro couldn't help but chuckled, stood up and patted Huixiang's buttocks: "What a lazy pig."

After finishing speaking, he picked up Huixiang, and then took Yazi's hand and entered the room.

Chapter 0161 Where is Qingzi?

At twelve o'clock at night, Mori Kogoro drove back home.

After finally coaxing the two girls to sleep peacefully, he quietly left.

It's not that she doesn't want to accompany the two of them, it's just that Qingzi stayed at home tonight, and Zhenchun asked herself to come back earlier.

And there are so many people at home, it really shouldn't be left out in the cold!

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